I read your blog on Beau. It’s just a frustrating illness, because results take awhile. Ozzie is only our Veterinarians 2nd case of puppy strangles in her 30+Yr career. Her first case was just 6 mos. ago on an imported pup. Last night marked 1 wk. on prednisone & antibiotics, we 2 or those days being the double dose increase. Marked improvement over night last night! So thankful. His chops and eye area, have gone way down. And the fever has finally broke! I am thankful for your site Krista.
I have a female pit bull terrier (spayed) that is 10 months old. Pearl generally has a great disposition and gets along well with everyone including other dogs. The “problem” is that she is showing less and less interest in her dog food when first provided to her. And it’s the meaty stuff (Alpo cans)! I’m not too worried because she usually eats it eventually but she often will wait hours. Yes, Pearl is spoiled with treats and bits of human food but it seems so odd that she would rather eat whatever we might be having (e.g. a french fry) than this wet, meaty food. She weighs about 55 pounds and gets one 13 oz can in the morning and one in the evening. She also has a constant supply of dry food in a dish but she just picks at that upon occasion. She has a regular place to eat near where we eat and spend most of our time and her Alpo is given to her each time on a new (clean) dinner plate. We have one cat that ends up eating some of the food and Pearl doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, Pearl seems to be more interested in trying to eat the cat’s plain dry food than her own. In short, she seems to like eating most anything except her own dog food. Thoughts?
My 8 month old Old English Sheepdog Shirley gets extremely car sick every time she goes for a ride. FYI at most the ride is 15 minutes. Excessive niagra falls drooling and vomiting. HELP. Otherwise she is perfection ❤️
Anyone out there have experience with puppy strangles. Our purebred Doberman pup has developed it at 5mos. How long does it take on prednisone and antibiotics to see a marked improvement in the lymph glands in his neck. They are huge!
Elizabeth Lawson-Sullivan
How would kidney disease lead to peeing accidents and leakage?
Why does my dog eat his (or other dogs) poop? I have a fairly large yard, so I don’t know whose he’s eating..could be his, our other dog or a neighbor. He then comes inside and vomits (the smell is the giveaway as to what he ate)
I was wondering what veterinary clinics most herp owners living in or around Harford County would recommend? Also, have any of you found any decent websites that provide good information on the care of many of the most commonly owned herps?
Adam Wysocki Hi Zach,
For reptile owners living in or around Harford County, I’d reccomend Dr. Keith Gold at http://www.chadwellanimalhospital.com/ … He’s very experienced with a wide range of exotics.
Brandon took a few pictures when we were having our initial visit at JVC last week. I don’t have any digital pics yet as she is very shy and scared. I’ll try to get some. So there is no danger to my other cats regarding Leukemia, FIV?
Hi Dr. Magnifico,
Recently a new kitten found me. I took her to JVC last week. She was given a distemper shot. She had fleas. Per her fecal, she was parasite free. When may I introduce her to my other kitties? Thanks for your help!
So what the heck makes a dog’s stomach quite upset for about 3hrs and then all seems normal again without vomiting?
Is it still epilepsy if my dog only had a seizure at age 5 and then 9?
Also try no driving trips where you just have her get in and out of the car without it running,and give lots of praise. Such a cute photo!!