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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Hello! I Have A Puppy Named Chico, He’s A Japanese Spitz. He’s Only 4 Months…

Hello! I have a puppy named Chico, he’s a Japanese Spitz. He’s only 4 months old and he’s a really healthy dog. He eats a lot, he drinks a lot. However since 2 days ago, he hasn’t eaten anything. He doesn’t want to eat anything, he drinks water though. But he really doesn’t want to eat. Whenever we gave him food, after a few hours, he’ll vomit that food that he ate. We think it’s dehydration, but just like what, I’ve said awhile ago, he likes to drink a lot of water so I don’t think that he’s dehydrated. Since 2 days ago, he has lost around 4 pounds I think. We’ve tried giving him electrolyte like Gatorade, we’ve also given him metoclopramide, and dextrose also. But he always vomits his medicine after a few hours also. What should I do? Please help me, he’s really gloomy.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Based on your puppies age I have to urge you to go to the vet immediately. Any illness or disease in a puppy this young can be and should be regarded as an emergency. I worry about parvo, parasites and a slew of other things that can be dangerous and even deadly if not addressed quickly. Dehydration kills puppies. Quick. Please see a vet immediately.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My Dog Has Melanoma Cancer And He Licks My Lips And Face Is There Any…

My dog has Melanoma cancer and he licks my lips and face is there any possible chance of me getting cancer too?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning? I don’t believe cancer is contagious. I’m sorry you and your dog are going through that. Please enjoy each other’s time together as long as you can.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Hello, My 4 Year Old Staffordshire Terrier All Of A Sudden Has Become Sick And…

Hello, my 4 year old Staffordshire Terrier all of a sudden has become sick and we don’t know what is going on. He has suddenly started to cough which ends with him gagging. He doesn’t want to eat and just lays around sleeping. Occasionally, he will get the shivers. He has still been drinking water and will still go out to use the bathroom. I just hate seeing my little ball of energy looking so tired and miserable. I’m wondering if it’s kennel cough that has progressed or something of the sort. Anyone have any opinions or ideas of what it could be or what I can do to help him? We have very limited income right now.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but there isn’t enough information to provide any reliable or credible direction. Your pup really needs to see a vet ASAP. I just don’t know anything about your dog to help you otherwise. At my clinic an exam starts at $50. From there we often work with a very limited budget. The sooner your vet sees your dog he better. Also the longer you wait the more serious the condition may become which worsens the prognosis and the budget. Please look into carecredit or see if any of your local rescues or shelters offer low cost options. Best of luck.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Need Help. My Westie Is Almost 13 And She’s Been Suffering With Recurring UTI’s…

I need help. My westie is almost 13 and she’s been suffering with recurring UTI’s for a little while now. She also has a bad ear infection. She’s tired. And i can’t stand to see her hurting anymore. I need help and advice on when euthanasia should come into the question. I’ve never done this before and i need all the help and second opinions i can get. this is my baby and i can’t watch her suffer. i also don’t want to put her down if she still has any value of life left. please help. please

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I would say a few things are important to mention. 1. Call everyone to try to be seen by the neurologist sooner. Call and ask to be put on a cancelation list. So if they get an opening they can call you and get you in sooner. Call your closest vet school and try to get in there. 2. Ask about getting your mds filled via your pharmacy. Gabapentin is cheap here. About $30 for a two week supply. If you can’t get it cheaper ask about tramadol or an online pharmacy. I have a blog about all the meds I used with hank. I often use robaxin and pred to start. They are both very inexpensive. But i also add gastro protectsncrs like famotidine/omeprazole and sulcralfate with pred. Massage and PT are wonderful at any stage of the recovery process. Ask your vet for guidance with these. Hope this helps! Good luck. Also see Dodgers List for assistance.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Has your vet done bloodwork, X-ray, urine culture and sensitivity and an ultrasound ? I suspect the answer to the recurrent UTIs lies within these diagnostics.

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Marshmallow The Rabbit | 7 years ago
How Do You Tell If You’re Bunny Is An American White, A New Zealand Or…

How do you tell if you’re bunny is an American White, a New Zealand or a Florida White rabbit?
My bunny is a white bunny with red eyes and they all seem to look exactly like her.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    You may have to find a local rabbit enthusiast or expert to help identify the breed. In the dog world we can use dna testing. Most bigger cities have rabbit interest groups. You could try asking them.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Cystotomy Surgery. Canine. Meet Molly. My Patient. Molly Had A Large Bladder Stone That Was…
Treatment Cost (USD): $859.49
Molly was having accidents in the house for many months. Over time the accidents started to have blood in them. That's what brought her in for me to see.
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Bridget Is A 9 Yr Old Havenese With A History Of Glaucoma. Her Is Non-functional…
Treatment Cost (USD): $859.00
Squinting, painful left eye. Cornea was blue and the eye was enlarged. She was seen multiple times at an ophthalmologists office to resolve the condition. The eye was poorly responsive to medical therapies
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Bridget Is A 9 Yr Old Havenese With A History Of Glaucoma. Her Is Non-functional…
Treatment Cost (USD): $859.00
Squinting, painful left eye. Cornea was blue and the eye was enlarged. She was seen multiple times at an ophthalmologists office to resolve the condition. The eye was poorly responsive to medical therapies
1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico Post author

