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Maggie | 5 years ago
Dr. Magnifico, Hi, I Was In To See You In February With My 18 Yr Old Cat …

Dr. Magnifico,
Hi, I was in to see you in February with my 18 yr old cat Sophie. The morning throw- ups and lack of appetite got better for awhile. The appetite stimulator ointment really helped. But, we’re on a downward swing now. Sophie eats VERY little, yet still manages to throw it up. Yesterday, (Saturday) she ate hardly anything. Today she will not eat at all and has slept all day. So, I’m concerned about what to do. Best case scenario, she would die in her sleep. If she’s not eating, I would think this would happen. But, I don’t want her suffering. If I have her put to sleep at the vet’s, what’s the procedure since i can’t go in? I can’t imagine just handing her off to a stranger. I’m really struggling with this, so would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. If you feel its time to say goodbye we have a special protocol for this. One person can be with her in another building as you say goodbye. I know how hard it is to say goodbye and we are trying very hard to do this safely and compassionately. You don’t have to leave her alone and she will be with you. Everyone wears masks and only two staff members are present, the vet and a technician. . If you would like to discuss this, or anything else about your cat please call the clinic and we will happily explain it. We are also happy to set up an examination and maybe we can help assess her to see if there is anything we can do to help her feel better. I’m sorry but I am away for a few days with a family emergency. I wish you all the best. I hope this helps.

    1. Maggie Post author

      I am calling the office this morning. I’m so relieved to know the procedures will allow me to be there. She’s really bad this morning. I was praying she would go on her own, but that didn’t happen overnight. Thank you for responding. You should be able to spend this needed time with your family. All the best to you and your Mom at this very difficult time.

    2. Maggie Post author

      Just wanted you to know how wonderful your staff was this morning. When I called, they explained the procedures and told me to come down when I was ready. While on my way, Sophie crawled off her blanket, into my lap, cried once and died while I was holding her. When i got to the office, they just verified she was gone. I was so relieved that she went on her own. Prayers answered.

  2. Laura

    Maggie, my heart is with you. My old man cat is doing well right now but I fear the downward swing during this quarantine period.

    I’m so sorry.

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Kayla | 5 years ago
My 2-year-old Cat Suddenly Has Been Hiding And Crouching In The Corner Underneath A Bed In …

My 2-year-old cat suddenly has been hiding and crouching in the corner underneath a bed in one of our spare bedrooms. She is crouching but isn’t “aggressive” until we tried to coax her out and gently push her bottom. By aggressive, I mean that she would just give us warning signs that she might bat/smack one of us if we kept it up. This is extremely abnormal behavior for her, unless there are several people/strangers over. I am worried if something may have scared her or if she is possibly not feeling well? I can’t get her into the vet tonight so I am very concerned. If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions please let me know!! Thank you!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry to say that I cannot offer much advice without an exam and some better observations. I always have to say that abnormal behaviors need to be treated as a possible emergency. I worry about pain, urinary issues and infection. I’m sorry I cannot help more.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning-
    Have you checked her litter box behavior? Has it been normal the last few days? And has her eating habit changed? Are you usually gone during the day and as of late because of the current situation, been home? Or vice versa- have you been gone more if you are essential? These changes may be effecting things too. I definitely would start with a checkup at the vet just to get a better idea of what might be going on. Hope things are ok????????

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Me | 5 years ago
Dr Krista – I Am A YouTube Watcher With A 22yo Cat That May Have Nasal …

