I’m so sorry that this has been so frustrating. I think the best advice I can give is to call all of your local rescues and shelters and ask them who they use for cases like this. They know the local affordable and reputable places where you might get better direction. Also ask about a feline specialist. They too are more direct and often helpful. You need a vet willing to work within your budget and concerns who is able to give you meaningful assistance. It is the best place to start I think. Best of luck. Let us know what happens.
So i have a 2 y/o female cat who isnt fixed yet but soon will be. I also have a 2 y/o ferret. They have always gotten along as they both have free range (no one yell about thre ferret having free range please, that isnt the issue and he’s very safe) i found a 4 week old ish kitten about a month ago and decided to keep him. My fear was my cat… but to my surprise she fell head over heels in love with the kitten and now seems to think she’s his mom… that’s being said she cleans him, watches over him, sleeps with him, disciplines him and PROTECTS him… with that being said everytime my kitten and the ferret play she goes aggressively at the ferret and he runs n hides… i feel terrible and have tried to encourage them to play and distract her while they play but she’s relentless. Help!!! All my life ive had different combos of animals and have always found ways to make them get along but im at a loss here… getting her fixed should help this???
Hi Dr Mag
I noticed alittle over a month ago my cat (Zedicus aka Boo Boo) was sneezing alot and sound like he was snoring when he was up. I took him to his VET where he was diagnosed with polyps. My vet referred me to a specialist for a rhinoscopy. In the process of searching for a reasonable priced specialist. I discovered your youtube page while doing research so I could be better prepared and I had to rush Zed to the ER b/c one night he woke up vomiting up foam. Once we got to the ER he was fine. I had the ER vet take xrays and told them what my Vet said. The Dr vet didnt think it was polyps but perhaps allergies or asthma. She prescribe Clavamox for 2 wks and to revisit the Vet and take another x-ray. The medicine helped the runny nose but nothing else. I’m getting frustrated because I don’t want my cat to suffocate and seems no one really knows what’s wrong with him.
My male cat keeps biting and taking chunks of hair out of my female cat who is very fluffy. He plays rough like that with her and I don’t know how to make him stop. She cries and it obviously hurts her having hair ripped out. I yell at him, put him in a separate room but nothing stops it from happening again. They both are fixed and he’s not trying to mount her. He will bite anywhere, tail, leg, side, etc.
I have a 12 year old cat that is experiencing sneezing, nasal discharge followed with blood in one nostril as well as some wheezing. Took him to emergency room and he was given steroid injection and clavamox for two weeks in December. After the two weeks experienced same thing, they stated it could be nasal polyp. Regular vet gave Orbax which did nothing. After calling around because everyone wanted 2500 for a ct scan i found a vet that performed a rhinoscopy and he removed three polyps. One looked abnormal so he did a culture and biopsy. He put my cat on doxycycline. The cat is still having wheezing but breathing better. The meds do not seem to be working. So went back to vet and he gave my cat a steroid injection. The biopsy came back negative for cancer and the culture negative for respiratory viruses. He doesn’t know whats going on. He says either my cat has a immune issue with inflammation where he will prescribe some predisone pills or that the cat has a tumor deeper than his rhinoscopy can go. He is suggesting i put my cat down. My cat has been behaving more energetic since receiving the predisone injection days ago but the wheezing and stuffy nose wont go away. Any ideas, i don’t want to put down an otherwise healthy animal.?
Good afternoon!
I volunteer at a local rescue in their feline only facility. We received a young cat, named Cami, recently that is 9 months old. She has a right head tilt that started about 2 months ago (7 months of age) according to the person who had her since she was a kitten.
A local vet attempted an exam but did not have a scope small enough to look into her ear and the exam became very uncomfortable for Cami. The plan was to get a smaller scope, knock her out and do the exam. Unfortunately, they are unable to acquire the scope at this time. The suspicious is that this is a polyp.
Any ideas what this could be? We are currently wondering if this could be something treatable with medication (to try first) or should we pursue the polyp investigation. Since we are a rescue we are trying to balance the cost but still address Cami’s needs.
Cami shows no distress because of her condition. She does not scratch the ear or shake her head. And is awfully cute!
Thank you, in advance, for any help you can offer!
Cat with feeding tube vomits water and food post surgery.
Hello, my cat had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from the left side of his face. He wasn’t interested in food or water after the surgery, so the vet installed a feeding tube. After one day of tube feeding, he started vomiting everything out – can’t hold down water or food. He was treated for nausea twice – with a Serenia injection one day, and with Zorfan (forgive the spelling errors) on the following day, but he continues throwing up (within minutes of administration of the medication. He hasn’t pooped for 11 days now, but x-ray found stool in his colon – but he is too weak to excrete it. So currently he is at the ER on IV fluids. Any ideas on why his vomiting can’t be treated? Could he have a gag reflex to the feeding tube? Is there an alternative to tube feeding (he won’t eat or drink on his own). Thank you.
My cat has been diagnosed with an ear polyp. We were referred to a specialist with an estimated cost for removal at $1500-$2500. I saw a video with Dr. Magnifico about removal of certain ear polyps, and how the procedure can be done much less expensively than what we were quoted. How might we go about scheduling a consult for removal (and/or removal)?
Thanks, Eddie
For 20 something years, my male & female (a year older) older cats who were neutered & spayed for about 17 years. My female cat has now started to do number 2 on the floor over in the corner floor areas around the litter box. I don’t get it? Why now after All these years? How can I stop this? If I get another litter box, he will have to use it as well. And I can’t keep them in a room apart (that would be cruel) – they’ve had the run of the house for 26 years. I’d appreciate the help. Oh! The only real thing that has changed has been that our dog died (we took him outside to potty ). I’m wondering what’s going on & how to stop this? Thank you.
I have a 15 y.o. cat who was attacked by a feral cat and I treated 2 abscesses and they healed–now 2 weeks later one has re-abscessed. I’m a retired doc on a fixed Army pension and vets here in Hawaii charge $100 just to be seen, not including procedures! Can I puncture the abscess with a sterile scalpel and drain it myself again or did I miss something? The local pet store sells OTC Abx. Would I treat as a person–same staph type Abx?
Looking for resources or help finding a clince for a FIC cat thst needs a PU within reason or cost an location. I do not have many resources or money.
Spaying might help. Big emphasis on might. I would say this is going to take time and boundaries. There is no other way around it. It is very common for the family dynamics to change with the addition of a new pet. You can try to isolate and spend time independently with everyone. Or try caging the aggressor intermittently to see if that helps de intensify the situation (but better wanted it might make the stress worse). Or find a separate place for your ferret and get him his own friend. Really my biggest concern is the ferrets safety. It will take time to see if they can work it out. But I don’t want to risk him in the process. Whatever the resolution might be I encourage you to stay optimistic. Try not to make matters worse with stress or reprimand (Never ever works on animals!) and just trying lots of options. Like adjusting feeding placement and attention rewards for the food behavior.
Ask your vet for help from a behaviorist. And get the cat spayed. If needed ask the vet about behavior modification assistance. There are lots of options there. Very best of luck!