Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Pink, A Chinese Crested Show Dog Who Needed Emergency Surgery For Her Pyometra
Treatment Cost (USD): $1324.00
Pink is a show girl. She has worked for many years to be a top performer and superstar. Her mom is a devoted caregiver and puts the health of her companions above all else. Her mom monitors her heat cycles. When they became a little wonky and Pink was not acting herself, or eating normally, she made a visit to come see me. Here is a quick synopsis of Pinks; July 2019 she had a urinary tract infection. treated and resolved with antibiotics. UTI's typically are diagnosed by physical exam and urinalysis. Nov 2019 Pink had abnormal vaginal discharge. She was also depressed, lethargic, and had a fever.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Meet Hunter. He Needed His Tooth Removed. PM4 (premolar) The Largest Tooth In The Mouth. His Story Here.
Treatment Cost (USD): $941.00
Hunter was examined at his routine yearly physical. He had no indication of dental disease, oral cavity pain, or anything really. This is the real power of routine examinations; finding the problems before your pet suffers from them.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Milo Is A Aussie Who Was Neutered At Almost 2 Years Old. Here Is The Story Of His Neuter Surgery.
Treatment Cost (USD): $507.00
Milo was neutered a little later in life at 1 yr 10 months old. He had a pre-op exam ($45), was current on his vaccines and also pre-op blood work ($60)..
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Other Service
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Bebo’s Bloody Urine Was The Result Of A Urinary Stone. Cystotomy. The Surgery And Costs Associated With This Condition.
Treatment Cost (USD): $878.00
Bebo was seen about a year before his surgery for bloody urine. His first visit at our clinic included an exam, blood work, antibiotics, radiographs, and a prescription food for urinary calculi. This initial exam and treatment plan cost was $297.45 Over the next few months the blood in the urine dissipated. In some cases urinary stones can be dissolved over time. Based on the initial urinalysis Bebo's vet was skeptical this would be Bebo's case. We encourage water intake and a urinary prescription diet in all of these cases. While some stones are not dissolvable we want to try to prohibit further stone formation. Also, these pets benefit greatly from the fluid help. Most dogs with urinary stones show little to no signs of pain, but,, we know this is painful because many pets will strain, urinate more frequently, or even have accidents in the house. Every pet with any kind of urinary changes should be examined (often with a urine sample sent to the lab AND an xray (although not all stones will show up well on an xray!).
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Ashlyn | 5 years ago
Hello! I Rescued A Stray Domestic Shorthair That Came Crying At My Door About 6 Months Ago …

Hello! I rescued a stray domestic shorthair that came crying at my door about 6 months ago and named him Koda. He is the sweetest boy of about 5 years (not too sure about his age though) and I am so grateful of the love he has shown me. Since I’ve had him, there has been nasal discharge on one side of his nose. He began sneezing after a while and I noticed large chunks of hardened mucus would come out. I took him to the vet and he was put on antibiotics and they cleared out most of the build up. The vet also did an x ray and it showed that one side of his sinuses were completely backed up with mucus, so he did a blind bioscopy to look for polyps and could not find anything. The antibiotics seemed to work at the time, but now looking back I’m assuming it was because the they had cleared out most of the mucus, because the symptoms came back after about a week after stopping antibiotics. We are now looking at constant snoring sounds, occasionally gasping for air, sneezing and decreased appetite due to not being able to smell his food. The vet recommended us to someone that had the proper technology, which would be a scope and a ct scan to go in and look for any polyps, and remove them if found. This would cost me $1500-$3000 which I cannot afford since I am a college student 🙂 I went anyways to get their opinion and stupidly spent about $1000 on more testing, appetite stimulants, and more antibiotics that didn’t work. I am considering trying steroids to try and lessen the symptoms just so that he can have an easier time breathing if they worked, but I am afraid of the cost and especially the side effects, if it it doesn’t help that will be more wasted money. Recently, the nasal discharge has spread to the other nostril and he has more bloody mucus than ever before, and as of three days ago, a mucus-like mass has protruded from one nostril and has slowly turned black and bloody over these few days. I tried to remove it but it was very stuck and started bleeding, and I could tell the poor baby was in pain. It may be a polyp that has slowly moved out of his nose, so I will be calling a vet tomorrow to hopefully get it taken out.
I am looking for another opinion on what might be going on or of any similar stories. If anyone knows any good vets in the Tampa, Florida area I would be forever grateful. I am willing to take Koda anywhere in Florida if it means I can find help for less money or just more straightforward people who care about animals and not just the money! Koda is still a happy and loving cat but he has slowly become less playful, and I can tell he does not feel his best becsause of all of this. I am afraid of how much worse it can get. Thank you so much for any help in advance!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for saving this kitty. In some cases these guys are chronic upper respiratory kitties, or herpes, or a few other harder to treat things. I would talk about a nasal flush and long term lysine and even rotating antibiotics. See if there is a feline specialist near you. And be honest about your budget. See if they can help. I wish you the best of luck!

