I would recommend the following;
1. send a urinalysis to the lab for analysis
2. take an xray of the bladder to make sure there isnt a bladder stone
3. i recommend in hospital iv fluids for 3 days to flush the bladder
4. long term analgesic therapy. I like gabapentin
5. a canned food urinary prescription diet
best of luck
The only way we can accurately diagnose any kind of mass is with submitting a piece of the tissue for biopsy or histopathology. If the mass is small and not bothering your dog you probably have a little time to monitor it and don’t have to rush to the vet. If it isn’t going away or if it is getting larger I would see a vet. In a dog this age I often talk about whether it might be a histiocytoma. These are usually benign and go away over a few weeks.