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Sharon Kim | 6 years ago
My Male Cat Has Trouble Passing Urine Today, Went To The Vet And Was Diagnosed…

My male cat has trouble passing urine today, went to the vet and was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis. He’s not completely blocked only passing tiny dribbles of urine. Was prescribed an anti inflammatory, pain meds and new wet food. He’s been drinking lots of water and not eating since we got back from the vet. I’m worried about him. Was told to wait and see and then come back if no change or symptoms worsen. He’s been hiding under the bed no improvement. Won’t eat. We have some calming spray and topical drops coming in the mail soon just to see if that helps with any stress. Would love to hear anything you can contribute.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For cases like this when I have a very worried and devoted parent I ask them if they would like to learn how to palpate their pets bladder to be better able to monitor at home and also to give sq fluids to keep the bladder as flushed as possible. If you can afford it hospitalize your cat for iv fluids and have them monitor. Then I recommend you switch to a urinary formula canned food and maybe even add water. Also products like cranmate or dasaquin might help. Ask about what you can do at home. Ask about pain management and follow up urinalysis. Ask your vet to be as personally invested in your cats health as you are. If they aren’t find a different vet. Try a cat specialist. Good luck.

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Cathy Testerman | 6 years ago
My Sister Has Several Female Barn Cats Who Have Had Multiple Litters Of Kittens. …

My sister has several female barn cats who have had multiple litters of kittens. I am willing to pay to have them spayed and vaccinated. Low cost spay/neuter places have a 6-8 week waiting list. I am willing to pay full price for the spay. I am looking for a clinic where I can bring them one at a time. Have them vaccinated and spayed. My vet is requiring a preop visit and then I would have to schedule spay. This would basically be impossible for me to do. Why can’t this all be done at one time? Trap/neuter/release programs do this all the time. Do you have any suggestions or know of any vet clinics that can accommodate me?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you are a client of Jarrettsville Vet please call and ask for me or Jen. We can help you make this happen. And I often give discounts for getting a colony of cats spayed and neutered. I’m happy to help. Thank you for helping her. The clinic is 410-692-6171

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Tempest Is An Older Cat With A Mass On Her Side That Started Out Looking…
Treatment Cost (USD): $770.00
Exam: 7.4 lb. 12 yrs old. O noted growth on right chest growing rapidly. Had small cyst noted on file about 4 yrs ago. Eating and drinking normally. Had Rabies vaccine 3 yr 7/28/16, FVRCP 3 yr and Leuk 7/1/16. Mainly indoor cat, but does go outside some during day. Wait on vaccines until biopsy of mass is in, Skin- about 1 " diam, raised, firm, mulitlobulated mass right lateral chest on skin- no SQ attachment. Recommend removal and biopsy and can scale teeth at time of sx.
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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My One And A Half Year Old Cat Seems To Have A Sore At The…

My one and a half year old cat seems to have a sore at the corner of her mouth. It might just be a small scab, she is eating normally/drinking water and going in the liter box like normal. I’m not sure if we should take her to the vet if it could be something really bad or if it’s nothing. Please let me know, thank you

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    It looks like it might just be a wound? Or scratch, something minor.. I have seen it happen to my cat when they are playing with each other. I would monitor it and call your vet if it worsens or persists longer than a day or two. Also, things like this are a great opportunity to reach out to your vet to make sure everything else is current (vaccines, preventatives, even a quick check to make sure the microchip is where we left it), and tell them you are a little concerned about it. They can help if you need them.
    best of luck.,
    Happy Easter to you both

Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Chronic Abscess In The Neck Of A Cat. What Are Your Options If It Doesn’t…
Treatment Cost (USD): $321.00
Bert is an indoor-outdoor cat. He came home one day with a swelling on his right shoulder about 1 week after his family noted he was limping. The initial exam (about 1 week before the drain was placed), revealed a slight fever, swollen and painful area of the right shoulder. The swelling was explored and a large amount of purulent material was found (puss). Bert was given an injectable antibiotic (Convenia) that lasts about 2 weeks. He was sent home to be monitored.
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Other Service
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Radio-iodine Treatment For Hyperthyroidism In A Bombay Cat. Meet Bica.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1700.00
Bica was brought to me because her parents were concerned about her weight loss and muscle wasting. She was about 12 when first diagnosed. Most hyperthyroid cats are active (or over active), have a voracious appetite and even though they seem to be eating an adequate amount they continue to lose weight and muscle. Many cats are presented very thin and some even become so ravenous they start to become aggressive about food, or even around people. Bica's parents noticed her subtle signs very early on. She is a very loved and very lucky kitty.
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Jillian Fouts | 6 years ago
I Have A Senior Cat Who Goes Into Labored Open Mouth Breathing When He Is…

