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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is 3 Years Old And Half Chihuahua Half Fox Terrier

My dog is 3 years old and half Chihuahua half fox terrier

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Have  you taken her to see a vet?  It could be allergies, it could be mange, or it could be related to other conditions.  Sarcoptic mange is more prevalent this time of year as the fox move around and look for new territories (if you are in the country).  It makes the dogs very itchy but is easy to cure with the advice of your vet and Revolution (the vet has to help you get the timing of the applications right).

    Allergies are harder to deal with because it take much more effort to figure out what she is reacting to, and to heal her skin.  The first step is to get her on a grain-free diet — and that includes all treats!  Grains in her diet will slow down the process of dealing with allergies.

    The only way to figure out what is going on with her is to see the vet.

    To help with the itching try rinsing her with 1/3 vinegar & 2/3 water.  Be sure it gets into her skin, and then allow it to dry.  You can try witchhazel with aloe on the raw patches — pat it on with cotton and allow to dry.

    And last of all, use the generic form of Zyrtec (not Benadryl) to help get her through a few days of itchiness.


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is A 10 Pound 6 Year Old Chihuahua Min Pin Mix.

she is a 10 pound 6 year old chihuahua min pin mix.

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello Alexander, please take her to a Vet urgently. From what you are saying she is not well at all…..and could possibly have a serious infection in her uterus called Pyometra or a urinary tract infection. . Its obviously not normal for her to lose fluid like that….and it doesn’t sound like urine. Added to the other symptoms you describe its time for a Vet. Please don’t leave it any longer, if she does have Pyometra its very serious indeed. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Parents Have An 8 Month Old Chihuahua That Has Always Been Very Energetic, Playful…

My parents have an 8 month old chihuahua that has always been very energetic, playful and loving. All of a sudden she became extremely lethargic, seems unbalanced, dry nose and she is constantly licking her chops and from time to time opens her jaw wide and paws at the inside of her mouth. It’s been a couple weeks now and she is not back to normal. She’s been to the vet twice and they can’t find anything. Could it be neurological or possibly something in her mouth they can’t find?

2 Responses


  1. Kate McKelvie

    Did they check bloodwork, or consider sedation in order to explore the back of her mouth, soft pallet?  I would consider a second opinion, if not…

  2. Whitney Grim

    Blood work and xrays came back normal and they did sedate her and check her mouth. The only other option is to find specialists and my parents just can’t afford it right now. Not sure what to do from here.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 13 Year Old Female Chihuahua Has A Licking Issue. She Licks Herself All The…

My 13 year old female chihuahua has a licking issue. She licks herself all the time especially at night. But then she licks the bed or the furniture. Is this normal

3 Responses


  1. Catherine Pepe

    licking is a boardem response or anxiety problem. Like people bite their nails! So any kind of other stimuli that you can do for her by wearing her completely out and then giving you toys she can chew on will keep her busy. Then when she tried to do it again, squirt her with water and say no. Keep at this …you willl break it!

  2. cheryl yoshida

    will the squirt bottle help with the barking. Its not like I am protecting barking its annoying high pitched barking

  3. karolina dabrowski

    LOL that’s how Chihuahuas are. You should socialize your dog more let her/him go out more and meet other dogs. Don’t let your dog hide behind you let her bark all she wants alone in front of dogs and she/he wont feel so tough. As long as your dog isn’t a biter. As far as I know, the licking is a problem. Stress related. You should hire a dog specialist that trains dogs in your area.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 13 Year Old Female Chihuahua And Lately When She Walks Her Back…

I have a 13 year old female chihuahua and lately when she walks her back end goes sideways and she will just randomly fall

2 Responses


  1. Catherine Pepe

    Your pet has a pinched nerve in her spinal cord. It could mean something is pressing on it…or she is becoming paralized. It could just need some vet checking and ex rays. I would not let that go.

    Good luck friend

  2. julie brader

    Hello Cheryl…..just to carry on from what Catherine has said. This could be more than a trapped nerve. It could be a tumour thats just grown enough to start causing symptoms. Again agree with Catherine she needs to see a Vet to find out whats going on. 

    Good luck! 

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 3 Year Old Chihuahua Just Threw Up Brown Liquid. I Recall Him Eating Cats…

My 3 year old chihuahua just threw up brown liquid. I recall him eating cats stool but that was like 2 weeks ago can that be the reason why? Should I be worried? He seems fine like his usual self.

2 Responses


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
One Of My Chihuahuas At Some Pork He Vomited Nonchewed Porked. Had Loose Stool Twice…

One of my chihuahuas at some pork he vomited nonchewed porked. Had loose stool twice then vomited vile is now laying very sleepy. With the other two chis laying with him what could be the cause? He is not with me right now?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Chihuahua Has A Pimple Like Thing Inside Her Eye, What Should I Do?

My Chihuahua has a pimple like thing inside her eye, what should I do?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Chihuahua Female 9 Years Old Once Every Once In Awhile She Will…

I have a chihuahua female 9 years old once every once in awhile she will throw up white foam.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 8 Pound Chihuahua Licked My Grape Popsicle 4-5 Times And I’m Very Worried. Please…

My 8 pound chihuahua licked my grape popsicle 4-5 times and I’m very worried. Please tell me he’s going to be okay. I don’t know what to do.

1 Response


  1. jerry smith

    He’ll be fine, it’ll take more sugar than that to hurt him.  : )