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Beth | 3 years ago
Help Dr. Magnifico Of Jarrettsville Vet Our Beautiful 13 Year Old Husky/beagle Mix Sadie Was Struggling …

Help Dr. Magnifico of Jarrettsville Vet Our beautiful 13 year old Husky/beagle mix Sadie was struggling with getting up and climbing stairs because we thought her arthritis was getting worse. We took her in to the vet to get some pain medicine and they discovered that she has a large tumor on her spleen. We were told that the surgery is quite expensive. We are unable to afford much due to our current financial situation. The doctor suggested that we should euthanize her if we were not going to try to do the surgery. we have scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. 6/3 with lap of love.
My husband was looking for solutions because she is walking around and it is so hard for us to imagine putting her down. We saw the article by Dr. Magnifico. We tried to call Jarrettsville vet and they told us our only option was to put a question on here.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. I am happy to see your pet at my vet clinic in Maryland. It is the only way I can offer pertinent advice that is specific to each patient.
    Without a biopsy it is impossible to know whether this is benign or not. Also in some cases the mass may be an incidental finding (no clinical relevance). We should always treat the patient and not make presumptive decisions, especially euthanasia.
    I feel it to be morally and ethically dishonest to ever recommend euthanasia without a definitive diagnosis AND a suffering patient.

    I hope this helps. I apologize for the delay.

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Jemy | 4 years ago
Hi My 4 Y Old Cat Had Pyometraand Hystrectomy And Ovarian Removal Done 40 Days Ago . After The …

My 4 y old cat had pyometraand hystrectomy and ovarian removal done 40 days ago . After the surgery, I noticed that she became less active and cannot jump as she used to do before.
Before she was used to jump easily and directly to get on the bed but now she climbs onto an adjacent arm chair and then walks to the bed Also before she was able to scratch her ear by her leg , but now she is not able to do that.
She’s trying but can’t raise her leg to her ear.

Is it possible that her legs become weaker as a complication of the surgery?
Is it normal for a cat to be less active for this long time after a pyometra surgery ?
What should I do to help her regain her normal movement ?
I really appreciate what you are doing , many thanks.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I think you really need to contact your vet that did the surgery about this.

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Oscar | 5 years ago
My Kitten Of (five Weeks – Six Weeks) Appears To Have A Swollen Belly. I Have …

My kitten of (five weeks – six weeks) appears to have a swollen belly. I have been concerned for a while as it does not seem to go away, my kitten also seems to constipate a bit and isolate himself from other kittens. Although he shows some odd behavior, he still is the most energetic kitten of the lot and eats very often, more so than the other kittens, and he loves climbing, jumping, running, and is an all around happy lil guy. His feces does not seem to show any signs of parasitic infection (no eggs, mucus, blood) and I’m concerned it might even be FIP. Just wondering what it could be, thanks for taking the time in reading this!

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    When is your next vet appointment? I’m assuming you already have them lined up for vaccinations and check ups since they’re so little. I’m sure the vet will give them all a physical and check for parasites etc. at that time. I think I would try to get in ahead of schedule for this little guy though since your concerned. Best of luck????????

  2. Laura

    I’d get him to the vet. Big bellies are (usually) wormy bellies, but your vet will be able to help you here.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    My first concern would be FIP too. There are some new treatment plans for this disease so I would have it diagnosed ASAP for the best chance at a successful treatment.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I Adopted A 4 Year Old Rescue Small Lab Mix About 2 Weeks Ago. She…

I adopted a 4 year old rescue small lab mix about 2 weeks ago. She is already deeply attached to me, and is starting to show some separation anxiety. Keeping her contained and safe while I’m at work has become a challenge. My Boston Terrier is content gated in the kitchen, but my rescue Duchess simply climbs over the gate. So I put her in a crate and I have attached a pic of the result (it’s sideways). She had bloodied her mouth and scraped her muzzle. The last couple of days I’ve left her loose in the house and hoped for the best. I saw evidence of her trying to push the gate through to get into the kitchen – to be with my other dog? I don’t know. Any advice is welcome.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are lots of things I would recommend.
    First of all exercise is my first and constant default.
    1. Start taking long walks before you leave for the day. A tired dog is always a better behaved dog. See if this helps.
    2. Ask me (I’m her vet) ☺️ About solliquin.
    3. Try DAP. Dog appeasing pheromone. There is a lot of great evidence to support its efficacy.
    4. Try a radio or tv while you’re away.
    5. Try a video monitoring device. See if watching her and intervening helps assuage her chewing.
    6. Ask about a neighbor or dog walker to get her out during the day while you are away.
    7. Ask me about a trial period of an anxiety med. I’m lots of cases they help make everyone happier. Especially as she adjusts to her new life

    Thank you for saving her. Please keep in touch

    Xox to you candy and duchess!

