This is a tough one. The problem really lies in the inability to localize and identify the lesion causing all of the clinical signs. I would look into Horners Syndrome and see a cat specialist. I also would consider a long discussion with a trusted vet on what is treatable and what isn’t based on most likely diagnosis. That’s really what you need. Help from someone who will talk about your case within your budget and comfort zone. I have to add one more thing. It really bugs the heck out of me to have a vet who won’t talk to you further after you discuss and confide in your inability to see a specialist (who will likely want a ct that you also can’t afford). Sorry. Soapbox moment.
Keep me posted on your cats status please.
My cat was taken in to the vet in May to treat allergies, difficulty breathing (snoring sounds) and a head tilt. Was given an anti inflammatory, antibiotic (convenia), vitamin b-12, ear drops, and an X-ray. Diagnosed with asthma brought on by allergies. Lungs ok. Three weeks later breathing and itching had improved, but third eyelid started showing.
Vet would not see him and said to go to a specialist.
Took the cat for a second opinion. That vet said we should check for nasal polyps. Was sedated and had an exam of ears and throat. No polyps were visible. Vet felt a small enlarged area under the soft palate, but could not confirm this was a polyp. Head tilting stopped after first visit. Recurred a few days ago. Not present now. Second vet recommended going to a specialist for ct scan. It is cost prohibitive and I’m not sure it is necessary. Third opinion from an online site recommended we try antibiotics for the respiratory issues. Started on one antibiotic today for ten days. And started on purina fortiflora.
Looking for any other advice or experience with issues like this. I’ve never had a cat with these problems.
#cats #nasal #headtilt #respiratory #polyps
My cat has thrown up 3 hairballs in the past week. This started after we had began packing to move, he has also had a diet change. I noticed no other problems with him. Could this be due to stress or is it something bigger?
I’ve got a 9 week old puppy at home, she is passing stools normal colour not to much but is crying when trying to pass. She has been wormed and I’ve just given her, another one as requested by previous owner. Will this fade eventually once worms are killed she is scooting her bum on the floor too
Two days ago my 8 month old puppy had diarrhea & little pieces of his buffalo chew horn in it. I took away the horn & threw it away bc I didn’t like the fact that he was swallowing pieces. I assumed the diarrhea was from irritation of not being able to digest it. He had no diarrhea yesterday & was totally fine. This morning I woke up to diarrhea on our floor & later he threw up a small amount. His throw up had another little piece of the buffalo horn in it. He is still acting like his very hyper self & is drinking & eating like normal. My question is do you think his stomach is still just a little irritated & trying to get back to normal? Or is this something I should be really concerned about & get him seen?
New vet today. Practice is for cats only. Vet spent a LOT of time checking Lucas. Going to try an antibiotic for possible middle ear infection.
How is Lucas doing?
Pam, did Lucas ever find relief? Did the antibiotics help?