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Pawbly | 9 years ago
4 Months Ago My Wife And I Purchased A Chihuahua From What Was Supposed To…

4 months ago my wife and I purchased a chihuahua from what was supposed to be a reputable breeder. When we gor her she reeked of cigarettes bur we loved her already. We took her immediately to a vet and she is healthy and up to date on all her vaccinations but the issue we are having is wit a tapeworm. She had it since we got her. Our vet had treated her multiple times with both medicine and injections and she is on Sentinel for protection. Even had to put For-Bid in her food for the past month per our vet, but worm is still here. Getting frustrated and concerned for our baby pup. Anything we can do to help get rid of this?

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I’m going to leave the medical part of your question to our vets, but I do have an observation regarding what makes a reputable, ethical breeder.

    Unless the person from whom you purchased your puppy titles (as in, they earn titles through showing, obedience trials, etc…not just AKC registration) and fully health tests per the Chihuahua Club of America, they aren’t what I would consider ethical or reputable. Here’s a lot more information:

    Read through the links on the right sidebar. And maybe look into an insurance policy to cover potential health issues. Petplan and Truepanion seem to be two of the best…avoid VPI like the plague, they’ll just take your money.

  2. David Woolwine

    We have had the pups repeatedly checked for fleas by vet and there are none. Both are indide dogs do no infestation ftom outside, dont even go outside. Been on Sentinel for protection since she was big enough to start and our 18 month old has always been on monthly Trifexis for prevention. Luckily even with continued presence of worm still is gaining weight and only loose stool was after surgery to spay and antibiotics were given. Just frustrating that we are doing all we can and still cannot get rid of. Wondering if I need to take to different vet.

  3. David Woolwine

    We took two separate stool samples in to the vet, then while my wife had the pup there a small worm was left on her shirt by the pup. Vet said it was a tapeworm so I’m assuming that’s what it is.

  4. David Woolwine

    But after multiple shots, multiple doses if sentinel, a month on For-Bid to prevent her from eating her feces and reinfesting I’m at a loss. Also weird that it goes days sometimes but no worm, then suddenly they’re back.

  5. David Woolwine

    Plus had deurontinal more times than I can count.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I’ve Had My Cat Ronnie For 2 Years, And Never Had A Problem. He Has…

I’ve had my cat Ronnie for 2 years, and never had a problem. He has been neutered and had worm and flee treatment. I havn’t changed his food or his litter. His fur and skin seems fine and healthy and he always eats his food. I just don’t know why he is doing this, and don’t know how to stop it???

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Sudden changes in urination (location, frequency, etc.) could mean a UTI, ESPECIALLY in tomcats.  Please get him to the vet for a urinalysis.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 16 Year Old Jack Russell (9 Lbs.) Has Developed A Case Of Diareaha And…

My 16 year old Jack Russell (9 lbs.) has developed a case of diareaha and I would like to know what I can feed her to get this under control. She just started having this problem in past few hours and was fine before.this in the past.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
SOS SOS SOS SOS EMERGENCY. My Dog Lost Half Her Hair, Her Eyes Are Red…

SOS SOS SOS SOS EMERGENCY. My dog lost half her hair, her eyes are red, and she’s really warm. I don’t know what this is help,?

5 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    What did your vet say when you took your dog to see him/her?  Haven’t been to a vet yet?  What are you waiting for?

  2. Anonymous

    Consider this an emergency and GET TO THE VET NOW.

  3. Emma Tiernan

    Took to the vet. Gave her steroids

  4. PK Dennis

    So, steroids.  Did the vet tell you this was the result of an allergy?  

    If so, the first thing you must do is get all grains out of her diet, including treats.  No more sharing the odd cookie or corn chip with her.  Go to a good pet store (not the grocery store or a big box store) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog foods.  Then start reading labels.  You want a dog food that lists real meat as the first 2, or even better, 3 ingredients.  Real meat is easy to recognize, it will say Elk, Bison, Turkey, Lamb, Pork, Salmon meal, Whitefish meal, etc.  Meal is the entire animal ground up and dried – a good thing.  Avoid chicken and beef – many dogs are reactive to those two proteins.  Do NOT buy any food that lists ‘by products’ as an ingredient, this is a sign that you will be paying premium price for a sub-standard food.

    Read all treat packages – they sneak a lot of grains into treats.

