My guess is that the tail should be amputated to the point where there is viable skin to close the incision. I am worried that the hair will not grow back and she will be in constant discomfort to the point of self traumatizing. I don’t have any cheaper options for you. I’m sorry. I suppose there is a chance the tail might heal but any and all open wounds should be carefully monitored for infection and maggots. Please see a vet. At least for an exam and ask for guidance.
My cat recently had a bilateral chain mastectomy following the diagnosis of an adenocarcinoma in one of the chains. She came through the surgery well and all looked good at her follow up appointment. However, over the next few weeks I started to notice her stomach swelling. I took her into my vet 3 weeks after getting her stitches removed to check it out. She did an x-ray and tested the fluid and determined it was a seroma. She drained the fluid and started her on antibiotics. The seroma has returned (from what I’m reading here that’s not surprising) but it is firmer this time. Should I be concerned about that? Does anyone have recommendations on what to use for compression of the abdomen in a cat? I’m concerned the seroma will keep increasing in size. How do I determine how big is too big to just wait it out? Thanks!
Our outdoor cat (1yr) wasn’t around during the day, like she usually is, for lots of love. When she finally came around that night, we noticed the top of her tail seemed skinned on the bottom part (just meaty flesh), about 2.5inches. We went to our local farm store and bought a spray to keep infection out and help heal. She seemed to feel better a couple days later, eating and coming around more. Then we noticed the whole tail was looking abnormal, like skinned, with fur hanging. She became more herself, following us around property, wanting alot of love, moving easily, jumping up on things, eating well. 2.5 weeks since this first began, and today, the whole outer part came off! It was almost like a cacoon type looking, hollow inside! All the hair and everything is now gone, just about 4-5″ of completely bare flesh.
I have documented with video/pictures the whole time. We weren’t sure if an animal tried to bite her, or she had gotten it caught in a trap? We love her so much, my 5yr old has raised her after her mommy died 6wks after birth. We are a one income family, and my husband is about to have surgery that we have to pay for upfront, as well as coming up with the money the short term disability won’t pay for 6wks…we are at a loss?
First pic is how it has looked for about 2 weeks, then the other 3 pics are from today ?)
My rescue cat of 5 years is showing all the symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Polyp. He is my everything!
OH please I am begging for help here ! I am disabled and he is the center of world . I am on the south west coast of Washington State, my rescue cat Kiki presents with all these symptoms ( I come from a family of RN and Bachelor in Nursing ) I have called vest around here and ALL of them say they do not do this surgery because they dont have the scope, or they will not even discuss possible price or treatment without me coming in and the vet seeing them. They say they will diagnose and refer me to a specialty clinic not far away . The specialty clinic gave me a quote of $3,500-$5,000 !! If this is even what is wrong with him . I am devastated that no one will even discuss this with me without paying for a vet visit. It looks like i could spend hundreds in visits before i can find someone who is even willing to think about this surgery without referral to the very expensive specialty place . PLEASE HELP I CANNOT AFFORD THAT MUCH !! Meanwhile my poor sweet Kiki is slowly getting worse. I dont know what to do anymore !!!!!!!!
My 1 year old neutered male cat has been singing the song of his people nightly, starting around 0200. It’s actually more a chirp than a meow, but he doesn’t stop until the sun comes up. He isn’t locked out of the bedroom, food and water needs are met, litter is clean, etc. He doesn’t do this during the day. He seems to keep these shenanigans confined to the hallway or the bedroom. He just walks around chirping with the occasional half meow.
The only thing that seems to stop him is if I kick his brother (littermate and best friend) out of my bed and lock them both out of the bedroom, which makes HIM sad. Choir boy is happy to sleep in our bed any other time of day, with or without human or feline companions, so it’s not like he wants his brother out of the room because he himself is uncomfortable in there.
I should add that there have not been any food, litter, family dynamic, or even furniture changes. Nothing new in his world. What gives?!
Seromas are pretty typical after removing a large piece of tissue. The space removed has the potential to be the size of the subsequent seroma.
If you are worried or unsure I would ask for a referral to get a second opinion.
Thank you! Can seromas be firm?
This picture was before it was drained the first time. It’s come back but it’s not quite as big as it was yet