Dr Krista – I am a YouTube watcher with a 22yo cat that may have nasal or ear polyps. We have spent 8 weeks trying every antibiotic, nasal steroid drop, antibac nasal drop and still fighting the snorking sound and her inability to breathe. Did nasal swab wk of 4/20 – found 2 bacteria, getting compounded anti bacs at this point since both bacs are super resistant apparently – Citrobacter freundii and pseudeomonas species. Antibacs will arrive to me in California by Thur 4/30 . She has a grade 3 heart murmur and hyper thyroid (on 5mg Methimazole daily). Just as your YouTube vid about Stripes with polyps (2/23/2018), I think I may be in the same situation – I have a vet telling me to go to a specialist for $$$ because everything we are throwing at this isn’t working. How in the world do I find someone like you who is willing to help me for a reasonable cost? I am calling all over for vets and everyone is ‘specialist focused’. Do you have tips on what to ask, experience, and honestly, I need someone with your confidence to do this. Or I need you 🙂 I have been in cat rescue over 30 yrs and ‘get; the lingo but have never had such difficulty finding a vet who could assist. Thank you in advance!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I think that based on age alone it is less likely that it is a polyp and more likely that it is cancer. I say this based solely on experience. I think that I would call all the rescues and shelters around and ask for a trusted vet who would be willing to do a sedated exam to look for a polyp. After that it gets expensive to do the rhiniscopy and ct scan and honestly there is little to gain if it is cancer as it is not treatable. I would try the antibiotics, inquire about a steroid (difficult based on the thyroid and heart murmur but might be worth a trial) and even ask about intranasal cerenia drops. Also look for a feline medicine specialist and be honest about your budget.
    I hope this helps.

    1. Me Post author

      Thank you Dr Magnifico. I have now been/talked to 11 vets since this message to you 2 weeks ago, been to specialists, had nothing but the run around. This process has been agonizing, thousands of dollars, vets more interested in ensuring I know risk and that their liability is removed than caring for my kitty. I have labs, xrays, eco results, UA’s, spent thousands of $$ – and no one will do what you do – do a quick sedation and see if there are any polyps. Maybe she does have cancer but we DONT KNOW THAT FOR SURE. Is there anyway to pay you to review her records and advise me? I am up at nights, crying to figure this out and meanwhile losing valuable precious time and money where I could be helping my baby have a few more quality months/years. Thank you for considering.

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megan | 5 years ago
Is There Any Symptoms Of My Cat Having A Heart Murmur That I Could Tell At …

is there any symptoms of my cat having a heart murmur that i could tell at home?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    A heart murmur is diagnosed with a Stethoscope. A severe murmur can be an indicator of heart disease. Heart disease in cats can cause many clinical signs like lethargy, decreases eating and trouble breathing. I would say that it would be hard to identify a murmur at home. .

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Yamini | 5 years ago
I Have A Semi Domestic Cat With Maggots At Its Tail On Uper Body. It’s …

I have a semi domestic cat with maggots at its tail on uper body. It’s not completely a house cat and can be very aggressive when in pain. Lives mostly in parks in front of my house. I want it help but vets are all closed due the covid 19 lockdown. And the infestation of maggot is really bad. There are 3 wounds on its tail.
I need some tips to sedate it at home so that I can treat it. Any tips?

7 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat.
    All vet clinics in the us are open to emergencies. This is an emergency. Please call and explain what is going on and have your cat seen.

    1. Yamini Post author

      Can I apply Ivermectin on the wound to kill the maggots? Or turpentine oil is better?

  2. Sarah

    Our vet remains open as well as those in the surrounding area. I would call around to find a vet as h this is an emergency.

    1. Yamini Post author

      I don’t live in the us. I live in India. I’ll post u a picture of its condition soon after it returns. It goes in the park at night.

    2. Yamini Post author

      Can I apply Ivermectin on the wound to kill the maggots? Or turpentine oil is better

  3. Krista Magnifico

    This needs to be seen by a vet. If you are unable or unwilling there are videos on YouTube on flushing them out. I cannot offer advice on how to safely sedate. A vet needs to be contacted for that. It’s too dangerous to attempt at home. Also there are products available that have been used in rescue for many years to help. I have known rescuers to use capstar. In the USA it is available over the counter.

    1. Yamini Post author

      I have seen many videos on youtube and have been doing some research since yesterday when I found out about it. Unfortunately catstar is not available at shops. Most suggestions on net I found are of ivermectin or turpentine oil. I am just confused between the 2? I have bought both and will start the treatment soon as he comes back.

