I’ve had this happen with lots of cats before, we always took in strays. Cats are a bit different then dogs so honestly the two will work it out. They’ll either learn to get along or just avoid each other on their own. You could leave them unsupervised anytime and it’ll be fine.
I just adopted an 8 year old cat about 2 weeks ago, he seemed to be doing well at first and he seemed very comfortable. I moved the temporary litter box that i had for him in my room near the litter box that my other cat uses. He knew where i put it as he had followed me down there and sniffed both. However, this morning i woke up to find that he pooped in the cat bed that i had in my room. As i left for work i decided i would bring the litter box up to prevent any further accidents. As soon as i sat it down he used it. Im not sure i understand where the disconnect is since he knew where i put it to begin with. I cant keep this litter box in my room forever, so im wondering if anyone has any ideas for transitioning the litter box to the normal space
How will i know when my adult cats are ready to be unsupervised? I recently adopted an 8 year old male who was previously bonded with another female (they adopted her and i couldnt let him stay in the shelter alone), and i already had a 6 year old female. Louie seems pretty easy going about the whole thing but Mia still seems skiddish. They only hiss every once and awhile and its usually started by her, im doing all i can to keep him in his own quarters but its very obvious he wants the freedom. It has been 5 days since i adopted him and i am allowing him to roam under supervision. How will i know when its okay to let him out permanently?
I just had to share pictures of my cute babies, 1st is Fat Louie(weighing in at a hefty 22lbs) and 2nd is my beautiful Mia.
Cheyenne M
Hi looking for some advice. I have contacted almost every source of Google and rescues possible. I am a single mom with an 8 year old son. Recently we had to put our cat down. He was older than my son. On top of that, my son has not heard from his father in 2 years. He is having a hard time and really wants a kitten. I don’t know if they have any programs to help with long term care for people with disabilities. . therapy animals maybe? I have also spoken to some shelters offering to volunteer in turn for help with the new kitten. So we are both helping each other. It seems that the shelters are over crowded with animals looking for loving homes and I can definitely give that!! I am not sure about my financial future as a new single mom and want to be safe.. not making mistakes in the long run. Can anyone point me in the right direction?? Thanks!!
I have a question,is there any way that a cat who has received her rabies shots,and is an indoor cat with hardly any contact ever with the outside world(at least no contact in the last month,other times was you know,just to the vet and all) Can have rabies?i’m a hypochondriac and my cat just bit me and I wanna make sure I’m Ok.
Thank you for taking the time.
Our 8-9 month old cat is a stray adoption from the humane society, but he is a total pig! You would think he is starving all the time. We have another cat in the house, but if he’s not at his dish during feeding time Jimmy will eat his own food and the other cat’s food. I have tried feeding him several smaller meals throughout the day or a large one in the morning, but nothing seems to satisfy him. He is on his way to being too fat. Any suggestions for satisfying his appetite or giving me some peace with his constant begging?
Starr Henry I often rescue strays and it seems the longer they’ve been on the street the more likely it is they do this. Most likely because they are used to not knowing when the next meal is coming from and when it’s coming. I have one cat that will beg for anything with pasta sauce on it. You just have to try to show them they will have food all the time it might be easier because he’s young but there’s really no telling how a cat will delve lip with time.
Hi, I brought my cat to the vet on Thursday. She has been straining to urinate since Wednesday night. She had also been throwing up her food and had had diarrhoea on the Thursday morning. The vet prescribed antibiotics for cystitis and I am brining her back after a week for a recheck. She had quite a lot of blood in her urine before she started the antibiotics but this has stopped since. She is still frequently going to the litter tray and is still straining and doesn’t seem to be able to get much out. She has stopped getting sick and is eating and drinking as normal. Apart from a little bit of diarrhoea on the Thursday morning she has not defecated at all and prior to that it had been at least 4 days. Could you give me some advice on when I should begin to see improvements?
E Thank you for your responses. I rang the emergency vet today and she told me that it would take a few days until she is urinating normal again and as long as she is eating and drinking she should be ok. She no longer has blood in her urine, however I am still quite worried as there doesn’t seem to be much improvement in the volume of her urine output and she seems to be straining a lot with only a a little dribble of urine each time. She is also licking the area after every time she tries to urinate. Other than this her temperment seems normal and she is lively.
We just adopted a rescue cat and he is very timid. Hides under furniture, won’t come out. Is this normal? He has barely eaten and has not urinated or had a bowel movement. It’s been about 24 hrs since we got him.
Anonymous Yes, this is normal. The rescue didn’t explain a proper introduction to your home? I would keep him in one room, with the door shut, for at least a week, but ideally longer, especially if you have any other pets in the house. Keep a litterbox, his food, and his water in there. Go in for chunks of time each day, and totally ignore him – take a book and read, or do some other quiet activity. This gives him a little time to acclimate to the new home and new people in his life. Rehomed animals, particularly adults, NEED a significant period of time to adjust.
My friend has a cat whose eye needs to be removed. Can you recommend a surgeon that will provide this service for a reasonable price located in Maryland. The cat does not seem to be in pain.
My 5 year old bob tailed cat has a new Pomeranian roommate that he didn’t quite hit it off with. We tried a very gradual introduction. He’s a big cat and she’s a tiny dog and we’re afraid he thinks she’s a squirrel. He got along with my old roommates’ dogs fine after a time, so I’m hopeful this could be the case.
She’s very energetic and he’s friendly and playful for the most part but gets reserved around her. Any advice?
Anonymous This might be useful for you: https://www.petmd.com/cat/emergency/common-emergencies/e_ct_seizures_and_convulsions
Tracy Moore My cat used to have seizures, it was really scary. Come to find out, it was caused by feeding her people food. We stopped giving her people food type treats and she hasn’t had a seizure since.
I would hold her and talk to her while she siezed. She was always very disoriented when it was over and went exploring the house like she’d never been there. It turns my stomach in knots remembering those horrible times.
I think the disconnect is in teaching him to go in your room then assuming he would understand he wasn’t supposed to. I recommend not confusing your pet by starting with one direction (ex here is a litter box for you but it will be in a different place tomorrow) and then being upset he is confused. Why can’t you keep it in your room? If he is your cat and stays with you it will probably be the best way to insure he is going where you want him to (in the box). If you refuse to have it in your room you will have to wait until he is acclimated to the house and using the other one. And then you will have to start very (like very!) gradually moving the box in your room to the place you want it to be. Also. Lots of cats don’t want to share litter box spaces or areas. It is a place they feel threatened or anxious so they prefer to be in a quiet private place. I hope this helps.
Better to have boxes on both floors anyway. 🙂
I’m sorry if you thought the answer was condescending. It wasn’t intended to be. It was intended to be my perception of what your new cat might be thinking and why he might be confused with the litter box moving and your expectation of his response and confusion. If it upset you I apologize. It wasn’t my intention.