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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My 6 Year Old Shar Pei/golden Retriever Mix Has A Mysterious Bump On Her Lower…

My 6 year old shar pei/golden retriever mix has a mysterious bump on her lower leg. It appeared out of nowhere on Jan 1. She doesn’t seem bothered by it, it just looks like a pink bump really. I took her to the vet who took one look (barely a look at all because it had all of the fur covering it) and said it was either a cyst that maybe was a little infected or a pappilloma. She said to put neosporin and aloe vera on and cover with a sock daily. I have done that for more then a week and the bump looks the same (I trimmed the hair to get a better look). Do you think I should be concerned or push for a further look or is something like this just that easy to diagnose as she seemed to think?

4 Responses


  1. Julie Brader

    Hi Amy, If you are concerned then go back to your Vet…or see another one if you were not happy with the initial examination. I enlarged the photo and there seems to be a mark in the middle of the lump. I wonder if it could be a bite of some kind? If so she would probably need antibiotics. If she were my dog I would definately take her back to the Vet for a more in depth examination.

  2. Sarah

    I agree. I would call my vet and explain that there has been no improvement and you are concerned. Have them take a closer look.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Julie and Sarah. If you are worried about it and it isn’t resolving express your concerns to your vet. It does look like a mass, per se, it looks more like an injury, but I would have expected it to be better by now if it was. It is so hard to diagnose via a photo. You are better off with your vet looking at it in person. Please let us know what happens.

  4. Amy Martin-Madeley

    Finally after I stopped put on the neosporin and the aloe vera and just let it alone for a few days it seemed to start getting smaller and smaller. Now it is just a tiny scab! Thanks everyone for your advice.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A Male German Shepherd Dog( 3 Years Old). He Has Recently Developed A…

I have a male German Shepherd Dog( 3 years old). He has recently developed a few red bump(with dark pigmentation on the top) around the center of his belly. They cause him no discomfort or anything. They are about 5mm wide and 3-4mm high in size . I am wondering if that is something I should worry about.

1 Response


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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Hi, I Brought My Cat To The Vet On Thursday. She Has Been Straining To…

Hi, I brought my cat to the vet on Thursday. She has been straining to urinate since Wednesday night. She had also been throwing up her food and had had diarrhoea on the Thursday morning. The vet prescribed antibiotics for cystitis and I am brining her back after a week for a recheck. She had quite a lot of blood in her urine before she started the antibiotics but this has stopped since. She is still frequently going to the litter tray and is still straining and doesn’t seem to be able to get much out. She has stopped getting sick and is eating and drinking as normal. Apart from a little bit of diarrhoea on the Thursday morning she has not defecated at all and prior to that it had been at least 4 days. Could you give me some advice on when I should begin to see improvements?

4 Responses


  1. E

    Thank you for your responses. I rang the emergency vet today and she told me that it would take a few days until she is urinating normal again and as long as she is eating and drinking she should be ok. She no longer has blood in her urine, however I am still quite worried as there doesn’t seem to be much improvement in the volume of her urine output and she seems to be straining a lot with only a a little dribble of urine each time. She is also licking the area after every time she tries to urinate. Other than this her temperment seems normal and she is lively.

  2. Julie Brader

    Hi …if you are in any way concerned please take your cat back to the Vet before her check up is due. If she is still straining to urinate and has not defacated for 4 days it could be something other than cystitis.
    Take a urine sample to the Vet with you and perhaps ask for blood tests to check kidney function etc. I hope she recovers soon.

  3. Shiria

    If she still has blood in her urine and is straining to get somethign out I would visit the vet again. Maybe she has bladderstones or something else partly blocks the way.
    Same if she can’t defecate. Sometimes it takes a while after diarrhoea until the colon starts working again normally, but if shes eating normal since 4 days and wasn’t able to use the toilet since then I would get that checked, too.

  4. Krista Magnifico

    I am very very worried that the cat is unable to urinate which is an emergency. Please go immediately to the vet now!