  2. Anonymous

    If you’re located near Dr. M, I’d look into obedience classes near you – 4Paws has a selection of classes to consider. She might be otherwise obedient, but classes will help to make her feel more secure in her position in your home, and will help her settle now that she’s past the 2 week introduction phase. More info about training classes at 4Paws here: Kathy Forthman’s a good trainer.

  3. Sarah

    Hi there!! Thanks for rescuing. We just rescued another GSD this week and are going through the same thing- separation anxiety. I’m using a lot of patience and I’m walking the soles of my shoes off with him? No, seriously, long walks seem to help. More so than a good romp around the yard with our other young one. So what I did yesterday that really helped, was had him romp with her for about a half hour after right before human dinner, then ate quick, then walked him (while my other two stayed home) for a good long walk- almost and hour. This helped as he was good and tired and went into his crate without opposition. Now he still chewed his way through a bed, so I’m looking into ways of addressing that. We have Kong’s with peanut butter in the freezer right now. Also we have replaced the bed with towels and are hoping since they are not foam, they’ll do less harm?And a nice nylabone and a few rope pull/chew toys have been helpful. If you find another bit of advice that you find helpful, please share? Thanks!!???

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 13-year-old Beagle Has, Over The Course Of The Past Five Days, Been In Very…

My 13-year-old Beagle has, over the course of the past five days, been in very poor health. It started on his birthday when he had an edible rawhide birthday card. He chewed on it all day and I don’t believe he ate dinner that night or if he did it, was a small amount. He did go to the bathroom normally, but the next morning, he wouldn’t eat again and from there the symptoms progressively worsened. He threw up some 24 hours after first eating the rawhide and it was mainly unchewed bits of his regular Science Diet dry food (about a handful). He did not go #2 at all that day and though I initially thought he might be constipated, I realized that’s not really a common thing with dogs so it must mean there’s something more going on. The third day, he refused food again and was still having trouble using the bathroom. Peeing fine, but not drinking enough water (maybe going to his bowl 2x that day). He was reluctant to move and didn’t want to climb the stairs. He normally likes to walk forever and ever as he is a Beagle, but he went to pee, slightly sniffed, and returned home. The fourth day, his breathing appeared quite short and in rapid bursts. He wasn’t wheezing or coughing or anything. It just seemed like he was constantly out of breath. Same symptoms as before. The fifth day, we took him to the vet as he was really beginning to worry us. Symptoms maintained and he was unwilling to walk down the stairs to go outside. The vet said it looked as if there was food or possibly a small bit of rawhide in his stomach. Considering his lack of eating, I assumed it was the latter. She ran a general blood test and said that his blood was thick coming out, but the results were perfectly normal and all of his organs seem to be in good standing. There were no specific tests, only the X-Ray of the abdomen as she was aware of his consuming the rawhide. The fourth and fifth days, his hind legs would cross over as he walked and his hind feet would drag almost like he’s dizzy and was trying to catch his balance, but only in his hind legs. Te vet said she didn’t feel anything obvious in his tummy and whilst performing an overview of his teeth, she found he had pus coming from his upper canine teeth and the gums were pale and swollen. She followed up with anti-diarrhoea meds and recommended anti-nausea meds, but didn’t say they were necessary. Nothing was given for his teeth or any possible stomach pain. He was then given 300mL of fluids before giving the go ahead to take home.
The vet visit was two full days ago, nearly three, and we’ve seen little improvement aside from him eating the wet Science Diet food the vet recommended we put his anti-diarrhoea meds in so he would take them. He is still having trouble getting food down and around 6 hours ago, we began force feeding Pedialyte as he threw up once tonight and we thought the electrolytes might help. I’m concerned he may have Renal Failure or IVDD. These seem to be the two which match up the most with his symptoms and breed type, but I wasn’t aware he may have one of them when I took him to the vet and therefore didn’t mention it. I’m concerned the vet may have also missed something considering she seemed to overlook his hind leg situation and his teeth situation. Please give me advice on what I should do and he obviously needs to go to the vet again, but I think I’ll take him to a different one with records from his visit a few days ago. I dropped all of the money I had on his visit then and can’t afford anything more than the exam fee, so any recommendations on what to tell the vet that way we can bypass anything that isn’t absolutely necessary would be amazing and if he does need surgery (I hope with everything in me he doesn’t as I don’t know if he would make it out of being sedated given his short breathing which is still going on), are there any pet surgery fund donation sites anyone could possibly recommend?? Please, I beg of you, any help at all would be great!!!

