Apply direct pressure to the wound, cauderizing can be dangerous if you don’t know what your doing!
My 7 year old cat started breaking out with miliary dermatitis after we moved from Arizona to Maryland. We have been to the vet several times. Skin test revealed no ringworm and topical flea medication caused her to break out more in the area it was applied. Tests showed no ringworm. We opted for steroid treatment as allergy testing and treatment was too expensive for us. Her skin cleared up for about a month, but now it has broken out again and appears worse thanbefore. The areas most affected are forehead, ears, chin, along the spine, and the base of her tail. She is also on Royal Canin SO Urinary food. How can we help her without making numerous visits to the vet? We just cannot afford to keep bringing her.
Im not sure if my puppy has swallowed a tiny button battery. What should i do? do i just let it pass?
My dog cut her foot. It’s beyond super glue. I don’t know what to do. Taking her to the vet is out of the question. I have no money this week. My boyfriend has taken care of dogs his whole life. His family was breeders. He is going to caulderize the wound. He isn’t off work yet. What can I do to help her stop bleeding?
Dawn Ferara, DVM
why is my dog vomiting yellow fluid that is not foamy?
She is quidding when she eats (even mushy food) and even when she’s not eating, so looks like she has something wrong with her mouth. We thought it was un chewed food that made her sick, but even feeding other food like pate cat food that’s mush (similar to mince fish-no chunks) still makes her sick. she’s painfully thin and really not her self. its like she’s got a stomach problem and a mouth/teeth/throat problem.
Have A Serious Cut On His Head, But…
Living with together with 2 more others Hamster.
Have a serious cut on his head, but it dry and became a wound. Yesterday, I am not sure whether he fight or hurt his wound and cause the wound drop and bleed seriously. Now it’s much better after applying some medicine in it,
He’s not active as before. I try to feed it with some water but totally rejected and feed him food also rejected.
Anonymous i would be worried about fighting between them. are the others male? can you house him separately?
Brendon Cheong Vinnten Yes, the other are male. I have separated them earlier. But it’s still the same , what should I do 🙁
Anonymous well, i’m not a vet, but i’d be worried about serious injuries. hamsters should never be housed together – they’re a solitary species – and when house together will often fight until one is dead.
Dawn Ferara, DVM Not knowing whats wrong it’s impossible to tell.
Anonymous if she has excessive eye discharge, she may have a scratch on the eye or a foreign body in her eye. please get her to the vet for an eye exam.
Wendy Ylen Any medicine she needs can only come from a veterinarian anyway, so she definitely needs to be seen sooner than later.
What medicine needed for hypoglycimia on pomeranian puppiy
we got bubba 3/1/2016 a rescue grey white terr mix about 3 yrs old he has patches of fur missing by his ear and on body by ribs vet. said should go away but it hasn’t…we were finally able to bath him 3/24 due to flea stuff on him vet said give him benitryl and put neosporian on it I have I asked if it was mange she said no 3yr olds don’t get mange
PK Dennis If your vet really said that a 3 year old dog can’t get mange she is crazy. However, it most likely isn’t mange anyway. With a terrier it is most likely an allergy. The best thing to start with is a bath to get all the spores and pollen out of his coat. Then a daily swim (do you have access to a swimming pool?) will help keep the pollen/spore count down on his body. Even a small kiddy pool would help. If you can’t get him swimming, then a daily rinse in a sink will help. If you are doing the sink/tub rinse try using 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water – work it into the coat and skin and then let him shake and dry – don’t rinse the vinegar mix out. The vinegar helps reduce the itch and helps the skin heal.
If he has any raw spots, pat on some Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera (found in any pharmacy), it too helps with the itch and helps the wound heal.
Try Zyrtec instead of the Benadryl, it seems to work better – use the same dose the vet mentioned for the Benadryl.
Next, get all the grain out of this dog’s diet, that includes treats. No sharing bread crusts, cookies, or corn chips! Many terriers can not tolerate grains and this leads to allergic reactions – ear infections, chewed off fur, hot spots, etc. Go to a good pet store and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog food area. Then start reading the ingredients. You want to find a dog food that lists real meat (it will name the meat! ie. bison, pork, elk, lamb, salmon meal, turkey meal, etc) as the first 2 or 3 ingredients. Do NOT buy any dog food that lists “by products” as an ingredient.
It can take up to 3 months for a dog to grow a new coat – so it is way too early for you to see much hair on this boy, also he could have scared the skin with scratching to the point that hair won’t come back at all. But, don’t worry about that yet – it is too early so worry! I once cured a dog with terrible mange and she grew a lovely coat everywhere but on her tail – poor little rat tail! Then about a year later the hair started to grow! And in 30 days she had a lovely Cairn tail, just in time to be adopted to her forever home. I love a happy ending, don’t you!
Thank you for rescuing this boy – he is going to need TLC and a good diet to be all that he can be, but he will be worth it!
The signs of mange: terrible itching, on a scale of 1 to 10, mange is about a 20! Really – it is the most itch a dog or human can have! Look for little yellow puss filled bumps, or raised red spots, constant chewing and scratching, and him running his back and sides under tables and sofas, on the carpet, etc to scratch the itch. If this is happening, find a new vet to do a skin scraping (which may well be negative since you applied the flea stuff recently). The treatment is 3 dose of Revolution given 2 weeks apart. So if your dog is showing these behaviors, I would ask the vet for the Revolution and treat the dog for mange even with a negative skin scrape.
But if he does not show these behaviors, just wait – a good diet and the daily swim/rinse will work wonders.
Good luck!
Had a vet visit one week ago. Was fine. Got immunizations – parvo and heart worm I think.
Not good! You should get him to a vet for an X-ray to determine if he did indeed eat the battery. There is corrosive material inside batteries that could cause a lot of tissue damage inside if the battery starts to leak or the battery itself could cause an obstruction. Sometimes you can look in their mouth & see where there are mouth sores from the battery- there could be sores on the tongue, inside of cheeks. Your dog should see a vet ASAP to ensure he is safe from the acid & an obstruction.