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megan | 5 years ago
My Vet Thinks My Cat Has A Nasopharyngeal Polyp But He Needs To Go Under Anesthesia …

My vet thinks my cat has a nasopharyngeal polyp but he needs to go under anesthesia so he they can know for sure and get it out, but he was also listening to my cats heart and said he has a grade one mitral heart murmur and that he needs to have xrays and ultrasounds and such done to make sure his heart is ok before going into surgery because they said his heart could fail while under anesthesia and he could die. My dad said they we should just go ahead with the surgery without spending $550 extra dollars because he doesn’t think he has anything serious wrong his heart considering it was only a grade one heart murmur and my cat was already very nervous about the car ride and being at the vet and that could have caused his heart rate to be off a little. Would it be necessary to look into his heart further or just go ahead with the surgery considering it would only be a 20-60 minute surgery? Would a cat with any type of heart conditions die during surgery? What should I do next?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These cases often arise in my practice. Hears how I address them. I present my findings of the physical exam to my client and discuss recommendations and suggestions to provide the best care possible. Ideally all cats with heart murmurs should have echocardiograms Especially before anesthesia. But based on a cost of about $600 most people decline to do it. It doesn’t change the need for removing the polyp so we typically do the procedure with as many precautions as possible but not knowing everything we would like to because we don’t have the heart scan to know what’s going on in that department. We veterinarians want all of our patients to be as safe and receive the best care possible. But in a lot of cases this isn’t feasible so we do the best we can knowing that we don’t have all the information we would like. Talk to your vet and find the place everyone is comfortable. If you have a bet that isn’t willing to work with you based on budget or diagnostics ask for a referral or seek a second opinion.

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Ashley | 5 years ago
Hello. My Cat Was Spayed 4 Days Ago And I Have Been Noticing Some Swelling Around The …

Hello. My cat was spayed 4 days ago and I have been noticing some swelling around the incision but it looked normal color and no warmth or drainage so I wasn’t worried but today upon further inspection it seems to be more of a bulge. It is semi firm to the touch. My initial thought was a hernia but it doesn’t reduce when pushed and is not soft as I would assume that would be. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain and is a very active energetic cat as much as I’ve tried to keep her quiet after surgery. Is it possible this is a seroma? As it is the weekend right now I’m trying to wait till Monday to get her into the vet. A little worried but she also is acting totally fine so I hope she’s alright until Monday. Trying to attach a photo but struggling. Gonna try to add it in a comment below. Any thoughts would help ease my racing mind. Thanks.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only way to know what the swelling is is to talk to a vet who can examine her. If she is acting normally and if the area is not showing signs of infection; pain, swelling, redness, warm to the touch, or discharge that is thick, malodorous and or yellow/purulent, then you are probably ok to wait until Monday when your vet opens. Some swelling is normal but all swelling should be seen by a vet ASAP. And all cats not acting normally need a vet ASAP. Keep her calm, quiet and under right monitoring and see a vet, preferably the vet who did the surgery as soon as possible. Thank you for spaying her and best wishes to you both.

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Caleb | 5 years ago
So, We Rescued A Dog About A Month Ago, And Since Then Me And Him Have …

So, we rescued a dog about a month ago, and since then me and him have had a really strong bond until recently. Nearly 2 weeks ago we found a baby kitten abandon and we took him home, so I’ve been busy taking care of him aswell. My dog seems to be more distant towards me and hanging out with other household members instead. I think he may be upset, will this go on forever or will he get over it? I miss my big boy by my side all the time

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    Only a month before bringing another animal in? He might be unsettled. Get back to your daily training and he’ll come back to you as his primary person.

  2. Sarah

    Hi there-
    Thanks for opening your home to animals in need. I agree with Laura- he is unsettled. I have to stress ROUTINE. He will thrive on routine and it will help reinforce the bond between you. Just think- you’re life is completely changed and as soon as you start to understand it, another big change is happening. Even if it is a positive change, he doesn’t understand that. I also have to say- WALKS. Nice ones of quality time for the two of you. Try to make them part of your routine that he can count on. The more consistent you are, the more trust you will build. He will come around. Don’t give up.????????

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Dana | 5 years ago
Blocked Cat 3.5 Years Old Left Er At 2pm About 3 Hours Ago They Drained Bladder..asked If …

Blocked cat 3.5 years old
Left er at 2pm about 3 hours ago they drained bladder..asked if they had payment plan and don’t have
.cost is over 2000 dollars
I can’t afford. Trying to find a place that will accept payments in Dayton Ohio

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Call everyone and ask for help. Friends, family, vets, shelters, rescues and any animal foundations. Also see if you can at least try a medical treatment option to help reduce the chance of reblocking. It is also important to change the diet and start an exercise program. Please add your story to the storylines. I would like to hear about how they drained the bladder and what they charged you. It will help others in your situation and I can add my thoughts on what they did and why and how we might be able to offer more help to you now. I hope this helps

