Wow! What a shock this must have been. I am no vet, but I vaguely remember reading something about allowing animals to heal with rest and limited movement. But I don’t think that was with the spine- I believe it was a kitten with a broken leg actually. Have you discussed what you should be doing with your vet? I know that you said they have advised you to a specialist, but was there any instruction that you were sent home with? I think if it were me, having seen my cat walking around etc… finding out that it had a broken back would completely floor me. Hopefully one of the DVMs will see this post and have more insight. I hope everything works out well for your cat. Please keep us posted????????
My cat was blocked Wednesday, the vet had a hard time getting catheter in. The unblocked him. Sent him home with pain meds and proposing.
He didn’t go to the bathroom at all that night
I took him back Thursday morning, they drained his bladder again . He had alot of bloodclots.
They told me next option was to hospitalize him.
But sent him home with a sedative to keep him relaxed and hopefully he can pee..
Mufasa has been drinking water. It looks like he has pass dribbles of pee in the litter box.
My question is if they had a hard time getting the catheter in the first time, will another place be able to get one in and keep him monitored?
Going on the third day and I am so worried keeping him sedated and not knowing if he is actually blocking back up
Hi there
My 5 year old cat Max has been diagnosed with a broken back. His back is broken in the middle of the spine.
The vet said she can’t believe he is walking and she does not know how to treat him so she has sent his x-rays to a specialist for opinion.
Max is home with me an he is still walking and just a little wobbly.
He’s always had a bit of a wobble when he walks so I don’t think this issue is new.
Just hoping someone can help me with what I can be doing for him now?
Also if surgery is an option, is it necessary? Is it the only option?
Really no idea what to do.
Thanks in advance.
My 4 y old cat had pyometraand hystrectomy and ovarian removal done 40 days ago . After the surgery, I noticed that she became less active and cannot jump as she used to do before.
Before she was used to jump easily and directly to get on the bed but now she climbs onto an adjacent arm chair and then walks to the bed Also before she was able to scratch her ear by her leg , but now she is not able to do that.
She’s trying but can’t raise her leg to her ear.
Is it possible that her legs become weaker as a complication of the surgery?
Is it normal for a cat to be less active for this long time after a pyometra surgery ?
What should I do to help her regain her normal movement ?
I really appreciate what you are doing , many thanks.
My cat is about 14 years old. Male. Last week really noticed he goes to litter often but doesnt go. But sometimes he did have a few times of clumped urine litter. So took to emergency clinic Sat 12/13/30. They could not get any urine to test. Sent home with antibiotics antiflamatory- pain meds and told to get in see regular vet.
Took to vet today 12/15/20. They were able to get a good stream of urine out as well as these blood clots tissues. See image. Said that I would need to ck his bladder ongoing to make sure it doesn’t get rock hard baseball sized. Gave me a medication to help dilate. Did blood panel and Im waiting to hear back on any other medications.
I feel like imaging should be done like yesterday.
If this blood clot tissue can happen again should he have been keep at vet to do something ?
Was this blood clot a actual plug and blockage. So since they got it out the blockage is gone at the moment?
I am just worried and dont want to make a mistake and not know if he has a full hard bladder.
Or did this clot coming out as he is good currently. How long would it take for another clot to form?
Any input advice would be much appreciated
My kitten’s splint was removed today after a month of immobilization. She had a complete humerus fracture, we assume from her jumping off the couch or playing with our older cat (regrettably too soon which I had not realized). It was an angular break, and the vet did his best to place the bones and splint them, but today we learned the bones healed together improperly, on somewhat of an angle, and her elbow will not bend. She can use the paw and applies some weight to it, but the vet said we will have to keep her confined and wait and see how it progresses, or amputate it worst case. I feel sick about it because I had hopes she would heal, we could not afford the $6k surgery. Her skin is also red with some patches of missing fur. Do you have any recommendations of anything else I can do while we wait and see if she begins to heal more? Can I treat the skin at all? Thanks so much for all you do for these animals.
I attached an image of the original fracture. It is healed with a “knot” around the break, but healed crooked. That doesn’t seem to be what’s causing her leg to stick out crooked, it seems to be the elbow that seems “stuck”.
My cat had a cancerous tumor removed approx. 1 1/2 yrs ago (at JVC) She has had this black (not sure how to describe it) crusty substance under her chin, on her front paw and I recently spotted more underneath her and on another paw. Could this possibly be caused by her cancer if it has returned? Other than that she is acting normal.
My cat (4 yr old domestic) has recently been snubbing his dry food (Hill’s Urinary Health). He’ll eat a little, but will mostly ignore it and beg for wet food for most of the day. (They both get wet for dinner.) This has been going on for about 2-3 weeks. I worried his mouth or teeth were hurting him, but he doesn’t seem to have issues eating wet food. Both of my cats seem hungrier than usual – is that just because it’s gotten colder? Or because I’m now home all the time? How do I know if he is just being fussy or if there is a larger health issue?
Hey guys,
I have a cat named Butters and he needs a polyp removal. I currently live in Arizona and I’ve called around and been quoted for $3000-7000. I’ve seen some comments on here of people finding clinics that does it for an affordable price. I’m willing to travel as well. Please help me find a clinic cause I really don’t like seeing my little guy not being able to breathe correctly ????
back in june i had to take a kitten to the vet for a broken femur. he had been closed in a door at his last home. the vet was able to put it back together and it healed nicely. however the kitten is in pain still and not well. yesterday we figured out it is because of damage to the growth plates in his hips. the pelvic canal is too small and he is having pain with passing stools (primary issue), pain with walking (he waddles, is almost always stationary and has zero kitten-like attitude) and stunted growth in general (he is 1yr old and is the size of a 3 mo old). the vet is an amazing person. he thinks that if he removes a rib he can use it as a spacer to widen the pelvic canal. however, as with all surgery, it is no guarantee. i feel terrible because i dont know what to do. i am inclined to euthanize the poor baby because he is suffering that much, i dont want to put him through more trauma just to end up at the same outcome. what are your thoughts or opinions?
I have a cat that I suspect likely has a soft palate or nasal polyp. So far we have seen my usual vet twice. The 1st visit they just looked at the cat and told us it was probably a respiratory infection and sent us home w/ a course of antibiotics (Orbax). That was a $150 visit. The cat completed the antibiotics and showed no improvement in it’s respiratory status, plus it seems like the meds made the car loose his appetite to the point of hardly eating. We just went back for another f/u visit, this time insisting on at least some diagnostic tests and they drew blood for labs, and did a chest x-ray (which the said appeared clear). This time they sent us home with azithromycin and prednisolone (more antibiotics and a steroid). That was a $500 visit. I expressed concern about an obstruction or polyp to the vet, and was told that if this course of meds didn’t work, we might need to see a specialist. I would be very grateful if anyone could put me in touch with a vet like Dr. Krista Maginfico that could help us address the medical issue at a reasonable price in the Austin, Tx area. Please, help if you know of anyone…..thank you in advance.
I would call your vet. I would think (I am not a vet though) they would want to keep him and monitor him closely since he posed such difficulty in the first place… especially after the second visit.
I’m not sure what options were given to you at the first vet visit but in every cat blocked case I see I recommend placing a urinary catheter and hospitalization for three days (at least) to flush the bladder and debris that caused the blockage. Placing and then replacing a catheter just adds trauma to an already traumatized urinary system. This is what I recommend now.
I took him to Purdue, and unfortunately his bladder ruptured, RIP MUFASA
I am so sorry about the loss of your cat.