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Hi Good Morning Just Had A Quick Question , My Puppy Saw Her Vet On…

Hi good morning just had a quick question , my puppy saw her vet on Tuesday morning and she was fine she got her shots and everything was well , we usually feed her 1/4 cup puppy dry food and 1/4 cup plain rice and chicken , we had however run out of the rice and chicken and gave her a little extra dry food with some ham , she now had diarrhea and a little bit of water we thing blood , we have hence stopped the dry food and just given her the rice and chicken do you think that the ham may have made her sick ?? She is bouncy and normal and she only really started the dirrea last night , she’s 2 month old

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Frankly…I wouldn’t supplement with anything. If the food you’re feeding is high quality, anything extra is just that – extra – and may cause food issues in the future.

    My dog didn’t get any toppers until she was reliable with eating what I give when I give it.

    I would also avoid pork products, as these tend to be very high in fat. Puppies really don’t need that in their diet.

  2. Sarah Jenkins

    Since her stomach is not used to the ham it is very likely that the ham is the culprit. my suggestion if you run out if rice and chicken again is just do the dry food.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A 6 Month Old, Female Border Collie. We Are Having A Hard…

I have a 6 month old, female border collie. We are having a hard time with food aggression, especially towards our two year old daughter. What can we do stop the food aggression?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would involve a professional, someone who understands the breed quite well. If you’re in the US, I would go to the nearest chapter of the breed club:

    I would also search Google for “Border collie club $YourState.” They’ll be able to refer you to a GOOD trainer for the breed.
    Feed your dog in the crate, to prevent stress at meals. If you don’t have a crate, now’s the time to get one. Step up your obedience training, too – remember, you have THE smartest breed on the planet, and your dog needs a job or she will become a neurotic mess. If you haven’t worked on anything beyond basic obedience, start. BCs need to herd, or they need a sport that fulfills their need to work.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with both dr. Magnifico and Laura. Please do not give up on your pup. Find a behaviorist/trainer that can help you in the right direction of what you need to be working on with your dog. Very best of luck to you.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but these questions are often difficult to answer as they have a complicated and multifaceted evolution. Please ask your vet to guide you to a trainer who can come to your home and help understand the situation your dog lives in and the relationship they share with your family. In some cases this requires reestablishing boundaries and going back to basic obedience. Regardless always use positive reinforcement and understand that your dog is adapting to your family and there is a responsibility that you all have to helping her learn to be respectful and safe with your family.

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Jennifer Taylor | 7 years ago
Last Christmas Our Kitty Snacked On Our Live Christmas Tree. We Found The Needles…

Last Christmas our kitty snacked on our live Christmas tree. We found the needles in her stool. This also coincided with her being diagnosed with lymphoma. She is amazingly still with us, although life seems to be a series of ups and downs. As she has has digestive issues from lymphoma I certainly don’t want to cause any further irritation this holiday season. We are debating putting up an artificial vs real tree, however I wonder if ingesting the artificial matter (ie plastic) could be more iritating than organic matter. Thoughts?
If we had a room to simply close the tree in to we would, however we have an open floor plan….and if we didn’t have children we would skip the tree altogether!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think I would do the real tree and try to minimize the chances of ingestion by offering safer substitutes like cat grass, cat nip and toys. You could also try to spray something to discourage her on the bottom branches like cedar, lemon/citrus, etc. safe but non-feline friendly. Sending best wishes for a safe uneventful holiday..

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Pam Purdy | 7 years ago
My Dog Tested Elisa Test Positive For Giardia With No Cysts Seen. She Has No…

My dog tested Elisa test positive for Giardia with no cysts seen. She has no symptoms. Does she need to be treated and can she give it to us? Thanks.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I researched some and I do not believe that humans can catch from dogs… at least I haven’t found anywhere saying that it is possible. I would make sure to wash my hands thoroughly and you could always call your vets’ office to double check and make sure.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Typically I only treat if this is causing diarrhea, or was found in an immunocompromised individual. I have never seen it be passed to humans from pets. Ask your vet to provide you better guidance for your pets test results. That is what they are there for.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Noticed My Dog (Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua Mix Born Feb 28, 2016 15lbs) Licking His…

I noticed my dog (Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mix born Feb 28, 2016 15lbs) licking his penis. So I examined it and I noticed that the hair on the tip of his penis is turning black and hardening at the base of the hair and the hairs falling out. I also noticed that he has a lump on the right side of the tip of his penis. I’m just very concerned because I just now examined him to find the lump but have notice the hair problem for about a week or 2. Please help!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I agree- the sooner you get to the vet, the better. If you let it wait, it may become costly if it is in fact infected. Good luck!