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    In your shoes, I would definitely get a second opinion.  Has he passed any stool since this started?

  2. Bria Rachele

    I’ve called about fifteen different vets in and around my city, some of which said it could possibly be IVDD and two said maybe TCC. He has passed stool, yes. He hasn’t within the past 36 hours I would say, but he has done it 2-3 times since it all started. He hasn’t had food within the past 18 hours though and because he was refusing most everything we gave him before, he really can’t afford to involuntarily fast right now. He’s lost quite a bit of nutrients and we’re still doing Pedialyte hoping that will help to at least replace some of them. His hind legs seem to have worsened a bit as well. I saw it could also be a disc within his spine, but it seems none of the symptoms for any of these completely match his, so I feel there a million and one things it could be. I just realized I inadvertently failed to include in the post above that the vet said he seems to have a swollen colitis as well, but she attributed that to his lack of adequate food, dehydration, and vomiting. I’m not sure if that would tie in with everything else to point to a diagnosis, but any symptom shouldn’t be overlooked. Please do ask any more questions you may have if you feel you might have an idea as to what it could be and I’ll answer the second I can! Thank you!

  3. Anonymous

    You’ve done quite a bit. I’m tapped for ideas…hopefully Dr. Magnifico or Ferara will pop in with suggestions for you.

  4. Bria Rachele

    Thank you for your input though and yes, any suggestions from any of the other two doctors would be helpful as well.

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Jana | 9 years ago
Normally, Cookie Needs Minimum Of 3 Hours Of High Activity (running Through The Bush, Chasing…

Normally, Cookie needs minimum of 3 hours of high activity (running through the bush, chasing critters, playing …) daily, otherwise she climbs the walls (pretty much literally). Ortho suggesting a month or more of rest. I voice that it is impossible unless Cookie sedated. (Because the more energy she stores up the more she’s likely to go crazy regardless of environment, confinement and situation. As I mention, literally bouncing off the walls. Plus the frustration and feeling unhappy that would come with that I’m sure does not facilitate healing either.

So we discussed it and ortho prescribed the Trazodone as effective and safe. What is your experience with this products? Side effects? Interestingly I specifically asked about side effects and was told there were none. However, when one looks it up there are side effects listed. Of course, side effects such as sedation are desirable. Others, such as vomiting, diarrhea, agitation, hyperactivity, panting, shaking and restlessness are NOT.

Ortho vet also said drug doesn’t not affect either kidneys or liver but infor says should be used with caution if liver, kidney or heart disease present. Cookie does not have those but if it doesn’t affect those organs, why the precaution?

I am not a fan of drugs but I feel that in order for Cookie to be able to undergo the period of restricted activity some chemical management to help her feel more aloof is necessary. Thoughts?

3 Responses


  1. Jana Post author

    Thank you, would you? Because the other tranquilize options aren’t all that attractive either, particularly Acepromazine … *sigh
    First do no harm, right? But I feel that without some chemical help she will be very miserable and a danger to herself …

  2. Lindsey Knouse

    Hi, I definitely understand your worry. I have personal experience with trazodone and it’s actually been extremely positive. I worked with a board certified veterinary surgeon who used it on pretty much all of his patients post-op if he was worried about activity level. For my dog, I’ve used it for anxiety in the car (as recommended by a board certified veterinary behaviorist). In my opinion it’s a lot better than other sedatives post-op because it really is fairly safe and also reduces anxiety (a lot better than something like Acepromazine). One of the main things you will read about is serotonin syndrome when it is used with other drugs. However, the surgeon I worked with used it with pain meds like tramadol, and just used the lower end of the dose range because he was aware of that risk (I’m sure if your vet uses it frequently they are as well). Most of side effects you listed, while I know they are concerning, are pretty easy to recognize and are side effects of many other medications too…and if you recognize them after starting, you can always just stop the medication. I think that the minor risks of this medication greatly out weigh the alternative risk of her high energy level after a orthopedic surgery, in order to prevent the risk of her needing a repeat surgery.

