Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Isabelle, 12 Year Old Maltese With Severe Dental Disease
Treatment Cost (USD): $799.46
Isabelle came into the clinic for her annual physical exam. When her mouth was examined, the veterinarian noted that she had "severe dental disease: missing most teeth, tartar, gingivitis, gingival erosion of remaining teeth with some mobility." It was recommended that Isabelle be scheduled for a dental scaling and polishing, along with any necessary extractions of diseased/damaged teeth.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Twinkle The 8 Year Old Chihuahua’s Dental Cleaning And Multiple Extractions
Treatment Cost (USD): $727.63
Twinkle is an 8 year old Chihuahua who was seen for her annual exam in February, 2019. During her complete physical exam, the veterinarian noted that Twinkle had significant tartar buildup on her teeth, and recommended a dental scaling and polish under general anesthesia. Preliminary bloodwork was ordered shortly thereafter, when Twinkle's owner decided to pursue the dental cleaning.
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Rebecca Rice | 6 years ago
I Was Just Wondering If A Skin Scraping Was Done Could You Tell From That…

I was just wondering if a skin scraping was done could you tell from that if a dog has skin cancer my dog had one done to see if she had mange and my vet said she had skin allergies and allergic to grass but she kept getting worse I took her to a second vet and was told she had skin cancer I was just wondering if it was possible to tell that from a skin Scraping

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Carey Henning | 6 years ago
Can Interceptor Cause Bowel Problems. Our 1 Year Old Golden Seems To Have Tummy Issues…

Can Interceptor cause bowel problems. Our 1 year old Golden seems to have tummy issues a few days after her heartworm

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Yes. It can cause gi upset. Please call the vet who prescribed it and speak to them about any possible adverse effect.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Landry Is A Pit Bull Mixed Bree’s Dog Who Is 11 Years Old. He Has…
Treatment Cost (USD): $590.00
Landry’s mass has been present for a long time. It had gotten to a point that it was opening and leaking. The only way to resolve the mass was to remove it. It was a skin mass likely an overactive gland issue. If not removed I always worry about infection and parasites (like maggots) inhabiting it. Best to remove it while it’s small and not bothering him.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Tempest Is An Older Cat With A Mass On Her Side That Started Out Looking…
Treatment Cost (USD): $770.00
Exam: 7.4 lb. 12 yrs old. O noted growth on right chest growing rapidly. Had small cyst noted on file about 4 yrs ago. Eating and drinking normally. Had Rabies vaccine 3 yr 7/28/16, FVRCP 3 yr and Leuk 7/1/16. Mainly indoor cat, but does go outside some during day. Wait on vaccines until biopsy of mass is in, Skin- about 1 " diam, raised, firm, mulitlobulated mass right lateral chest on skin- no SQ attachment. Recommend removal and biopsy and can scale teeth at time of sx.
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Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Chronic Abscess In The Neck Of A Cat. What Are Your Options If It Doesn’t…
Treatment Cost (USD): $321.00
Bert is an indoor-outdoor cat. He came home one day with a swelling on his right shoulder about 1 week after his family noted he was limping. The initial exam (about 1 week before the drain was placed), revealed a slight fever, swollen and painful area of the right shoulder. The swelling was explored and a large amount of purulent material was found (puss). Bert was given an injectable antibiotic (Convenia) that lasts about 2 weeks. He was sent home to be monitored.
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Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Ear Hematoma In An Older Dog With Allergies. An Aural Hematoma Occurs With Head Shaking…
Treatment Cost (USD): $165.00
Lilly is an older lab with a history of allergies. When her ears flared up (redness and itching), she began to shake her head. This caused the blood vessels in her ear flap to rupture and caused the ear pinna (flap) to swell up. This also made her ears even more uncomfortable and worsened the swelling.
1 Response


  1. Patricia Rattray

    I cured a large hematoma on my cats ear with the homeopathic remedy Arnica mont 30. I believe I just gave it once a day, maybe twice. It took about a week to ten days to completely resolved but there was improvement right away which was steady until it resolved. The ear flap returned to normal. In this podcast homeopath Joette Calabrese mentions that in classical homeopathy, Arnica Montana is always used for hematomas. Cost $8.00.

Other Service
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Radio-iodine Treatment For Hyperthyroidism In A Bombay Cat. Meet Bica.
Treatment Cost (USD): $1700.00
Bica was brought to me because her parents were concerned about her weight loss and muscle wasting. She was about 12 when first diagnosed. Most hyperthyroid cats are active (or over active), have a voracious appetite and even though they seem to be eating an adequate amount they continue to lose weight and muscle. Many cats are presented very thin and some even become so ravenous they start to become aggressive about food, or even around people. Bica's parents noticed her subtle signs very early on. She is a very loved and very lucky kitty.
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Kristen Masters | 6 years ago
My Two Year Old Jackabee Has Started Expressing His Anal Glands All Over My Furniture…

My two year old jackabee has started expressing his anal glands all over my furniture! This has become a new thing over the past year for him (maybe once every three months) but this week he has done it four times and my husband even emptied them for him once this week! There have been no changes to his diet. He eats a spoon full of pumpkin every day.
Please give me some advice!!!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have loads and loads of patients with this problem. I wrote a whole blog on it. In general many pets have this issue. I think a few things are important to discuss. One of you are emptying them make sure it is with a recital approach. Lots of people are not willing to insert a finger into the rectum and therefore they aren’t emptied completely or fully. Second I don’t think diet or pumpkin does much good. Third if it is a constant chronic problem ask your vet about anal sacculectomy. Or surgical removal of the anal sacs. This should be done by an experienced surgeon. Lastly try not to get upset. Your pup can’t hwlp it. I hope this helps.