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Ashleigh | 6 years ago
My 9 Month Old Puppy Keeps On Chewing His Tail Relentlessly And Chewing His Feet. He Also …

My 9 month old puppy keeps on chewing his tail relentlessly and chewing his feet. He also sticks both his tail and feet down his throat as far as they will go. When he is playing with toys he keeps squashing them and trying to swallow them whole. He seems frustrated when doing this but he will be playing and then will break away to chew tail or feet. He won’t stop trying to eat EVERYTHING. Three trips previously to the vet to remove large things he has swallowed. He has so much energy and not just normal pup energy.. he does not nap at all through the day. He can go on hours of massive runs through the day and does not even lie down once through the day. Constantly on the go, no off button at all. Becoming quite dominant with other dogs and has started barking at me for attention when he’s not getting any. He has started mouthing people when he meets them, not aggressively but more for attention. He isn’t neutered but people have told me that may be a good start. The behavioural issues are a new thing, he’s been perfect up until the past couple of weeks. Chewing his tail and feet has been going on months. Have been to the vets about it but they don’t seem interested and basically said to think about having his tail docked, he will still attempt to chew what is left so it would never heal!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Wow. This is a lot of worrisome issues. At this point I think that I would say to: Please seek a second opinion from a different vet who will actually help you both. I also strongly advocate a trainer and loads of exercise to help keep him from developing other abnormal behaviors. Training, exercise and an understanding of what is going on in your pups head and environment are all crucial to long term success and safety.

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 6 years ago
So Stella, Our Almost 3 Year Old Morkie Has Some Possession Aggression Issues. Particularly With…

So Stella, our almost 3 year old Morkie has some possession aggression issues. Particularly with things like socks or things that don’t have a firm middle when she bites in (like soft stuffed animals). We have tried bribing her with treats and bones, distracting her with play and love, forcefully taking these items from her (that didn’t work well), and finally today we did something that worked! We asked her if she wanted to go “out” to take a “walk” and though he ears perked up she still didn’t drop this stuffed Aflac duck she found in my office. However, once she had her leash on and saw the great outside at the bottom of the stairs she dropped it and never looked back. Do you think this trick will continue to work? Is there anything else we can do when she’s decided something she has a bite on is something she’ll get aggressive about? Thank you all for your insight and help!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that the “exchange” option, i.e. “I’ll give you something of higher value to surrender the item you have” will work for a little while. But it leaves you constantly set up for being her servant. Life is all about compromise, but, not fear based “I’ll bite the hand that feeds me to get my way” compromise. Respect is earned, not traded. I would strongly recommend a basic puppy and obedience class. All should be based on positive reinforcement methods. If you try to reason with her by intimidation or reprimand she will up the ante and retaliate with excessive force (is my guess). good luck