If this just happened (ie last day or so) then I am not too worried about eating or drinking yet. I hope your cat has some pain medication and that some fluids were given. For cases like this I give a long acting injectable antibiotic like convenia and a long acting pain medication like zorbium. Just so clients don’t have to worry about handling or medication administration. After that I recommend cage rest. This includes placing the cat in a cage that is just big enough to hold a pee pad with litter on it (no box so they don’t have to try to get into it), a water bowl, (sturdy and shallow), food (wet preferably) and blanket or towel. Nothing with sides to require extra movement or effort. Also wet food so they don’t get hard feces as posturing to defecate will/might be hard. I also make sure these pets are spayed asap jic there are pelvic fractures. Delivering kittens with previous fractures might not be possible.
Do not pick up if you don’t have to. If you do use a towel as a sling. Be gentle and careful. Or ask your vet for help.
Good luck
I’m sorry but I cannot offer much help here. Even with good photos eye conditions are very difficult to diagnose without seeing them in person.
When all else fails I offer an ophthalmic antibiotic to see if this helps. Too often we struggle with the ability to diagnose (because we aren’t specialists) so we see if response to treatment offers any help. In some cases I might also do an oral antibiotic. This is especially the case for very young or old patients.