I am sorry for the delay.
These cases can be really frustrating. If at all possible try to find a feline only veterinarian.
I scrutinize diet, environment and do a thorough physical exam and talk about blood work, xrays. ultrasound and try to identify any underlying causes that might be causing the difficulty in ability to defecate.
im sorry but i can only provide medical advice and care for established clients. if you are near northern maryland i am happy to see you at the clinic, jarrettsville veterinary center.
you can ask your vet about trying to identify the cause(s) and trying medications to see if they help,, like metocolpramide., motility agents, even anit nausea medications and providing fluids at home (we sell sq fluids kits at my practice).
I really wish you the best of luck
There are a few things that this might be.. diet,, maybe try a different food, one that is made for cats with sensitive stomachs, intestinal parasites ( this is determined by sending a fecal sample to your vets office for analysis), or a disease of the gi tract… maybe even bad teeth? My point is that this is a case where a veterinarian should be consulted to help rule in or out, some of these.
Good luck.