Good morning? Years ago we had a very similar situation. We were advised to switch feeding bowls to ceramic or stainless steel instead of plastic, and that solved the issue. Hope this helps!
Does anyone have experience with chemo drugs used for feline intestinal lymphoma, small cell type? I’m anticipating having to decide next week to pursue a course of chemo -or not- for my Oak. Oak is now 11 years old, rescued by me as a kitten from a shelter, but never adopted out due to the eosinophilic granuloma that became apparent when he was about 4 months age. He is such a sweet kitty, I call him my ‘circus cat’ because I can train him to do almost anything. Sadly, I’m now training him to happily take gel capsules so we’ll be ready if the time comes. I would appreciate any insight you have on how well your cat(s) tolerate chemo (if you can include the name of the drug, that’s a bonus!). Thank you so much, judy
2 days ago i noticed a big black scab on my cats chin, i am familiar with cat-ne (feline acne) and i have not noticed it on him previously. The scab was pretty large and when i looked at it today, he allowed me to touch it so im assuming it isnt causing him pain and it kinda just fell right off. However, now there is a big raw spot where the scab was. Its rather pink and i think i saw some clear and possibly some yellow fluid coming out of a couple spots. But at this point, he was uncomfortable and ran away so i couldnt get a better look. Anyone have any ideas? It just seemed like too big a scab to be acne..
Bridget is a 9 yo Havenese with a history of glaucoma. The eye was non-functional and painful. Her best option was enucleation. Her story is here.
Note; Briget was my patient. This is her story at my clinic.
I have a 3 month old siberian husky. He loves everyone and is never aggressive besides play biting, and even then it’s not bad. I live with my dad and my grandma, and he loves my dad. For some reason though, he’ll random run up to my grandma and start barking. She gets scared and says he hates her, but I try to reassure her otherwise. Why does he do this?
Anonymous He wants attention from her. If you don’t want him doing this I suggest keeping a leash on him when he’s out of his crate, so you can pull him away from her (while calling him to you, to reinforce recalls).
Ashlee Brown That’s what I thought, but she gives him treats, let’s him out sometimes, and talks to him. She doesn’t want to give him too much attention because she’s afraid of him charging at her (which I try to remind her that he’s not like that). He’s fantastic otherwise though, and it’s so random when he barks at her that it would be difficult to have him on a leash.
Ashlee Brown I try telling her to just give him time and attention but she just gets stressed over it and says he is going to attack her when I know he won’t.
Anonymous Okay, so this is where a drag leash REALLY comes in handy. She’s encouraging the behavior, so you need to step in. At this age he should have a leash on him and either leashed to someone or dragging it behind him (and confined to areas where you are, to ensure he can’t get into mischief, or crated when you can’t supervise him). It isn’t hard – just leave it on when he’s in the house and supervised, take it off when he’s crated. SHE needs more education on puppies and puppy behavior, and if she isn’t comfortable with puppy behavior she needs to stop encouraging him with treats. Remind her he’s a baby.
My rabbit keeps scratching her ears with her back leg and shaking her head. However, she doesn’t have scabs and her ear seems clean so it can’t be ear mites. What’s wrong with her?
My dog was diagnosed by two vets. One said he had a mild case of collapsed treacha without doing an X-ray. The other one said he had a reverse sneeze due to allergies. He is also sneezing. Put him on medicine. With a mild case of collapsed treacha what would be the symptoms?
My Boykin Spaniel, Georgia (will be 1 year next month) has just started vomiting yellowish color bile. She also has very foul smelling, dark urine. She eats and drinks very little at the time. Could the bile and dark urine be from something she ate recently, or something more serious going on? Any suggestions?
I have a 9 week old German Shephard puppy that is itching and scratching. Apparently all if them from the litter are. Ive washed him in oatmeal bath for puppies and someone suggested they were allergic to the food (blue buffalo puppy, chicken formula). Ive started to change his food, but I dont know what it could be!??
I have 2 other dogs and they don’t do this.
My little dog had a biopsy 10 days ago on her eyelid. The result is that it is Necratic. I know this means dead tissue. May this be because she suffered from immune system illness and had to be transfused. Is it likely she may have cancer as my vet did hint at this. He has told me to keep a very close eye on her and not hesitate to call if she shows any signs of being unwell. Quite concerning.
my little dog had a problem with her eye lid in November and now my vet wants to do a biopsy tomorrow. Am i right to be very concerned
I know this is a year old by now, but did you do the Chemo for Oak and if yes how did he manage it?
Hi Shiria, I has not been a year, but Oak is doing fine. He continues with the prednisolone, and we added chlorambucil 3x per week. The chlorambucil (trade name= Leukeran) is VERY expensive in the states, and if you can make a trip to Canada, it MUCH cheaper. Take your prescription, and call the pharmacy ahead of time so you only need to pick it up. Hope this helps. Oak has had two blood tests so far to see if the clorambucil is overly suppressing his bone marrow, and he hasn’t had that problem. I give him B12 shots anyway monthly or every two weeks if he seems tired.