  2. Julie Brader

    Please take your dog to.a Vet as soon as you can. Something is obviously wrong. He could have an infection needing treatment or something else. All lumps need checking too. This is bothering him a great deal if he’s constantly licking the area and whatever it is needs to be diagnosed and treated. Hope he’s better soon.

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Kathleen Munna | 7 years ago
Sorry To Disturb But I Need Advice. Appears Jessy The Latest Rescue Who Is 1…

Sorry to disturb but I need advice. Appears Jessy the latest rescue who is 1 years old is causing a pretty disturbing home environment. Here goes: daisy the 13 year old dog has been eating non-stop, Lucy the 9 year old has completely withdrawn very depressed, Stella a 9 year old dog bit the hell out of Jessy trying to get her to stop nipping at her. Tao my male 5 year old cat has started swatting my younger cat Mia. Sasha the youngest cat hasn’t been seen since last weekend hiding from all of us under my bed. I have dog and cat pheromones on all 3 floors. Jessy appears to be herding all the animals by nipping at their haunches. And non stop sniffing which is iratating all the animals. Any advice on how to calm the house?

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Get Daisy to the vet if she’s eating non-stop. Reestablish a routine for EVERYONE in the house. This may include feeding all the dogs in their crates for now.

    I would also encourage getting a behaviorist in the home, to see exactly what’s going on. There may be an underlying behavioral issue that you aren’t seeing.

    Is Jessy a herding breed? How long have you had her in the home? What sort of training have you done with her thus far?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with laura. I would start by providing boundaries and restrictions to the entire group to see if this can be resolved with time and patience. In some cases we try to encourage exercise to get the frustrations worked out on neutral territory. Or try rotating cage time-outs until the group settles down. Also seeking the help of a behaviorist to help break down the personalities and your participation in the group dynamics can really help.

  3. Kathleen Munna Post author

    Jessy is a rescue I have had for 2 weeks. all canines are shi-tzus but Id bet Jessy is a mix maybe a jack Russell she jumps and leaps like a Russell. All canines are rescues I’ve had for 2-3 years. So far no training just verbal discipline. Both back legs are in bad shape with hip displaysia and torn cruciate ligament so I have been using a beep and zap to stop her from using the stairs.

  4. Anonymous

    Okay, you need to set rules rather than discipline the dog(s). You’re punishing without showing what you expect, and that causes a LOT of issues. I strongly suggest getting into a class with Jessy.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Got My Five-month-old Male Cat Neutered Two Days Ago, And Everything Looked Fine Until…

I got my five-month-old male cat neutered two days ago, and everything looked fine until this morning when I noticed a small red swelling. I’m not sure if I should be concerned, or just keep an eye on it.
I’m an expat in a country with literally one licensed vet, and thus she’s very busy all the time and it’s hard to get into contact with her to ask questions. I’ve attached a photo; it’s not great, but it gives the idea.
Other than that, he seems to have mostly regained his appetite, and he’s back to being his affectionate self.

2 Responses


  1. Elizabeth Buller

    Thank you for your response! I left a message for her several hours ago, so hopefully she will see it and respond. I’m keeping a close eye on him and other than the redness he seems fine and is acting normal.
    Thank you for your time. 🙂 I’d rather be safe than sorry, so getting a second opinion helps (and hopefully I’ll get a third from my vet).

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I always cringe a little when trying to analyze a pet by a photo. So, I always have to give the same general advice; if your cat is acting normally they are probably ok. always check and follow up with your vet. Even if it is leaving a message. make sure your kitten isn’t bothering with the incision. Keep a close eye out, and in general after 48 hours these cases rarely have problems.
    Hope this helps.
    As long as it isn’t actively bleeding, looking infected (pus, pain, swelling, warm), and your cat is acting fine,,, you are probably fine.