If your kitten begins to have loud breathing or making snoring sounds, or if you notice open mouth breathing or any kind of discharge from the nose then I would go back to the vet. In my experience these recur about 10% of the time. Good luck. If you don’t mind I would love to have you share her story on our storylines page. It helps other people learn from the members experience and also helps understand prices in vet med. if you have any questions just let me know.
Good luck.
The best way to get the best help both long and short term is to have a clear precise diagnosis. This means it is important to know if we are dealing with calculi, inflammation, stress. Etc. Often there are multiple things that cause the issue so identifying which and how they contribute is very helpful on finding the treatment or cure. In some cases what you are already doing and diet exercise, supplements and mental stimulation are all that are needed. In others surgery like a PU can solve the issue. Please ask your vet about all of these or seek a feline specialist or internal medicine specialist. I hope this helps. Good luck.