Chronic infections of any kind always have an underlying issue to bring them about. With ears, it could be the anatomy of the ears, it could be allergies (it’s allergies most of the time) … the only way to truly address the infections is to find and address the underlying cause.
My dog had emergency surgery on Tuesday to remove an obstruction from his small intestines. He was discharged on Friday afternoon. He had 2 small bowel movements that afternoon – both were diarrhea or very soft. He is eating a bland diet of chicken and rice. He is not vomiting, but he has not had a bowel movement in almost 48 hours. He is also taking tramadol. His surgeon is not in today to answer if this is normal. Should he be taken into the emergency vet?
My dog is 12 1/2 and had a seizure. I took her to the vet and they said she has heartworms. Started her on the medication and the next day she had another seizure. I rushed her in again and they did X-rays to find out she has cancer(I’m not sure what kind) but it is on or near her lungs. They put her on seizure meds and it doesn’t seem to be helping. She rests most of the day and when I get her up to go to the bathroom or get home from work, she has a seizure. And now she seems to be a bit unsteady on her feet while walking. I took her for a short walk and she walked good. She has lost some weight, I can feel her spine very easily, but her stomach seems to be a bit bulgy. I want to know if this is all from the cancer or could she have possibly at something toxic or something that could block her to cause these symptoms? And is this most likely the end or is there other things like diet and vitamins I can give her that would help?
my 4 year old dog constantly gets ear infections….I have tried medicines from the vet but nothing works
debra yuhasz I once had a dog with this problem. It was so bad the vet wanted to put him to sleep. A new vet came to town and I went there for a second opinion because I couldn’t see the sense in putting down an otherwise very healthy dog just because his ears were badly infected. This new vet put my dog under and shaved all the hair and gunk out from deep down in his ears. When I picked him up the next day he told me there was so much stuff in his ears that there was no way medicine was going to reach the infection. After a course of a different oral antibiotic and a month of different ear drops he never had another ear infection.
brigitte montanye thank you for your info
brigitte montanye thanks I have her vet check for other problems
PK Dennis If you haven’t gotten all the grains out of your dog’s diet, now is the time to do so. Many dogs show no signs of an allergy, other than their constant ear infections.
If you buy your dog food at the grocery store, or a big box store (WalMart for example) then you need to stop doing that, and go find a pet store that sells premium dog food. Find a pet store (that does not sell puppies!) and ask to be shown to their grain-free dog food area. Then start reading labels. You want one that lists real meat (beef, turkey, elk, bison, lamb, salmon meal – the entire animal ground up and dried –, whitefish meal, etc) as the first 2 or even better, 3 ingredients.
Do not buy any dog food that lists “by products” this may be nothing more than feathers.
Yes, this food will cost more than what you find at a box store or grocery store, but since your dog needs to eat less of this good food than the mainly grain food to maintain a healthy weight, the expense will even out in the long run.
Also, you may want to go online to and buy their issue that covers ear infections. Lots of good research and experience based info that may help you.
there are no clear wounds and he doesn’t scream when you feel along his body and legs, just at random times maybe when he’s moved or especially when picked up.
Being in such a rural area the owner (cambodian) does not seem to understand that his pet could be really hurt on the inside etc
Dawn Ferara, DVM The only thing you can do is try to convince the owner to take him for help. Also, you can see if there is an agency similar to Humane Society or SPCA who can get the dog looked at
Bonnie Lowe Yeah I’m hoping I can do that
Bonnie Lowe I have also sent the vet in the area (found one online) a message to see if he can give me advice
PK Dennis It could be a spinal injury which is VERY painful, and it will need pain medication and rest to recover.
My pug / boston terrier mix occasionally chuffs and huffs like a horse with the heaves. What could be the cause of this? My old Yellow Lab used to do the same thing. Could it be heartworms? He’s 5 yr. old not neutered male in good health
My friend gave me her puppy and she doesn’t have her shots, she has worms and she’s 3 months I’m really scared !! Help !!
Anonymous there’s no reason to be scared UNLESS your puppy is horribly, horribly ill. don’t panic! we’re here to help you. 🙂
first things first: get that puppy to a vet today or tomorrow (ideally today). get started on a vaccination schedule. take a fresh poop sample in a ziplock baggie – it should be very fresh, like the last poop before you go.
secondly, invest in a crate. crates are immensely useful tools that help with housebreaking…and trust me, if you have never had a dog before it’ll be a LIFESAVER.
I have been agonizing over this for 2 days now. Last Monday I took my 14 year old cat to the vet because he had stopped eating and drinking. X-Ray showed what the vet thinks is abdominal cancer. After talking to my vet decided that surgery/chemo would not be an option for me and she prescribed steroids which may help and gave him fluids. He perked up a tad after fluids and would eat maybe a quarter to half a can of wet food a day. Since Friday though I have not been able to get him to eat anything (he did come out and lick the food yesterday but would not eat) and all he does is lay under the computer chair. He will not sleep in the bed with me which is something he has done his whole life. I plan to call the vet first thing tomorrow morning, but was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.
Michael Hamilton you might try some tuna packed in water to get your cat to eat, I know what your going thru three months ago i had to put my 19 year old down and 2 months later i had to put my other cat down. both of mine had kidney faluer it,s a hard choice. but try the tuna packed in water, and best of luck.
is it safe to give my cat curam457 for treatment of her bronchitis?and also his left eye have infection what should I do please help me.
Hi my German shepherd dogs penis is soft towards it’s tip during and erection which has made him unable to breed please help me out of problems
Anonymous please neuter him. that’s the answer to your problem – neuter him. he doesn’t need to breed, and if he is UNABLE to breed, then he should be neutered to ensure he has a happy life.
debra yuhasz Since he’s unable to breed you might as well get him neutered. He will be a much less frustrated dog. An intact dog smells a female in heat and if he can’t get to her or is unsuccessful in his attempts it causes anxiety and frustration. It’s cruel for him to spend his whole life that way. I don’t believe there is a solution to his problem, so neutering is the kindest thing you can do for him.
PK Dennis Debra and Laura are correct, a dog with conditions such as this should NOT be bred. This dog obviously has underlying conditions that are undesirable in future generations! Have him neutered and enjoy his companionship.
this might sound like a copout answer, but you really need to ask the vet about this. i would be worried about the weight loss, yes, but a bulging stomach would have me very concerned.
if your vet is worth their license, they’ll be frank with you. please, open a dialog with them.