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr Mag. Our Cat Tux Is Scheduled For A Dental Tomorrow With You, Monday 12/30. He …

Hi Dr Mag. Our cat Tux is scheduled for a dental tomorrow with you, Monday 12/30.
He has diarrhea, and I dont think he is feeling good.
Is it Ok for him to have his dental tomorrow or should we cancel and reschedule?
Terri and Steve Stiffler


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  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry I didn’t get this until now. My phone is acting up and I didn’t get this until now. If you need me I’ll be here. He did great today and I think he will feel much better without his bad teeth. Happy new year!

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Lupe | 5 years ago
My 6-year-old Cat Has Recently Had Some Trouble Breathing And Has A Snoring Sound When Breathing In.

My 6-year-old cat has recently had some trouble breathing. She gets a deep sounding snore when breathing in and can’t seem to take a complete breath. The snoring only seems to occur when she is breathing in, and not out. The snoring does sometimes stop. This mainly happens when she is sleeping, her breaths are softer and she seems to be able to breath better. I have also noticed that when I hold her mouth open a little bit, she is able to breathe in and out without any problem. She occasionally has sneezing fits, but they are very rare to see. There is no discharge from her nose, eyes, or ears. She actually has a very dry nose. I have also noticed that she has been eating less than before, but she is still able to eat and drink water. We took her to a vet, but they told us they would only be able to diagnose her with an endoscopy, which they said would cost us around $1,300. I’ve looked online for symptoms similar to hers and cats that had similar breathing patterns/sounds. The closest thing I have been able to find is something called a “nasopharyngeal polyp”. I’m a little lost on what to do. Should I continue with the first vet, and get a concrete diagnosis? or get a second opinion and maybe bring up what I found while researching online? The cost of the first vet is kind of high for me as I’m a college student, but If it is what my cat needs to be able to breathe comfortably again I’ll pay it.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that it perfectly acceptable to go back to your vet and express your concerns. I also think it is completely inappropriate to not have offered loads of options, everything from medications to inhalers, to humidifiers your supplements to referral in this case. I also think that all vets should be willing to do a sedated oral cavity exploratory exam to look for a polyp. But that’s just me and lots of vets think I am too generous with my patients and clients. So maybe you should talk to your vet and ask friends family and all local cat people for a referral to someone who will give your more help and meaningful treatment options. Let me know what happens. Good luck!

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Jessica | 5 years ago
My 18 Month Old Tonkinese Cat Is Blocked. Not Fully But Mostly. I Can Express Drops At …

My 18 month old Tonkinese cat is blocked. Not fully but mostly. I can express drops at a time. He’s dehydrated and his levels are a little off. He’s had bloodwork and urinealysis done. We need to get him unblocked and we don’t have thousands of dollars ????????????

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I know how incredibly expensive this can be. I also know that there are options to help relieve the condition and urgency that might not be as expensive. I don’t know where you are or what availability there is, but, please call everyone and ask for help. In some cases these cats can be placed on medications like anti inflammatories, anti spasmodics and pain medications with a cystocentesis to remove the urine in the bladder. There are treatment options outside of the ideal and most expensive but you have to ask and keep asking for help you can afford. Please let me know if you find anyone to help so we can pass it forward. I want to save all of these cats. I need help from cases like yours to start this. I would also call of the rescues and shelters and foundations around you for advice. See if they can help financially or with advice as to where to go for affordable options. I hope this helps.

    1. Jessica Post author

      Thank you SO much for this info. I will!!! We are in Nashville. So sorry I forgot to mention that. I tweeted you too ????????

Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
First Sick Puppy Exam, Meet Denver. This Is A Story Of A New Puppy And His First Vet Visit Because He Wasn’t Feeling Well.
Treatment Cost (USD): $211.00
Denvers first exam was when he was not feeling well. He was having vomiting and diarrhea and not eating well.\ for about a day. As with all puppy illness it is really important to not wait long if they aren't doing well. Puppies are fragile and they can dehydrate very quickly.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
First Puppy Exam, Meet Oakley. This Is A Story Of A New Puppy And The Veterinary Visits They Need To Start Off On The Right Paw.
Treatment Cost (USD): $155.00
It is my advice that every new pet should be seen by a veterinarian within 3-5 days of purchase/ adoption. Based on the previous records a puppy vaccination, surgical, and behavioral plan can be laid out.
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