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Pawbly | 8 years ago
What Can I Do When My Dog Has Mange

What can i do when my dog has mange

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are some amazing products available from your vet like Simparica, Nexgard and Bravecto. You should ask about whether they might help? And usually we have to provide antibiotics and anti itch medications while they start to work.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Our Dog Has Been Having Seizure Episodes, Is There Anything We Can Do To Help…

Our dog has been having seizure episodes, is there anything we can do to help her?

She is a two year old border collie mix. They have been recurring late at night since mid October about every other month. When they happen she loses her balance and can’t walk, she has heavy drool, and she vomits and loses control of her bowels.

These symptoms last around twenty minutes. She has the shakes for about an hour after she regains her balance and the other symptoms pass. After about two hours she is back to acting like herself.

She’s very scared while these are happening, we’ve been comforting her until they pass. Is there anything we can do? What could be causing these?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    This is something that your veterinarian needs to deal with. I would urge you to get your dog to your vet right away and explain, in detail, everything that has been happening and how long this has been going on. Good luck.

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Karen Katzenberger | 8 years ago
I Walk My 4year Old Lab Nightly For About 45 Mins. About Once Or…

I walk my 4year old Lab nightly for about 45 mins. About once or twice a month, our walks are interrupted by him becoming very uncomfortable to the point where he is rapidly panting, stops walking, sits, lays down, cannot get comfortable, constantly changing positions. On these occasions, we stop, I calmly try to talk to him, gently pet him, until he is okay to walk again. The whole episode lasts no more than 5 minutes. Then we walk home like nothing happened. I have racked my brain trying to find the common thread leading to these episodes. The only thing I can come up with is that he ate within a relatively short time before walking. Maybe 30 mins or less before walking. Usually he eats at least 2 to 3 hours before walking. Is the problem most likely related to his eating, then walking shortly after? Do you think it could be something else?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would wonder if there is any underlying issues like heart condition, blood pressure, hypoglycemia, thyroid issues, etc. I recommend a trip to the vet to discuss your concerns and I also recommend a blood work. I hope this helps. Let me know. Good luck

  2. Sarah

    Once the vet has hopefully ruled out any medical issues, you might want to take a close look around where this episode usually happened. There might be something going on environmentally? I know it might sound hokey, but that might trigger some odd behavior. For example, we absolutely can not walk our dogs south down our road when the farmer that way has his bull out in the fields with the cows. Even if that bull is acres away… the dogs go crazy. I don’t know if they smell something, or sense something or what the deal is, but this is what we have determined. If that bull is out, anywhere, my two lovely dogs become insane. I know that this is different from your situation. I just wanted to share that changes in environment can effect them too.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog, A Schnoodle 7yrs Is Lethargic, Seems To Have Pain In His Hind…

My dog, a schnoodle 7yrs is lethargic, seems to have pain in his hind quarters (like arthritis type pain) and is sensitive around the anal area and slightly runny stool. Any thoughts or advice please.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Where there is pain and lethargy combined, there is an emergency.

  2. Anonymous

    I agree, treat this like an emergency and get him to the vet ASAP.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Dogs Neck Got Swollen Suddenly ….i Would Like To Take Him To Hospital …but The…

dogs neck got swollen suddenly ….i would like to take him to hospital …but the problem is …he is street dog ..what should i do ….i really want to help him …is there any way?

3 Responses


  1. Jana

    I believe she’s asking about how to actually get the dog to the veterinarian.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing why it is swollen (infection, cancer, trauma, poisoning, etc), it is not possible to offer any treatment options.
    You can look for signs of wounds, infection, or whatever the cause may be and perhaps we, or a local veterinarian can provide more help from there?

  3. Leah Hay

    you could try phone the SSPCA or RSPCA if you aren’t able to take the dog to a vets

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 5 Year Young Border Collie Lab And She Has These Episodes Where…

I have a 5 year young border collie lab and she has these episodes where she starts licking/salivating, sometimes lip smacking occurs. Episodes last about 1-2 hours. Her heart rateia normal 69-80 bpm. Her breath doesn’t stink. I brush her teeth daily. Pupils are responsive (no epilepsy or seizures, she doesn’t lick the air just her mouth) She has had a general blood test done. Her kidney/liver function, electrolytes, thyroid, hormones, and her Red and White blood cell count were all normal. Test results were all normal.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would discuss conditions like megaesophagus, reflux, seizures, and neurological issues. This is a condition that very likely needs a vets assistance to diagnose.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Sunday, After Groomed In A Petshop, My Cat Can’t Stand Right, Tremble When He Walks…

Sunday, After groomed in a petshop, my cat can’t stand right, tremble when he walks and his head turn to left and can’t turn back. His appetite still good, doesn’t have trouble in peeing or pooping. Eyes roll well. I have gone to clinic performed x-ray and see 3 different vets. But no vets has the same answers. One said axis and atlas bone dyslocation, other said fracture and muscle neck inflammation and the last said otitis interna. what happened to my cat actually? Can he fully recovered?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. This cannot be answered without an in person exam and review of the radiographs. I strongly recommend that you seek a specialists help and give her rest in a cage so she cannot hurt herself further.

  2. Zhai Hui

    I know that. But here in Indonesia, we don’t have any specialist. So idk what to do again now.

    maybe you can help me to interpret these xray results? I add another xray from different position. So i hope you can help me by giving a good interpretation of my cat’s results here

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog As Started Vomiting After Drinking Water Shes Not Eating And Been Like It…

my dog as started vomiting after drinking water shes not eating and been like it for 12 hours, she’s bright eyed but looking down in herself.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Please define “started vomiting”. You mean multiple times since? Since it’s a weekday, and she seems visibly unwell, I’d see a vet with that.


    thank you for responce, yes she vomits white gunk and clear fluid quite regular but full of life when out in garden, will book vet asap.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog Has A Lump On Her Snout/mouth And I’m Very Worried. I Have Booked…

My dog has a lump on her snout/mouth and I’m very worried. I have booked to see a vet tomorrow but I won’t be able to sleep tonight because I’m scared it is cancerous. It is the size of a ten cent coin, crusty and red. I’m very scared 🙁
Can someone try to guess what this is?

2 Responses


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Puppy Was Spayed 6 Days Ago And 2 Days Post-spay, We Noticed A Red…

My puppy was spayed 6 days ago and 2 days post-spay, we noticed a red bump the side of my thumb just above the incision. It grew throughout the day and then the next day, it seemed to have leaked through an unhealed part of the incision. Not knowing what it was, we brought her to the vet and were told that it seemed that she had an infection…her incision was quite enflamed. We were given an antibiotic that we are currently still giving twice a day. After that, the bump shrank…and after then, if we’d push on it, it would leak through…very pink and watery fluid. Now at nearly a week after surgery, the bump is back(same size…like a thumb print), but now that the incision has healed, it no longer is drainable… What could this be? I was thinking an abcess(which is what I assumed the vet thought), but it was never filled with pus, just very watery.
Should I take her back to the vet to get it checked out or is this something that may resolve on its own and I’m just overreacting…?
I included the image from day 3 when it burst and then today, day 6.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I would phone the vet and explain that it is back and that you are concerned.