I have a senior cat who goes into labored open mouth breathing when he is in a hard purr and also has wheezing and snoring but otherwise acts normal – eats, drinks, and is active for his age. The snoring is even when he’s not in a deep slumber and it can be an airy rattle if that makes sense and he has a little squeak when he swallows. I saw your video on the cat with a polyp and thought maybe this could be what he has except that he’s almost 17 so the vet suggested it probably isn’t since that’s more of a young cat thing but did suggest a scope and CT which will cost me 2500-3500 and he will have to be put under. In reading about breathing, heart disease can also cause breathing problems and since he has heart disease I would hate to spend all the money and put him through that to be told the scope didn’t show anything. I’ve also been reading about asthma, but my regular vet nor the specialist even mentioned that it could be that and from what I’ve read, it’s hard to diagnose. He’s a flame point Siamese and he has early ckd and some heart disease (stage 3/4 systolic murmur and hypertension), so I’m nervous about putting him under. Aside from these “old man” things, the specialist and my regular vet say his labs are spectacular. The specialist said when she is presented with a cat that has these conditions, they bloodwork and labs never look this good. So I certainly don’t want to put him down if he looks good but I also feel like he can’t be comfortable with these breathing episodes. One thing to note, when they did bloodwork a couple of weeks ago, his eosinophils were elevated which I have read can be linked to upper respiratory and asthma. Im putting the link to videos of the wheezing and purring to see if you’ve ever seen such a thing in a cat. I sure wish I had you closer by. Thank you so much!



1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    i reviewed your videos, i think that it is appears as if the wheezing is in the oropharynx area. It also appears to be primarily it the inspiratory phase of the purring/breathing.
    There are internal medicine specialists who focus on this kind of clinical sign. I am not sure if there are any in your area though? I think the best place to start is at a feline specialists office. They tend to be more affordable and accessible. See if they can help start to rule out things before you jump into a scope.
    In my practice for cases like these a typical work up looks like this;
    1. exam,,, use your brain,, its your best diagnostic tool.
    2. radigraphs,, to look at the lungs.. lots of older cats have chronic lower resp disease,,, and unfortunately, we are also looking for signs of cancer.
    3. blood work,, a full cbc, chem, urine and t4.
    4. oral exam under anesthesia,, i look at the whole oral cavity, remove a polyp if i find one, flush the nares if the patient has had chronic nasal discharge, and then I also take skull rads, esp of the nose/nasal passages.
    if all of this fails to produce any helpful info endoscopy is the next step.. or CT, but endoscopy allows helpful info and you can do something (biopsy, etc) if you find something.
    I hope this helps..
    PS i agree about your theory and feelings about the corp practices..
    good luck,
    please keep me posted,, i would love to hear about how things turn out.
    PSS i do think that your kitty is a little old for a polyp.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My 2 Kittens Were Spayed Last Week And Both Have Developed A Seroma. One Of…

My 2 kittens were spayed last week and both have developed a seroma. One of which is leaking a bit. We have 2 other cats and never experienced this with the others. The vet said they are caused by being overactive, is this accurate? They were both relatively calm and quiet for most of the week after their spay and these just developed within the past 2 days. After we had them rechecked at the vet Monday, they told us to separate them and basically quarantine them to separate bedrooms. We tried this yesterday but keeping them isolated has just caused them to be overactive when they finally get to come back out. We don’t want to make them go crazy from the isolation. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you in advance!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I can’t really offer an opinion for the surgery or after care. And I’m not sure that blame or identification of underlying cause is helpful at this point. I do however think it is relevant and appropriate for you to inquire who did the surgery and what their experience level is. You can get a copy of the doctors notes and ask the vet if perhaps surgical technique was a part of the seroma. I see these as learning opportunities not sources of blame. Then ask for help in getting your kittens through this. Collectively and productively. If you are struggling with any part of your kittens care or post op care they should be happy and willing to help. As long as the incisions are intact (skin and linea I tell clients to do their best at keeping them quiet. I also offer things like a large dog carrier for times you can’t supervise and options like catnip to keep them busy without too much crazy activity. If you feel that you need more help ask for a referral or get a second opinion. In my experience kittens heal really quickly and this isn’t much of an issue for longer than a week. (But I don’t know how big the seromas are so please use your vets guidance to help you.
    Good luck.

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JoAnn Sevey | 6 years ago
My Friend Took Her Kitten To The Vet This Morning To Get Spayed. When She…

My friend took her kitten to the vet this morning to get spayed. When she went back to pick her up the vet told her the cat vomited 10 minutes after surgery & the vomit went into her lungs… Is this
a common thing that happens ?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    No in my experience this is not common. I don’t allow my clients to feed their pets for 6-12 hours before surgery. And I try to avoid using an anesthetic that can cause vomiting. I would ask your vet for more details and info and what follow up measures or precautions you should take.

Other Service
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Neutering A Feral Cat. What Is A TNR, And What Does It Cost?
Treatment Cost (USD): $187.00
Rey is a feral cat who showed up at one of our employees homes. She is feeding him and was able to trap him so he could be vaccinated, FeLV/FIV tested, and neutered. We also gave him a topical dose of Revolution to treat/protect against parasites. We also ear tipped him and gave him a microchip. He will be released at her home in a day or two.
1 Response


  1. Stacey Harris

    Thanks Krista for taking the mystery out of this procedure. Having worked for our local tnrv organization, Ive wondered how sedating such a wild animal trapped in a metal cage was accomplished, short of a blow dart?! The ferals I’ve trapped are surprisingly ferocious, completely unlike the typical domesticated pet. I applaud you for performing spay/neuter on ferals; we have difficulty finding vets who will perform this in Tulsa. Thank you!