    Since your baby is healthy and I’m sure they will be doing bloodwork pre-op, I don’t see any reason to be overly concerned about the organ adverse effects. My own dog had a history of acute renal injury after use of NSAIDs and is very sensitive to a lot of drugs (he’s MDR1 positive) and it was safe enough to use for him. It’s a medication that was actually developed for people with insomnia and is newer for use in vet-med but I don’t know of anyone who has experience with it that would say bad things. I think it’s great that you care so much to ask.

  3. Jana Post author

    Thank you, Lindsey, I’m very happy to hear about such good experience(s)!

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Pat Wells | 10 years ago
I Really Need Help. My Cat Won’t Stop Climbing And Shredding My Drapes. I…

I really need help. My cat won’t stop climbing and shredding my drapes. I don’t want to get rid of him, but he is destroying my furniture. I have tried everything, from spraying him with the water bottle, Please help.

6 Responses


  1. Pat Wells Post author

    Thank you. He is only 10 months old, and I play with him constantly, plus he is never by himself. We also have a dog that is a wonderful companion to Melvin.

  2. Pat Wells Post author

    Do the nail caps work? And can you put them on? Plus cost for application

  3. Kelly Furgason

    Nail caps often fall off and ndeed reapplication, but getting your cat’s nails clipped on a regular basis will help a ton!

  4. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Pat,
    If you do not have a cat tree for your cat, GET ONE 🙂 they are awesome for cats because they can climp up , scratch on them, jump from them. They are a saving grace. They come in all sorts of heights/sizes,textures. They are often expensive but well worth it. Bait the cat tree with cat nip or toys or cat treats to lure your cat to them if they don’t seem interested. Once they figure out they are fun they love them. Our  cat did the same thing as yours before we got two cat tree’s . He usually is found sleeping at the top tier of the tree if he’s not crawling and scratching at it.

    As mentioned also provide cat scratch toys,,they have tons at petsmart or online. Some are as simple as a cardboard tray that has corregated board on it with catnip that cats get lured to and then can scratch.  Also making sure you provide lots of play with rolling toys, plush ones,etc.
    Heres a great link to fun toys and tree’s :

    I’ve found that the taller the cat tree you can get the better. Also try just simple boxes, cats love to get inside them and scratch at them too.
    And again, make sure to clip your cats nails on a very regular basis, they grow very fast.
    Good luck! Have fun!

  5. Micha Michlewicz

    Wonderful advice here about nail clipping and also training and enrichment for your cat. Cats are very intelligent, active animals (maybe not while we’re awake!). They need fun and interesting things to climb, things to scratch, and food to hunt. I recommend clients feed *at least* (but preferably ALL) meals in enrichment toys and for positive training. These includes puzzle boards, balls with holes, etc. Also, provide plenty of non-food toys too that will engage your cat’s predatory drive. Put out some of these toys and store the rest. Then after a week or two, switch. This way, you have a rotation of toys and your cat doesn’t get bored.

    You can train your cat to scratch on posts or a sanding board. Or simply bring him/her in for nail clippings, or have a groomer come to your house, or learn to do it yourself. There’s a very good group on Facebook for training these things called Nail Maintenance for Dogs. While the group is geared towards dogs, it will work for any other animal with nails as well. Check out the files section to get started.

  6. Micha Michlewicz

    Wonderful advice here about nail clipping and also training and enrichment for your cat. Cats are very intelligent, active animals (maybe not while we’re awake!). They need fun and interesting things to climb (multiple things, not just one cat tree or climbing furniture), things to scratch, and food to hunt. I recommend clients feed *at least* one (but preferably ALL) meal(s) in enrichment toys and for positive training. These includes puzzle boards, balls with holes, etc. Also, provide plenty of non-food toys too that will engage your cat’s predatory drive. Put out some of these toys and store the rest. Then after a week or two, switch. This way, you have a rotation of toys and your cat doesn’t get bored. You can train your cat to scratch on posts or a sanding board. Or simply bring him/her in for nail clippings, or have a groomer come to your house, or learn to do it yourself. There’s a very good group on Facebook for training these things called Nail Maintenance for Dogs. While the group is geared towards dogs, it will work for any other animal with nails as well. Check out the files section to get started.