Aleshia that sounds awful – I am so sorry to hear this. Could you take her to the emergency vet tonight?
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My cat has been vomiting about 4 times this evening and has had diarrhea twice should i be worried what are possible causes? I dont want to take him to vet unless absolutely necessary as cost is expensive. thanks
My cat has had a scab on her nose for a couple months. I took her to the vet and he tested her for mites. Came back negative. He told me to give her 4 doses of revolution every other week to see if it would clear up. It looked like it was clearing up but today she seemed out of it (she’s a outdoor cat). I went outside and her nose was worse than ever! Scabby and super swollen. It looked like she had no nose. I took her back to the vet. She had fever of 105. I’m waiting on blood work. Since being home her nose started dripping blood and a white sack appeared and is getting bigger and bigger. Any idea what this could be? I’m so scared she’s going to die tonight :'(
Aleshia that sounds awful – I am so sorry to hear this. Could you take her to the emergency vet tonight?
I adopted my cat Loki more than 2 years ago when he was a little over 1 1/2 years old. He is going to turn 4 on October 9 (in just over one week from now). He is neutered, and vet records show he was neutered as a tiny kitten. His only medical issue is a viral infection in his sinuses which requires daily Lysine doses in his food and he does very well. He is not de-clawed. He has always been very good about using the litter box for the 2+ years I have had him.
Just last week he peed in a laundry basket of clean clothes on my bedroom floor. While cleaning that up I noticed he had earlier peed on a pile of dirty clothes about 6ft from that basket. I’m embarrassed to say I left my laundry get out of control and my room was a disaster area, so I thought it was possible he peed on the items as a call to action for me to clean up my mess. Since then I have been sleeping on the couch so he doesn’t claw at the door while I’m keeping him out of my bedroom for a while. I though it was an isolated incident and we were over it. Now it’s 2:30am and I smell urine on my couch right next to where Loki and I were sleeping. It’s not wet and does not smell like ammonia- just a minimal amount of urine. He has never, EVER marked anything or demlnstrated anything similar to marking behavior before.
I live alone in a 600 square foot apartment with one immediate neighbor who makes almost no noise. I do not have any other pets. The only major change that has happen recently I went from working 60-hour workweeks (November through July) to a 4pm-1am(ish) 4day/week schedule (July-August) and started a 9-5 in the second week of October, where I leave at 8:30 and return by 6:00.
The litter box is kept clean and he does use it daily. No sign of straining and the pee clumps are the same size as usual. He is eating and drinking normally and shows no sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, disinterest or fatigue.
What could the problem be? How can I get him to stop? It is so sudden and I am worried about him!
Hello Erin… need to take him to the Vet. Urinating suddenly like this could be sign there something wrong…kidneys, crystals a bladder infection…all sorts of things. Take a urine sample with you if you possibly can, it will help the Vet pinpoint the problem.
Hope he recovers soon!
**I meant to say 9-5 started in September, not October (since we’re. It there hey obviously!)
There could be a number of reason why he is peeing outside the box. 1st thing could be the change of hours you are working now, cats do not like change, 2nd reason could be the size of the litter box it may be to small for him now, you could get a bigger litter box, 3rd reason could be the kind of litter you are using, the best ltter is small pieces and clumping, also you should always make sure the litter is clean and once a week you should wash the litter box with soap and water. Where ever he is peeing outside the litter box you have to make sure that you clean the spot really well or he will just keep coming back to the same spot. And last you should buy a second litter box for him and put it closer to where he is going. If he is eating and drinking the same and hasn’t change at all then i don’t think he is sick but if you try these things and he is still peeing outside the box and if he stops eating and drinking then please take him to the vet, or if you feel that none of these things will help you then you should take him to the vet. Sorry but i just thought of something, even if a male is neutered they will sometimes spray but its not a big amount like pee would be, its a small circle and has no smell, and cats are like children in some ways, i think your cat is upset about your new hours and is just acting up. I hope this will help you and your cat. Good luck and take care.
So when a cat urinates outside the box, it is a sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, illness, stress,,,tons of other things as well.
I would take him for a urinalysis. You cannot tell by how much pee or how little pee a cat is making if there is an infection. One of the main reasons cats pee outside the box without ever having done so before is a UTI. (urinary tract infection) . So it’s best to get him checked.