    To help with the itching right now – rinse your dog daily with a mix of vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water – organic apple cider vinegar is best if you can afford it.  Use white vinegar if your dog is a very light color since apple cider can stain the coat.).  Flush the mix through her coat, working it down to her skin, then let her shake and dry – don’t rinse it out.  The vinegar helps calm the itch.  You can do this several times per day on the naked skin since it will dry fast – you don’t want her to go to bed damp though.

    You can keep a bowl of this mix at the door (use fresh mix every day) and dip her feet when she comes in from outdoors – this helps keep down the amount of pollen and mold spores she tracks into the house.

    Cover your furniture with sheets or towels where ever you allow her to nap – then toss those covers in the wash every week.  Same with her dog bed or crate liner.  If she sleeps in bed with you – cover the foot of the bed with a sheet or beach towel – and wash it weekly.  This keeps down the amount of pollen and mold spores on those surfaces too.  Vacuum each day with a HEPA filter in your vacuum.

    If the vet suggested Benedryl use Zyrtec instead – it seems to work better for dogs.  The generic is fine, and use the same dose as the Benedryl – one pill in the morning and one at night.

    If she has any hot spots (raw open wounds), dab on witch hazel with aloe vera (find in any pharmacy over the counter) and let it dry.

    Consider feeding your dog a raw diet – google “BARF diet for dogs”, “raw diet for dogs”, “biologically appropriate diets for dogs” to learn more.  It is a little intimidating at first, but after the first 6 months you will see such changes in your dog that you will never go back to dry bits out of a bag.  And your dog will smell wonderful!

    Keep in mind that a naked dog will feel warmer to us – we are used to having a layer of insulation (fur) between our skin and theirs.  Normally a dog’s temperature is 102.5 degrees F and we are only 98.6.

    If your dog has a skin infection you will need to continue to work with a vet – don’t let your girl get worse! 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Our Cat Is About 8 Years Old, And We Got Her From The Humane Society…

Our cat is about 8 years old, and we got her from the humane society 2 years ago. Her problem is that she poops outside of the litter box frequently. Sometimes she poops in the box, sometimes not, sometimes on the couch, the table, the laundry, the floor, wherever. Never the same place twice. She’s not sick and doesn’t have worms, and she pees in the litter fine. We’ve tried different litter, moving it to different places, and nothing works. We are so confused by this cat! Help if you can please, thank you!

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Dr. Magnifico often suggests using dirt in the litterbox.  I would also have at least one other box on hand…most cats really don’t enjoy pooping where they pee.

  2. Michelle Baggett

    Does the litter box have a cover on it?  My vet told me one time that cats can become intolerable of their litter boxes if they are enclosed (have covers on them) no matter how much you scoop or change the litter.  That did the trick and did not happen anymore.  

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dogs Has A Tick

My dogs has a tick

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    You need to remove the tick.  If you aren’t comfortable doing so, take your dog to the vet NOW to have it removed.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Ate A Used Tampon And The Person Who Used The Tampon Has Herpes…

My dog ate a used tampon and the person who used the tampon has herpes, is it possible for my dog to get herpes??

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    No – the human version of the herpes virus is not transmissible to dogs.  I would be more worried about obstruction, depending on the size of your dog.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago


1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    If it just happened within the last few mins, pour some hydrogen peroxide down their throats which will make them vomit up some of the chocolate.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Moved Into An Apartment Since November And Everything Was Fine In The Beginning She…

We moved into an apartment since November and everything was fine in the beginning she was on the balcony all day and at night she would be in a crate in the bathroom. Recently she started peeing inside the crate so we have to bathe her daily and use strong cleaning products and it’s just making us sick. I just had a small surgery and cannot even walk in the bathroom because the wound could get infected. Please help !!!

8 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    You don’t need to use strong chemicals to clean up after your dog – vinegar will do the job.  Any kind of vinegar – Wal Mart has Cleaning Vinegar which has a lower pH, and it is found in the grocery section with all the other vinegar.  You can mix the vinegar with water, 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water.  This neutralizes the smell of urine, and kills bacteria/germs.  The vinegar smell disappears as it dries.  You can use the same mix to rinse her off when she has an accident – just stand her in the tub, hose her off with plain water, then using a squirt bottle, work the vinegar and water mix into her coat to deodorize her.

    Are you taking her out to pee just before she goes into her crate at night?  Have you taken her to a vet to see if she has a bladder infection?  Many dogs don’t like to pee on decks or balconies and so they hold it as long as they can – which can lead to bladder infections.  In a 15 year old dog, even the stress of a new home can lead to complications in her health.

