I’m sorry to hear about your cat.
I think that you need to find a veterinarian or a veterinary technician who can show you how to do this. I would also recommend you start gentle physical therapy and feed canned food to keep the feces soft and able to pass more easily.
This is a very good question and I honestly don’t have the answer. I haven’t ever used a flushable litter. We have had all of our patients dispose of the litter in the traditional manner. I guess I would say to ask the vet doing your cats radioiodine therapy. Let us know what they say.
The vet who did the radioiodine therapy did not have anything more specific than flushable. Around this same time our other cat had a couple of accidents. We decided this would not be a good time to change litter. Maka is now home and both cats are back to their usual routine.