There is no way I can give honest and credible advice without advocating that this cat sees a vet asap. There are non profits that can provide financial assistance and some that even have a vet on staff to provide care. This cat needs an examination and some diagnostics.
Please call your local vets, shelters and rescue groups. Look for help on every local social media platform and keep asking for help. Start a go fund me. The best advice I can give if this.
We need more information to help you and your cat.
Please stay tuned. I am working on this very topic
Based on your description and the photos I feel about as confident as I could that this was a cancer in the nose/face/brain and that you did the right thing.
No matter how much money you would have had, or how many specialists you could have brought her to she was not able to survive or get better with this.
I am so sorry. I do believe you did everything you could have and that your cat was so lucky to have had someone who loved her as much as you did.
Sending love and condolences.
Thank you for your input, Dr Krista!
It never occurred to me that it might be cancer. She had a biopsy done last year (for the cutaneous lesions) and it came back positive for cryptococcosis. They didn’t want to touch her nose or interfere with it, since it was so sensitive. Once she was on fluconazole, her nose response (clearing up) was so rapid, within 3 weeks all the crust, nasal bridge disfigurement and inflammation had virtually disappeared. She was breathing well. That was on 37.5 mg a day.
When she developed a big ulcer on her side, and then later her nose starting to inflame and ulcerate again, I felt so solemn about it all. Previously she was in what appeared to be a “stall” state with her nose. Upping the dose did not do a thing, imo. It continued to worsen.
Could it have been fungal AND cancerous? My theory was the fungus developed resistance to the meds, and also was far too embedded to loosen its grip. In months past, I looked up nasal cancer to get an idea what that looks like but it didn’t seem to fit her. Also looking it up because I was so worried about her not being able to get air in, and whether this was humane, while we searched for a cure. Cryptococcosis cases in cats are not well documented online. I have not yet found one where the cat’s nose was so blocked up, from nostrils all the way up, like hers was.
She was very loved, I am amazed at her resilience and that is what also hurts. She was so intense and sensitive, with immense all-round hardiness. It really felt that whatever was afflicting her was not going away.
Thank you for your reassurance. I felt I took her life too soon, and also concerned she was not comfortable. It’s challenging to separate what I want and see her /the situation objectively and compassionately.