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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Could It Be Allergies That Cause This. I Have Been Giving Benadryl Seems To Help…

Could it be allergies that cause this. I have been giving benadryl seems to help some and mainly seems to flair up in mornings. Is safe to use benadryl for long term use also?

1 Response


  1. debra yuhasz

    I have seen a few of my dogs do this from time to time. It happens once or twice and is then gone for months at a time. It does look like some kind of mucous, but I’m not a vet and can’t really say exactly what it is or what causes it. Benedryl, like other allergy meds, tends to work less the more often you use it. Which is why my vet says to only use it when absolutely necessary so my dog will get the full affect when it’s needed most.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 1 Year Old American Bulldog/border Collie Has Been Scooting Her Butt And Licking Her…

My 1 year old American bulldog/border collie has been scooting her butt and licking her paws, had a previous ear infection with yeast present. How do I even begin to deal with this? I’m suspecting allergies….

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Sandy | 9 years ago
Hope Dr. Magnifico Is Reading This Message Soon As I Do Not Know What To…

Hope Dr. Magnifico is reading this message soon as I do not know what to do. I noticed one of my cats, Dexter, attempting to pee on a cardboard box outside of the litter box. When I approached him he moved only to go to another area and attempt to pee. Having male cats blocked before or with UTI, I knew to keep watch on him. He was laying down and let me brush him for a while and acting okay. I then took a moist tissue and just patted his pee/butt area and a dried piece of poo came off. I thought yeah… that may be the problem because he immediately went to the litter box. After about 5 minutes he left the box without going to the bathroom. Should I take him to the emergency room or could it wait until you open in the morning. If you think I need to take him, which one do you recommend the most. Thanks Sandy Brown

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
This Morning I Got Up, And As Normal My 2.5 Y/o Lab Mix (95lbs) Jumped…

This morning I got up, and as normal my 2.5 y/o Lab mix (95lbs) jumped up from where he was sleeping on the floor beside me, and followed me into the bathroom.

As we were leaving the bathroom, I noticed he was having trouble walking. His front legs were straight, but his back end was in a squat position (almost like he was going to take a poop) and shaking very hard.

He was trying to walk back towards the bed, but was having a lot of trouble. I panicked thinking he was about to poop, and tryed to drag him back onto the tiled bathroom floor. Just as quickly as it started, it stopped, and he seems normal again. I assumed it was maybe a muscle cramp or hip spasm.

My husband had told me a few months ago that he’d seen the dog have “seizure-like” shaking and today said it looked exactly the same. Could this actually be a seizure? Duke seems fine now, he ate his breakfast no problem, and is acting like his normal self.

Should I be taking him to the vet this week? Would they be able to do much with only knowing of two episodes?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i would absolutely notify them of the incidents, with dates, times, and durations if you’re able to give that information.  they may want to see video of future episodes, as well as immediately bringing him in the next time this occurs.

  2. Ashley Wilson

    If I’d had my phone on me I would definitely have videoed it. But I’m not even sure I would have had time. The whole thing lasted maybe 10-15 seconds. I can’t remember when my husband noticed the first one – he told me about it at the time but I brushed it off thinking he was over-reacting

  3. Anonymous

    understood – just trying to help you think of things the vet will probably want to know, especially going forward. they may also want to know about potential triggers…so, what the dog was doing just before the incident, whether they were calm or excited, etc. context clues can be a huge help with things like this.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Had A Slipped Disc A Few Years Ago And Injured It Again Last…

My dog had a slipped disc a few years ago and injured it again last year. Last night I was carrying her and set her down on the floor and she started yelping. I immediately though it was her back but i noticed she would help if she moved her left leg. She would lay down and kick her leg back and Yelp some more.

I gave her some pain medicine and later on I took her potty with her sling and I felt a pretty big pop in her left leg. I took her to the vet today’s a he took an X-ray. He said that the hip didn’t look dislocated and her knee looked fine, he said he noticed a calcification in one of her discs from her injuring it.

She would hold her leg up and not put any pressure on it. The vet tested her reflexes and said they were almost non existent and he only got a pain response when he pulls her leg back. He put her on some anti inflammatory and now she try’s to use the leg but it looks like the leg sort of tilts inward.

I think her pain is finally under control now. The vet said it could be that she dislocated her hip and the pop I felt was it going back in. He also said she could’ve torn a ligament but her leg felt ok, it just had a tiny bit of extra play. And he also said that it could be the calcification is pushing on a nerve and that’s why she can’t really feel her leg.

I have her on pain meds and anti inflammatories and crate rest.

I don’t know what to think or what is going on, I got no straight answers. Does anyone have experience with hip/leg/back issues? What does it sound like happened to you?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Her Eyes Are Watering, Excess Snot, Sometimes It’s Mixed With Blood, Excess Sneezing, Lethargic…

Her eyes are watering, excess snot, sometimes it’s mixed with blood, excess sneezing, lethargic, her appetite is down. Shes been having trouble breathing and coughing. Sometimes her breathing sounds “wet”. My vet said there’s a chance something could be stuck in her nose or could be cancer. I’m very short on money but if theres a really good chance she could have something stuck in her nose I’ll find the funds to get the tests done.

2 Responses


  1. Alexis Renee Wood

    Also I forgot to add she is a 12 year old German shepherd/lab mix

  2. Anonymous

    honestly, if my dog were obviously miserable, i’d do anything and everything i could to figure out the cause and a treatment plan.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 55 Pound Pit Bull Needs To Take Antibiotics (ear Infection). I Have Clindamycin, 300…

My 55 pound pit bull needs to take antibiotics (ear infection). I have clindamycin, 300 mg each. How many should he take per day and for how long?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is A 2 Year Old Pure Pug. She Is Up To Date With Her…

She is a 2 year old pure pug. She is up to date with her vaccinations and has had diarrhea for about 2-3 days. This afternoon she pooped that white slimy liquid and I’m concerned now and I would like to know how to help her.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    if she’s had diarrhea for that long, you need to get her to the vet.

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Laura Tomaschefsky | 9 years ago
What Is The Best Hairball Remedy/medication For Cats? USA Product..

What is the best hairball remedy/medication for cats? USA product..

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Puppy Strangles – What Are Long Term Effects?

puppy strangles – what are long term effects?

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