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Kenneth | 5 years ago
Could Repeated Flinching/seizure-like Behavior Be Associated With Eyesight? Here Is A Compilation Video: Https://vimeo….

Could repeated flinching/seizure-like behavior be associated with eyesight?

Here is a compilation video:

Our 10-year-old toy poodle has begun flinching (for lack of a better word) repeatedly on walks. We’ve been to the vet, but due to an enlarged heart with a leaky valve he wants her to see her cardiologist to ensure it isn’t heart-related. We are trying to get an appointment but the pandemic is making wait times in the weeks and we’re concerned in the meantime about how dangerous waiting could be.

Based on our experience, the flinches rarely happen at home, happen much more frequently in bright sunlight on walks, especially facing the sun. They also occur much more frequently when leaving a shadow into the sun or leaving the sun into a shadow. Her vet has noticed early signs of cataracts and we’ve noticed her eyes getting cloudy. She’s also begun walking into things occasionally.

We’re hoping these are eye-sight related rather than seizures or neurological issues, but are unsure of next steps while waiting appointments with specialists.


1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a tough question to answer based on the information given. The optic nerve which services the eyes is connected to the brain so yes they can influence each other. But I am also worried about pain. I think it’s imperative to see a neurologist. Or try to get a second opinion from another vet. I also think that bloodwork and xrays are a good place to start. You can also ask to see an ophthalmologist. Please keep calling and please seek help from a vet locally. I hope this helps. Let me know what happens. Good luck.

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Shiria | 9 years ago
The Kitten Was Born Ca. 4 Weeks Ago. It Had Two Litter Mates, One Was…

The kitten was born ca. 4 weeks ago. it had two litter mates, one was born dead: The second one was totally normal, but found dead 3 days later in the morning. It had a wet/sticky mouth, but otherwise everything seemed normal.
The last one had also a wet/sticky mouth a few days later (ca. 1 week age) with little blisters on its tongue. Otherwise it was normal, it still got enough milk from its mother.
With ca. 2 weeks the kitten and its mother showed symptoms of cat flu, and it was also seen that the kitten was staying rather small, but otherwise normally developed.

The vet prescribed amoxcillin for both mother and baby. And an ointment for the eyes, as they were also affected. After 2 days the kitten had to be force-fed because it couldn’t suckle anymore. But it could be fed with the syringe without problem and ate with huge appetite. This was going for one week, with it’s general state of health being okay despite the cat flu. It had some discharge on eyes and nose, but it was otherwise still active and aware. He really is a little fighter, despite staying rather small.

During last week it finally seemed to get better, until friday morning we found it with heavier breathing. One eye was fine, the other closed with discharge. It still had appetite though. On Sunday the breathing was bad, but it could still swallow.

Today the breathing is really bad, it has to use its stomach to breath and also opens its mouth to help breathing (but no real gasping). It has difficulty swallowing and seems to have mucus in its throat. The nose is mostly dry, only few discharge. The infected eye has now a cloudy cornea, despite the eye antibitoics. It is also very restless, walks a few steps, then lays flat down. It’s easily seen that it doesn’t get enougn oxygen.
The vet said it most likely has developed pneumonia. It got something that should help its lung with breathing, and I should continue to give fluids and feeding as long as it will/could swallow. Of course it still gets antibiotics.

What can I do to help the little one with breathing? Should I let it inhale?

Depending on how it looks tomorrow I may have to euthanize it, as I don’t want it to suffocate :(.

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  1. Shiria Post author

    Hello, Thanks for your answer. The kitten was of course sent to the vet. That is were the antibiotics and everything else come from. She also gave something for its lungs and the kitten also got fluids. The vet seid that the cat flu most likely went down to its lungs, so that they now are infected, too.
    Everything I stated above from what we do to help with this kitten is supervised through a vet of course.
    Of course I also don’t euthanize myself as I’m not a vet, but the vet said it doesn’t look good, as it got worse despite being supervised and treated.

    Maybe I don’t use the right words, as english is not my first language, sorry for that.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Recently I Had Started To Notice One Eye Was Truly Blind After Getting More And…

recently I had started to notice one eye was truly blind after getting more and more cloudy over this last winter. for the last 2 weeks it has been looking like it’s bloody around the orb of the eye and protruding some what and now for the last 2 days I have seen a oval shape in the center that looks like infection and like the eye is dead and or infected on the way dying if I was to guess. I am so worried for him. I have no funds and DO NOT want to be ignorant and hurt him or kill him when there may have been something to be done and help…. please and thank you. Anxiously awaiting….,Angel Smith

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