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Lorraine | 2 years ago
I Live In The Pittsburgh Pa Area. I Have A Cat With The Nasal Polyp Issue. …

I live in the Pittsburgh pa area. I have a cat with the nasal polyp issue. He’s 5 yr old. I don’t have $2400 for the surgery at the specialist I was referred to. If you could point me in a direction. He keeps getting cold symptoms every few months. Can they suffocate? I know they don’t breathe out of their mouth. I’m so worried.

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Michael | 2 years ago
Writing To Krista Magnifico Again–we Are Trying To Find Vets Who Can Perform The Polyp Removal …

Writing to Krista Magnifico again–we are trying to find vets who can perform the polyp removal on our 7 month-old maine coon, but the clinics either have no availability until the summer or are not responding. At this point we are worrying about our Maine Coon who is making noise when he is breathing. We are trying to find any clinic that can work with us to schedule a surgery soon.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sorry you are having so much trouble. I will do my best to find some help. I know you called the clinic and I will follow up with you as soon as I can.

    De magnifico.

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Michael | 2 years ago
We Are Reaching Out To Krista Magnifico, As New Fathers To A Seven Month-old Maine Coon …

We are reaching out to Krista Magnifico, as new fathers to a seven month-old Maine Coon named Goliath. We recently found out that Goliath has severe gingivitis and needs several teeth pulled. While doing x-rays, our vet found that Goliath also has “a large mass within the nasopharyngeal region which is most likely a nasopharyngeal polyp.” Every clinic/animal hospital that we have contacted is either well outside our budget, or will not give us an estimate of the cost of this surgery without first paying for an initial consultation, even though we have labs, notes and x-rays from our vet visits–all of which we can readily share. We found your video on youtube describing this surgery and the cost. We would be happy to arrange travel to you, but because we live in Jersey City, we hope that we could organize to do everything in one trip. Would this be feasible? And if so would you be able to share what scheduling availability you have?

1 Response


  1. Autumn

    Dr. Magnifico and I just recently just did a polyp search on a 9 month old Maine Coon kitty… It ended up being chronic rhinitis which took multiple rounds of anti inflammatory, antivirals and antibiotics.
    She trust Dr.Berger at Long Island Spay/Neuter… you will have to pay a consult fee no matter where you go, as this gets your foot in the door! Keep us posted-

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Laurie | 2 years ago
I Am Agonizing Over The Hardest Decision We Have As Pet Parents…euthanasia. Our 12 1/2 Year Standard …

I am agonizing over the hardest decision we have as pet parents…euthanasia. Our 12 1/2 year standard schnauzer has been having various behaviors and symptoms the past 6 -8 weeks. Excessive panting, fatigue, decreased appetite. We brought him in and he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He finished all his meds and we brought him back in for follow up X-ray and labs. He really wasn’t much better. X-ray confirmed pneumonia had cleared but lab work, which had been normal 2 weeks prior, now showed probable pancreatitis. He has declined rapidly the past 3 days. We are trying to get him to take meds, Pepcid, Cerenia, Carafate but we literally have to force them down his throat. He will not eat and I have tried everything , rice, scrambled eggs, bread, even doughnuts He is isolating, going upstairs instead of being with us. He still has labored breathing, his legs give out, he is restless. He has a strange odor. I have had dogs my whole life and all this points to end of life. I know this in my heart. When do you know when is the right time? I really was hoping he would pass naturally. Thank you for listening

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    First off: I’m so very sorry. I know how much this hurts. I know how much it sucks. My biggest regret was not letting my cat go earlier. I couldn’t be with him when he crashed, and it absolutely destroyed me.

    It’s always, ALWAYS better to let them go too early than to make them suffer for our need to keep them with us. We owe them that for all the love they’ve given us.

    Self isolation is a big sign. So is the refusal to eat, the general restlessness. It sounds like he’s miserable. I would give him the best day you can, and let him go gently.

