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Pawbly | 10 years ago
She Has Not Been Able To Jump On The Couch For A Few Days…

She has not been able to jump on the couch for a few days now. She has always slept in bed with me or my younger sisters but now she won’t even get down to pee. (she went in the bed for the 1st time since she was a puppy that was too small to get down.) My dogs are very close to me, and they are my closest friends. I am scared that she is developing arthritis and that I will not be able to afford much help for her if that is the case. I can give her away to someone that can afford frequent visits to the vet even though it would break my heart to pieces.. if I give her away, I would almost have to find a home that would take her daughter too. They could not live apart, it would only make them miserable. I don’t want to give them up at all. The only reason I’d consider it, is because I love her so much that I would rather her live a longer life without me than a shorter life with me. She does not deserve to suffer just because I am too selfish to give her away bc it would hurt me so bad. I love her so much that I would let her (and her daughter) go in order for her to receive the proper care if she is developing arthritis. I am just afraid that she would never be happy without me and my family. I would die inside, but I want her to be okay.

2 Responses


  1. Erika Hogan

    Thank you, I usually do overreact to anything to do with their health. Her baby is hypoglycemic and the vet I took her to was so uneducated that I knew more than he did about he condition, unfortunately. I know I can pay for one visit at least, but if it is serious im scared it may get too costly. I go crazy when there is something wrong. I’ve never given a thought to giving them away before.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
He Is 8 Weeks Old, Weighs Just Over 200g (his Litter Mates Are All…

He is 8 weeks old, weighs just over 200g (his litter mates are all at least 600g) has a very soft and enlarged skull with pupils that face east west. There are no good vets here, certainly no vet specialists. Should I wait until he has gained weight before trying to medicate him (All the drugs can be purchased over the counter here and I am medically qualified) or should I start ASAP to help minimise brain damage? He is already blind. Or is the likely outcome so poor that I should be thinking about euthanasia? He seems happy enough at this point in time but cries a lot in the night and I don’t want him to be in pain.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
10 Years Old Cat Was In Heat Then Suddenly The Next Day She Acts…

10 years old cat was in heat then suddenly the next day she acts like she wants to vomit but cant and around her vaginia dark mucus.
If touch her above her tail she acts like she wants to vomit.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A 4 Yr Old Female Yorkshire Terrier. Eaten June Bugs. Resulted In Diarrhea…

I have a 4 yr old female yorkshire terrier. Eaten June bugs. Resulted in diarrhea on an off for over a week. licking her butt and wanting to sit in the cool grass. I looked and it’s raw. Can i use silverdene?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico :) My Dog Sydney Was Just Diagnosed With Having A Mast Cell Tumor…

Hi Dr. Magnifico 🙂

My dog Sydney was just diagnosed with having a mast cell tumor. Is it typical that we would have to remove the tumor before finding out what grade it is?

Thanks in advance!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Have Diarrhea. It Have Had It For About 1 One Day So Far…

My dog have diarrhea. It have had it for about 1 one day so far. What can I do?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous


    any new pet in the household should head to the vet within the first 2-3 days of coming home, anyway.  i’d get your dog in today, if possible…could have giardia or something else going on.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
3 Week Old German Shepherd Suddenly Starts Wobbling And Acting Dizzy. He Stares Off Vacantly…

3 week old german shepherd suddenly starts wobbling and acting dizzy. He stares off vacantly. Started all of a sudden last night. No vomiting, but no eating either. Took it to vet. They saw no problem in the test. What could it be?

2 Responses


  1. Raymond Clark

    Has your dog recently received Ivermectin or Trifexis?  Both can lead to permanent neurological damage I’m told.  Also some dry dogfood and dog treats are being recalled for fungus contamination.  One dog treat I gave my 3 dogs caused them to have the same symptoms and then they had seizures.  Luckily I figured out what it was and they all recovered.

  2. La-Tonia TD

    Maybe it has water in the ears, which can cause the equilibrium to be off.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Was Neutered On Wednesday.He Is Not Wanting To Leave His Bed,go Outside,eat Unless…

My dog was neutered on Wednesday.He is not wanting to leave his bed,go outside,eat unless hand fed,drink unless given from hand,he is breathing rapidly and heavily,his wound leaked a little, vets just found a heart murmur.Is this normal?

1 Response


  1. Raymond Clark

    Dog needs antibiotics and a probiotic won’t hurt either.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Put Flea Tick Prevention On Cat. Had To Wash Off Because He Was Irritated With…

Put flea tick prevention on cat. Had to wash off because he was irritated with it. His back is twitching. Anything else we can do?

1 Response


  1. Cheryl Neumann

    It was for cats. He seems better but lack of appetite. Thank you and we will continue to monitor.

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Jana | 10 years ago
Christina Chambreau, What Do You Consider Safest While Effective Tick Preventive?

Christina Chambreau, what do you consider safest while effective tick preventive?

2 Responses


  1. Christina Chambreau

    The safest may take more patience while discovering what works best for each dog/person/location. make tags for people, dogs and cats that work in milder situations.

    Noni – – orally as a treat. Several veterinarians started taking it and giving it to their dogs and cats after an herbal conference in Kauai (where it is 

    raised) and reported dramatic reductions in ticks. 

    Many essential oil sprays – VEtriScience has VetriRepel that you can get through my website,; http://www.cedarcide is good to spray the perimiter

    of your property and use topically; (similar); and others; Neem & lemon grass are best per Dr. Winston; 

    Other internal products: by Earth Animal; 

    dog wise has a great tick puller. Mostly I do not mind if there are one or two ticks to pull. 

    finally, if a pet is healthy, they will be MUCH less likely to acquire an active tick borne disease, so that is still the main goal. 

  2. PK Dennis

    I haven’t tried the Shoo Tags yet, but I have found nothing really work for ticks — that is also not harmful to dogs and cats in the long run.  I take the management approach:

    After every walk where the dogs get into tall grass or shrubs, or into piles of leaves, each dog gets a quick comb with a very fine comb (similar to a flea comb — I use a Greyhound brand extra find tooth comb with 1 inch long teeth) that captures even the smallest tick.  Some days I will comb as many as 20 ticks from my terrier that needs to put his head into every hole he finds.

    Then that night or the next morning while we are relaxing on the sofa or in bed, I slowly work my finger tips thru their fur all around their head, ears, collar and chest (where most ticks attach), feeling for the tick or two that got missed by the comb.  I keep an air-tight jar on the coffee table and one on my night stand to drop the ticks I find into so I am not jumping up to flush the little buggers, then I empty the jar every few days into the toilet and flush.

    The last thing I do, just to be sure — is have my dogs tested for Lyme and the other tick diseases each time they go to the vet (once or twice a year usually).  Three of my 4 dogs have popped positive for a tick delivered disease in the last 3 years (different diseases, different times of the year) — dispite having all my dogs on Revolution year round (to prevent heartworm and mange since we have mange in the foxes on the property).  Revolution doesn’t seem to kill the ticks in my experience, and it so it cannot prevent them from giving Lyme and the other diseases to my boys.

    I am going to give Christina’s recommendation of Shoo Tags a try.