    Have you considered dog diapers?  There are several brands out there for dogs that can not control their bladders – so you would walk her, then put her into her crate with a diaper on.  You just have to pay attention that she does not develop a diaper rash or sores.

    This girl has spent her entire life loving you – and she deserves the best you can offer to her.  Take her for a check up, and work to keep her comfortable, and with you. 

    And last of all – don’t send her to die in a shelter.  At her age she will not be adopted and in the days before they kill her, she will be sad, depressed, and wondering where her people are.  Don’t condemn her to worry and confusion by giving her away.  If you truly can’t keep this girl after all that she has done for you, the least you can do is take her to a vet and have her put down while she is in your loving arms. 

  2. debra yuhasz

    The thought that someone would abandon a life long friend because she gets old or sick is beyond me. Would you do this to a parent or a child? Hate to say it out loud, but I’m so glad you are not related to me!

  3. Yajhaira Quijada

    That’s why I’m asking for advice/ solutions obviously I don’t want to give her away but given my condition and just everything going on with her I’m not even giving her the treatment she should be getting… And as far as I’m concerned this is not a site where you go and bash people for their situations and or judge given you don’t know me lol.

  4. Yajhaira Quijada

    I have taken her to the vet and she’s very healthy but unfortunately her age is starting to show. I do take her out multiple times after putting her in her crate to try and avoid her peeing inside but I believe it’s just happening in her sleep now or something and she can’t hold it anymore. Thank you for your suggestions but I would never take her to a shelter or have her put down. Definitely dog diapers is an option just afraid she might just want to rip them off but we’ll give them a try. Thanks again.

  5. PK Dennis

    Look at some youtube videos about introducing harness or muzzles to your dog – use the same principles for the diapers. Zak George has a good one to watch. Let her sniff and treat. Then touch it to her and treat, lay it on her back and then treat. Treat then remove it. Treat then remove it, repeat, repeat, repeat. Work slowly until it is finally on place. Take it off and treat. Put it on- take it off and treat. Put it on, lure her to take a few steps , take it off and treat. Repeat. Good luck.

  6. debra yuhasz

    I was not trying to bash you at all. Just stating a fact. I am disabled and not in good health. Yet I still manage to care for my old ones and all the other rescues that get dumped over my fence. Many of them old and confused and possibly sick. It’s hard and it’s heartbreaking to see these dogs who with a small amount of care become well again. Most I am able to place, but the old ones always end up staying with me. Maybe I said what I did because I care too much.

  7. debra yuhasz

    I have found that as a dog ages they just can’t hold it long enough any more. Even older dogs usually take to paper training. Maybe you could try that. My Rheana is 17 and now lives in the corner of the couch. When she wants down she scratches my leg or the corner of the couch. She can no longer make the trek through the house to go out the doggy door. At 15 I was able to paper train her and she now goes on a piece newspaper under the coffee table only a foot away.

  8. debra yuhasz

    Unfortunatly I’m the kind of person that just states the fact as I see it. Sometimes it’s taken wrong. I care for dogs more than I care for most people. What you said about Savannah touched my heart. I feel the same way.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have An 8 Year Old GSD. Long Story Short: An Animal Dermatologist Is Pretty…

I have an 8 year old GSD. Long story short: an animal dermatologist is pretty sure he has allergic vasculitis.

-Yeast/bacterial issues with skin (lots of licking, odor, grossness)
-Swelling in legs (possibly elsewhere but always noticeable in legs)
-Spikes fevers

More recent symptoms
-Eating dirt, big time. Not sure if it’s related to condition or what.
– Noticeable weight loss while we were away for ~2 weeks. Thought other dog stole his food when caregivers weren’t watching. Now thinking its from eating dirt. ?

We have ruled out food as the source of allergy problems. The vet seemed certain that it’s a local/environmental allergy as we lived in the area almost 3 years before this started. Also, he’s always seemed to have dry, itchy skin.

He gets relief for 2-3 weeks depending on meds. Hes been put on antibiotics, anti fungal, and a steroid. Two weeks on meds brings 2-3 weeks relief. Then we are back to itching, licking, odor, swelling, etc.

We did not take him back for allergy testing after the vasculitis diagnosis. It was just too costly at that time. I am hoping to get him into his usual vet very soon for his regular checkup but I really want him out back on medication.

Please tell me someone else had experience with this issue or something similar with their pup!

1 Response


  1. Amy L

    Thank you! I’m actually relieved that you’ve seen cases like this.

    We will be getting him to the vet soon. I will try to remember to update when we do.