  2. Kaya

    I’m so sorry to hear this , I myself was and still am angry about putting down my kitty who was very young due to a UTI going south and after much attempts to solve the issue , I am angry for this being the 2nd time , and I’m angry that no one seems to prevent this food from being sold that slowly kills male cats and that no matter what efforts I took to upgrade the food, give him supplements, take him to the vet or whatever , nothing helped ! It only managed to give him another 8-9 months to live .::: but … for me that’s not good enough…. Why can’t we stop this from happening before it happens to male cats !? I don’t get this fail system government and greedy people that only look to get paid rather then save a life. So, with that being said, I am so sorry you lost your pal woof woof ???? I know how u feel , and that it’s better to let them go in peace then suffer this dreadful painful bs life .

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Hala | 2 years ago
Hello I Live In Atlanta, GA. I Believe My Cat Nava Has A Nasopharyngeal Polyp. She …

Hello I live in Atlanta, GA. I believe my cat Nava has a Nasopharyngeal Polyp. She has been consistently sick over the last 3-4 weeks and I took her to the Vet, he suspected middle ear but he said try Famcilovir and antibiotics to treat what could be FHV. She has been on the medication for about a month now and her symptoms are just not getting treated and I’ve been to the vet 3 times and all 3 times they have suggested the same thing. I’m a masters student and I’m fairly broke right now and I’ve already spent a thousand dollars. I have a feeling in my gut that she has this as she stopped eating and has had difficulty breathing. Do you have a vet in Atlanta I can take her to do xray or scan and remove this for a cheap or affordable price? Thank you so much :'(

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Chris | 2 years ago
My 10 Year Old Cat Has A Giant Nasal Polyp. I Took Him To A Specialist And …

My 10 year old cat has a giant nasal polyp. I took him to a specialist and they said he needs a bulla osteotomy, and possibly a double as he may have it growing on both sides. My question is if you are able to do that surgery, along with a CT scan, and if so what is the earliest appointment I can get in. (“You” meaning Dr. Magnifico at the Jarretsville Vet Center). Bc he now can not eat due to the obstruction of everything, he still wants to eat and tries to everyday but it is too difficult to swallow and it kills me that this superficial thing may actually kill my otherwise healthy cat. My other option is to get the CT scan here, along with a feeding tube, to help bridge the gap for me to get an appointment with you. Any help or suggestions I would appreciate. If you need any other info just ask. I could ramble endlessly telling you everything but I’m trying to be as concise as possible. Thank you for your help.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sorry to hear about your cat.
    I’m also sorry to say that I don’t have a ct scan. Further I feel it is very unlikely that older cats get polyps. In my experience the older cats get tumors. The you see ones get polyps.

    I hope you find help.

    Best of luck


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Michelle | 2 years ago
We Have Had Our Puppy For One Week. He Is Nine Weeks Old. He Started Have …

We have had our puppy for one week. He is nine weeks old. He started having soft stool yesterday and today it is diarrhea. What can we do and does he need to see a vet?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you have not been to the vet already ( I always advise going within the first three days of having a new pet) then YES! Depending on the severity of the diarrhea and your puppies overall attitude this might even be an emergency. If he has had multiple episodes of diarrhea OR is not playful and seemingly happy then you should go now. Of particular concern is parasites and parvovirus.
    Your puppy should be seen within the next day IF the diarrhea is NOT severe and they are acting normally.

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Charlotte | 2 years ago
My Cat Had A Polyp According To The Xray, But Veterinarian Could Not Find It When …

My cat had a polyp according to the xray, but veterinarian could not find it when he was going to remove it. He tells us to go to a specialist but it’s too expensive for us. What can we do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In cases like this I recommend two things.
    1. Make sure you are treating the pet not the diagnostics. Therefore I remind people that diagnostics are lovely to help understand what you are treating but they don’t really treat anything. We treat the patient. If you think that your cats clinical signs are consistent with a polyp then try to find someone who will help you look for one. In some cases it is not big enough or in a place where it can be seen with an exam, or exam under general anesthesia. A specialist can use a small camera to look in places we cannot see without one.
    2. Never give up advocating for your pet.