    Here is her invoice (note she also had 3 teeth removed during this procedure. That charge was removed from the posted enucleation charge above. Invoice Number XXX Date 6/11/2018 Total $934.09 Paid in Transaction $934.09 Paid to Date $934.09 Amount Remaining $0.00 Patient Provider Description Date Quantity Subtotal Tax Total Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. ENUCLEATION CANINE 6/11/2018 1 $350.00 0 $350.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. ANESTHESIA 6/11/2018 1 $125.00 0 $125.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. ANESTHESIA (ADDITIONAL/MINUTE) 6/11/2018 25 $37.50 0 $37.50 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. I V CATHETER PLACEMENT 6/11/2018 1 $40.00 0 $40.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. FLUIDS INTRAVENOUS 6/11/2018 1 $50.00 0 $50.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Fluid Pump 6/11/2018 1 $25.00 0 $25.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Propoflo Induction, per use 6/11/2018 1 $60.00 0 $60.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Ampicillin injectable 100mg/ml 6/11/2018 0.8 $21.64 0 $21.64 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. RIMADYL INJ. 50mg/mL 6/11/2018 0.6 $21.59 0 $21.59 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Fentanyl Patch 25mcg/h 6/11/2018 1 $48.00 0 $48.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Additional Suture Pack 6/11/2018 1 $15.00 0 $15.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Clavamox 62.5 mg. 6/11/2018 20 $34.00 0 $34.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Rimadyl 25 mg Chewable 6/11/2018 8 $21.36 0 $21.36 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Collar, Plastic Small 6/11/2018 1 $10.00 0 $10.00 Bridget Krista Magnifico, D.V.M. Tooth Extraction, single root 6/11/2018 3 $75.00 0 $75.00 Invoice Total $934.09 $934.09 Paid in Transaction $934.09 Paid to Date $934.09 Amount Remaining $0.00

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Is The Red Puffiness Allergies? Both Her Eyes Look Like This, I Can’t Tell…

Is the red puffiness allergies? Both her eyes look like this, I can’t tell if she’s in pain, she’s acting completely normal. It just concerns me, because they look painful

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning? Sorry about your pup. I don’t wait on the eyes… I always think of them as an emergency for obvious reasons. I would call my vet right away, and have them checked. Even if it ends up being allergies, they can give your dog something to help. And if it something more, you’ll be very happy you didn’t wait.

  2. Laura

    I agree, that’s concerning. Please get her to the vet today.

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Sarah | 7 years ago
Good Morning Pawbly Friends. Apologies For The Long Question. I Feel Like The Worst Dog…

Good morning pawbly friends. Apologies for the long question. I feel like the worst dog mom in the world right now? We recently rescued a beautiful black gsd- Riva the Diva. We have acreage, so while we do leash train, we also collar train (we cannot afford to fence in although we do have a small fenced section). We use the collar when we do our long walks around the perimeter or when we are playing in the yard, etc. we haven’t even started training Riva on it yet… I’ve only been putting it on her in the morning (“let’s get dressed” and taking it off in the evening “time for bed”) for the last three days. Yesterday afternoon I noticed she seemed uncomfortable and when I went to check her, her neck where the bulky part of the collar is was all raw! We haven’t even turned the collar on yet. I could easily fit 2 fingers width under the collar. Obviously I took the collar off right away and cleaned off the raw area. She slept completely collarless, and is without any type of collar at the moment. I’m only putting her regular collar on for short walks. This morning she is much happier and her neck looks much better already. My concern is what happened… was the collar too tight even though I could fit my fingers? Is there an allergic reaction? My other concern is, we travel/vacation with our dogs to the mountains, woods etc. and depend on these collars. This has not ever happened with any of our other dogs.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    It definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to me – there’s nickle in the contacts on e-collars, and many dogs are allergic to the metal. I would leash train her until you can figure something else out (maybe contact the collar manufacturer and see if they have an option for you?). Long line training is a good idea, too.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I have seen hotspots develop. Just abrasion and fur with a tinge of humidity can cause it. They heal very quickly when the collar is removed. PS you are the best dog mom! Xox Riva