Yes. It can cause gi upset. Please call the vet who prescribed it and speak to them about any possible adverse effect.
I was just wondering if a skin scraping was done could you tell from that if a dog has skin cancer my dog had one done to see if she had mange and my vet said she had skin allergies and allergic to grass but she kept getting worse I took her to a second vet and was told she had skin cancer I was just wondering if it was possible to tell that from a skin Scraping
Can Interceptor cause bowel problems. Our 1 year old Golden seems to have tummy issues a few days after her heartworm
Patricia Rattray I cured a large hematoma on my cats ear with the homeopathic remedy Arnica mont 30. I believe I just gave it once a day, maybe twice. It took about a week to ten days to completely resolved but there was improvement right away which was steady until it resolved. The ear flap returned to normal. In this podcast homeopath Joette Calabrese mentions that in classical homeopathy, Arnica Montana is always used for hematomas. Cost $8.00.
My two year old jackabee has started expressing his anal glands all over my furniture! This has become a new thing over the past year for him (maybe once every three months) but this week he has done it four times and my husband even emptied them for him once this week! There have been no changes to his diet. He eats a spoon full of pumpkin every day.
Please give me some advice!!!
No. A skin scraping cannot diagnose cancer.
Ok thank you
Check this out, nice youtube channel explaining freestyle libre pro CGM