    1. Dana Post author

      The first vet hospital drained his bladder and said he had a blockage and so they wouldnt do anything else bc I didnt have 2000$. The second hospital gave him pain meds and said he likely had a blockage also and may not make it through the night
      They also wanted 2000$ and wouldn’t accept payment plan.
      He is very weak now and I’m just watching him breathe
      Don’t think hes gonna make it

      1. Krista Magnifico

        I’m so sorry. Is there anyone you can surrender him to so that at least he can be helped? I would rather have him alive and with another person than dying in front of you. I know it’s terrible but he needs help. Wherever possible. Call the shelters and rescues. Often they have a vet on duty who can intervene. He may go to another family. But be alive

  2. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I am sooo sorry. Is there any chance that your regular vet is available? They know you, have all of your contact information and might be willing to work something out with you????

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Willow | 5 years ago
Very Ill Senior Cat. I Don’t Know If It’s Time To Say Goodbye. Can I Help Her????

My elderly cat, age 17, recently took a downward spiral with her health. It started with her not eating, then the next day she started becoming more unbalanced, along with sleeping more, and still, eating very little (she also did seem to use the bathroom a tiny bit more than usual, but it wasn’t anything like when my male cat had a urinary tract block, she peed a little each time, but she could be dehydrated) , and today it’s only gotten worse, along with her barely using the litter box, she peed today but no sign of pooing. She ate all of maybe once today, with a few treats here and there. She also has been wandering aimlessly to stare into the bathroom (a place I used to give her water) and to stare at her litter box.
She seems really interested in drinking when she’s up, but doesn’t actually seem to be doing it much. (I’ve debated syringe feeding her some water, but I worry it might hurt her)

She is a cat with a history of feline kidney disease, diagnosed stage 2 by the vet that I’d seen a year ago. Although I have been managing it with daily feedings of wet food and water.

I took her to see the vet today, but all he really did was palpate her kidneys and then tell me he felt something there. I was unable to afford the suggested blood work and x-rays, but the vet was saying things like “everything is hospice care at this point, she’s so old, there not much worth putting the money into her at her age.” Wich was a bit callous sounding. But maybe it’s because she’s my baby.
So they suggested I consider euthanasia right then and there. I couldn’t go through with it right that moment and just took her home to decide.
She has eaten a little, and drank a little since. I’ve been putting her in her bed near me as she’s super tired.

Would putting her down be the right decision? Is there something else I can do???? She’s my only family, and pretty much my child. I can’t just give up on her. Please help.

5 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi- I am so sorry that you are going through this difficult time. Only you can decide when is right for you….I like to think that our pets let us know when it is time. If I were you, I would see how the rest of this evening goes and see if she peeks up any tomorrow. Try getting her to eat better and drink some. Very best to you

    1. Willow Post author

      Thank you for your quick reply. This is so hard to watch.
      I’ll definitely be making the decision quickly, and with her in mind, I already feel terrible at her stage, but the sudden euthanasia option was just too much to handle at that time.
      I’ll try getting more food and water into her now.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorrry to hear about your cat. I think it would be really helpful to run some blood work. I always worry about kidney disease and they round disease in these cats. At my clinic this costs about $175. I say this because thyroid disease is treatable. It is best treated early than late. Kidney disease in Advanced stage is not. But I do think that knowing what is going on with her will help make a hard decision a little clearer Also your cat deserves fluid therapy. That is $25 at my clinic for a Sq fluid kit to go home which lasts abo it a week. It can really help some cats feel better. Let me know what happens I hope this helps. Never stop advocating for your cat! Best wishes.

    1. Willow Post author

      I so appreciate your help. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I’ll do my best to see if I can find a way to get a kit like that, he mildly suggested fluids at the clinic, but made it sound like it was pointless. I wish he had advocated a little bit more about giving us fluids to at least put her on. Because I would of happily agreed.

      Would syringe feeding her some water help at all?

      1. Laura

        Hi Willow – the subcutaneous fluids really are a better option, as they do a better job than just ingested fluids.

        If you aren’t feeding a veterinary diet including kidney specific wet food, I’d start. My cat is also in renal failure and simply switching diets and doing subq fluids (when he lets me) have likely bought me more time with him.