    And don’t feel badly you cannot afford a specialist. Many people cannot. But keep looking for ways to help your pet and keep your primary vet notified of your cats status.

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Emir | 2 years ago
After Emergency Urinary Tract Obstruction Procedure My Cat Is Peeing Small Drips All Over The House, Also Did Not Poop Yet

My 3 year old male cat had emergency urinary tract obstruction. Luckily we very able to get him to teh hospital on time. He stayed 2 nights in hospital (super expensive). All went well and he was back home on Friday. Eating well, purring, playing, sleeping. He also goes and pee in litter box, but also is peeing small amounts around house. Like he cannot hold it. I just hope that is because of sensitive urethra and relaxation medication that they gave him. I stopped that relaxation medication immediatelly.

Another worry is he also has not been able to poop. He ppooped in hospital last time on Friday and today is Monday morning. I am thinking because of brand new urinary food that he started eating and his stomach needs to adjust. Or maybe antibiotics.
I hope he is OK and that this is just healing process. Ut has been only 2 days since catheter was pulled out. I am worried so much here.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I hope that your cat is doing better.
    Many cats have discomfort when urinating for the first few days after the urinary catheter is removed. This is normal. Make sure he is able to urinate (pass urine) I usually recommend a prescription urinary diet and ask about any and all options to help manage inflammation (I like a few things so ask your vet which might work for you (nsaid, steroid, other anti inflammatories) pain medication (analgesics) and any way to increase fluids ( there are lots of options like sq fluids at home, adding water to food or hydra care).

    As far as defecating goes. I only worry if they are straining to defecate and unable to. In almost all cases they are not eating well in the hospital to form a stool. So it can be days before they poop normally.

  2. Emir Post author

    Thank you so much for your thorough answer. He is doing much better now. It has been 9 days since catheter was removed. We are only feeding urinary wet food. He is peeing normally:), and is pooping fine. Urine is still sometimes rose color, like maybe there is blood but he seems to be fine. Does not make any painful noises, purring a lot when we play with him. I give him half 5 oz can in the morning, and other half at night. During a day, few crunchy treats. Since did is wet he does not drink much of the water, rarely. Today he was not really having good appetite , so we again stated to worry. Hopefully his urinary tract has not been damaged by procedure. Our vet is super experienced.

  3. Emir Post author

    My cat has been doing fine for the past week or so. Now again all of sudden he started peeing pinkish pee. Like bloody. And he cannot control himsself. It seems like urinary infection. What is going on all of a sudden. Such a mess and stress for all of us. What do I do? Can urinary infection be fixed? He has been doing fine. He is only eating wet food. I think the food might be the culprit. Who knows where this food is coming from…

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Setayesh | 2 years ago
My Female DSH Cat Started Having Urinary Issues About 5 Days Ago. I Noticed She’s Not …

My female DSH cat started having urinary issues about 5 days ago. I noticed she’s not used the litter box for a day and I took her to the vet. They did an ultrasound and a blood test. The blood test was normal and the ultrasound detected a cystitis. We started giving her antibiotics. The night after she still wasn’t using the litter box so I took her to the ER. They said there was nothing with her though.
She still doesn’t use the litter box on her own, I have to put her in it a couple of times a day to make her pee(and still she does that only once a day)
What should I do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These are often complicated issues involving multiple underlying things. To include diet, litter and litter box dislikes and environmental stress. I would look for a vet who specializes in feline medicine and place different kinds of litter boxes and litter types for your cat. Also make the area your cat lives in is as free of stress as possible. Calm quiet and easy to access all of the things she needs. Like fresh high quality canned food. Fresh water. And immaculately clean litter boxes. Also I add an anti inflammatory like dasaquin and a pain medication. I like gabapentin but your vet might use something else. Also ask about learning how to give sq fluids at home. Follow up with a urinalysis too.

    Good luck