I suspect that this is related to allergies and therefore the answer lies in helping the body from the inside out versus trying to get topical products work for the outside in.
Please talk to your vet about the many options we have for treating atopy in dogs.
You may also need an oral antibiotic or medication for over abundant yeast.
Until you have a diagnosis it’s hard to speculate the rest of it you are concerned about cost I would recommend seeing a veterinarian who is in a privately owned practice and not a vet practice owned by a corporation. They are often more affordable and might offer payment options.
You can also ask for multiple treatment plans. If they examine your cat and then only offer one treatment plan option that you cannot afford ask for others. Tell them you are on a budget and ask for treatment options that are affordable. Ask them to provide everything in writing. You can also look into starting a crowd funding campaign like waggle.org.
If your cat is blocked you can ask for at home conservative options like pain meds antibiotics and sq fluids.
I have also allowed people to monitor their cat at home with a urinary catheter in place for days to help relieve the obstruction and inflammation.
Ask lots of questions and remain steadfast on finding help that works for you and your cat.
It is possible to find affordable help. You just have to not give up.
Good luck. Keep us updated