Also, the stress from you having a different schedule could also cause this for him. But my bet would be on something going on with his body, so get him examined and tested.
A few other things could be: diabetes, thyroid issues that can also cause peeing issues.
Good luck!!!
She recently had pymetra and had emergency surgery about three weeks ago she was rechecked at the vet and was ok. its been two to three days since she acted normal although she ate her food last night. it was Alpo prime cuts can and kibble and bits dry food. she is protecting her mouth It appears the roof of mouth is swollen . Pls help. Im lost.
Thank you
P.S. could a cat scratch to her face cause this or a bee’s sting?
We have a WONDERFUL cat, who is destroying our furniture more, and more. Would someone please share some possible solutions to curb her scratching the furniture before we have no furniture left?
Hi Sarah,
There are lots of things you can do to help your cat. First, here is a great link about it :
Make sure to provide lots of other options for her, scratching posts are great, or the rigid cardboard scratcher boxes–you sprinkle some cat nip on them to lure them and encourage her to scratch.
Clip her nails as short as possible. If you are not comfortable doing this, take her to a groomer or your vet. It’s important to do this every 4 weeks so they don’t get too long. This will help a great deal.
Make sure she has a lot of things to keep her busy,,cat tree, interactive toys, etc..that should help too.
Finally, if you catch her in the act. You can try sound as a deterrent. Take a metal can–like a soup or coffee can, fill it with a few pennies and seal it. When you see her start to try to scratch, loudly shake the can and say NO in a firm voice. After a few times of doing this , you may see her not trying to go near the furniture.
Good Luck! Make sure to check out the link I put in at the top of this, lots of good advice there.
Hi Kelly- we have scratch posts on each floor of our house and scratch pads as well. This is the first time that I have had a destructive cat. It is EXTREMELY difficult to cut her nails. I’ve gotten one or two here and there over the years, but have the scars to prove it. She loves to be cuddled, but not held. Everything is on her terms, which is fine. That is part of what makes her so awesome! I will definitely check out the link you not. Thanks!
Someone I know trained his cat to not scratch furniture by putting double sided tape on it
Hello, I just adopted a kitten and I had a few inquires about her and her health. Unfortunately, the previous owner did not know her age, therefore I do not either. The kitten is a Persian breed, at glance I’d say she’s about 5 or 6 weeks old. Please would you tell me what type of food to give her? Prior to my understanding of what cats eat, I have fed her cheese as meals for an entire day; I stopped upon finding out it is not good for them. I have then fed her boiled chicken, though she ate it she did not seem to enjoy it. I plan on buying cat food today however I do not know what brand to get; and since she was getting hungry I fed her smoked turkey rashers and I’m wondering if that would harm her?
Hi Zain
As she is a kitten – she needs building up like any new animal- get kitten milk -it is called that- NOT normal milk -at the supermarket- this is a food supplement- any good commercial “wet” canned food and you can get biscuits for different age cats
Also the local vet can give you advice – a lot of commercial biscuits are very salty- ask the vet
regards David
Is cat acne usually painful for the cat? Do they scratch at it?
Can I put on frontline plus early? I put it on my cat three weeks ago.
My cat has a abscess above his tooth, tooth appears clean and white, but abscess started to bleed I would like to know what antibiotic should be used at this time
your cat needs a vet to determine your next step. don’t give an antibiotic without veterinary direction.
If I could afford the 180 dollar office call he would if already been in, I got hurt and have been unable to work, money is limited but I love my cat don’t want him to be in pain
Hes already in pain with an absess in his mouth. Please do as Laura said and take him to a Vet this won’t get better without the correct treatment. If the poison from the absess goes into his bloodstream it will get a lot worse.
Phone Vets see if you can pay the bill off, borrow the money, anything… but you have to take him.
My cat was spayed on Wednesday and it is now Sunday and she stil is laying around not active should I worry. She seams to be not in pain but lays around all day not doing much. She eats and drinks but not as much as before she went in.
Normally it will take 2-3 days after being spayed to feel better, if your cats is older then she might take a little longer to feel like herself again, but if you are worried then you could call the vet that you went to and ask them if you should be worried. I think as long as she is eating and drinking then she should be ok, and your baby will start to eat more when she gets back to herself again. Good luck
honestly, it could be any number of things…we don’t know your cat or her habits. a vet really is your best bet, here.