There are a few things that I am not completely clear about.
The lipoma was not inside the abdomen it was between the skin and the abdomen. It is far more common to be here then inside rhe abdominal cavity. Also you wouldn’t get these seromas inside rhe abdomen.
Next seromas shouldn’t be painful. Maybe get in the way of using there, but not painful.
Lastly I only use a Darin of it is infected. And even then I am not an over ambitious drain user. It’s doctor preference.
Last I think it would be better for you to get a second opinion. Everyone might feel better with it
Good luck.
I have a 12 year old cat who developed an aural hematoma. He had surgery two days ago (Friday) to drain the ear and this evening (Sunday), it started to swell up again.
Is this to be expected? He started shaking his head as well and not sure how to prevent him from doing so.
Unfortunately it is late at night and I am not able to reach the vet. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Hi! This is my first time posting here!
We are taking our baby Rusty to the Vet next week. He has been recovering from Parvo this past week after being hospitalized for 6 days. He is doing AMAZING. Eating great, keeping it down. Still has slight runny poop/diarrhea. But we know that was to be expected. No blood, colors great.
We take him to the vet next week for a check up to see how he’s doing.
My husband and I noticed a tiny red spot on his arm where his vitals/catheter was they stuck in him at the hospital. We thought at first he was just picking at a scab, so to prevent it I went to wrap it back up and bought a inflatable cone from Petsmart.
As I was about to wrap it up, I noticed it was a pretty big open area exposed. Looking closer, I see a tiny pinpoint hole in the middle. At first, I thought it was again from the vitals they put in his arm.
Looking on Google being paranoid, I came across the possibility of warbles. My heart sank.
I just wanted to know what you think. He has been doing so so well. All my life my family has had dogs but never have had this issue before.
You can see it is right above where his previous bandage at the hospital was.. so not sure if it is really from all the IVs or warbles.
I really appreciate the feedback. Thank you so much!
My Plott Hound had a large internal lipoma removed on Monday directly above his penis in his abdominal area. Almost immediately, he developed prominent swelling directly to, proximal, and distal to his operative site. In addition, he has swelling down his leg. Took him back to the vet where a needle aspirate was done. He was diagnosed with multiple seromas. There was no WBCs seen or anything else visualized under the scope to indicate infection INSIDE. However, externally, his skin is red and angry and there is a lot of swelling. He is on 2 broad spectrum antibiotics. He is having a hard time walking on his right leg. Took him back today (day 5 post op) because swelling is even worse. He has swelling all down his leg. Vet says it made sense to her because of gravity. My dog is in a lot of pain, can’t sit down. He put his paws down and his bottom stays up in the air. No one can even palpate his operate site without him going through the roof in pain. He is on Tramadol and an NSAID. I’m extremely worried. The vet isn’t a fan of the drain because she doesn’t want to create more room for infection. Ultra Sound showed no abscess. He is drinking a lot of water (more than usual) and urinating normally. His last BM was yesterday. Eating mostly fine. Low grade temp. Does this sound all right? I hate that he is suffering. The pics I have included were yesterday, not today. But you get the idea of the areas of seromas and erythema. Today, the swelling is worse and his entire leg down to his paw is fluid filled.
Does anybody know what this could be? It happened the first time when he was around 6 months old, he has been to the vet a few times and had multiple tests done but the vet can’t seem to figure out what it is. Usually it will first appear as a bald spot and then over the next few days turns into a moist sore, and then within a week or so it starts healing and the fur grows back. This is probably the 5th or 6th time it has happened but this time it was worse, the photo with the big bald spot is one that appeared a few weeks ago and is now in the healing stage but now the smaller one just appeared today. I will take him to the vet again but I’m getting frustrated not having an answer, has anyone seen something like this before?
Hi, i am wondering if a vet can help me with my dogs on going skin problem, he is losing excessive amounts of hair, fibres and his paws are very irritated, constant chewing and biting his paws. I have tried everything from medicated shampoos like malaseb, omegas, blackmores PAW Nutriderm conditioner, Virbac spot on skin lipids and the dreaded prednisone which we just experienced some very bad side affects. My vet doesn’t know what is going on just keep telling me the same thing to wash them in malaseb 3 x per week for his paws and they say his skin is fine apart from some ATOPY.
Any ideas or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
a while ago my cat became sick, around the same time we noticed he had been leaving our house and stealing cat food from the neighbors who leave it out for other stray cats (therefore he was eating after other cats) his lymph nodes became swollen, he stayed in one spot all day and rarely moved, he wouldn’t eat or drink, and lost weight. We brought him to the vet and they examen him and did x-rays and said that it appears that he could have cancer/a tumor that has spread to his lymph nodes already as well as some other things like fluid/pus in his chest. They said the cancer was very aggressive since it’s already gotten that far and we just noticed it. A few days later his lymph node swelling went away, he started eating and drinking again, and he was acting like himself. We brought him back to the vet and they performed FNA on the tumor which came back inconclusive. They were also shocked that his lymph node? weren’t swollen anymore, and they said the tumor had moved places, and they started to question their diagnosis saying that he could just have an infection. The gave him antibiotics and sent us home. Since then the tumor has gotten bigger and moved places, it feels sort of soft and moves around easily. I’m questioning if this is just a lipoma rather than cancer because of the way it feels and moves, it has also been about 2 months since we very first noticed this, and to me it doesn’t appear or feel to have spread anywhere, his vet was also talking like he wouldn’t live more that a week or two and it’s been 2 months. No one can really come to a definite diagnosis… so if anyone could give advice or help on this i’d appreciate it very much!! (i’ve also included a photo below of the tumor though it’s a litte difficult to tell)
I have an 11-year old female domestic shorthair cat (Nala) who has been very healthy until around springtime last year when she started to develop a snorty sound when breathing and rapid sneezing fits. We figured it was maybe allergies at the time, as ours were really bad too. But it kept lingering and we finally asked our vet and he was reluctant to do a full exam on her because of the expense, and he also diagnosed her as having herpes, and prescribed Chlorpheniramine 4mg and Duralactin paste 2.5ml for her. I give her a 1/4 of the pill crushed in her canned food once a day, but the paste makes her sick. I have been giving her the pill for about 3 months now with zero improvement. I have been doing a lot of research, and the closest thing I could find that matches what she is dealing with is a video I found of Dr. Magnifico performing surgery on a cat for a nasal polyp. The description she gave completely matches what Nala sounds like with the snoring sounds when breathing and the constant sounds of trying to clear her throat. She has lost a lot of weight because I think it’s difficult for her to eat a lot but otherwise she acts like nothing is wrong, she is very playful, and also eats (best she can) and drinks normally, and litterbox habits are still great. My question is if this diagnosis sound like it could be correct, and if so, is this something that could possibly be fixed without breaking budget?
Autumn Hi!
Polyps in our kitty friends are quite common. I am a surgery technician that assists Dr.Magnifico and we have seen and removed more than a handful!We have noticed not many vet offices check for polyps and typically it’s what we end up finding. (Not always the case as some cats are chronic upper respiratory forever)
This surgery is typically not a budget breaker. Please reach out and never be afraid to ask many questions to your veterinarian!, That’s what they are here for ,
My daughter’s elderly cat Astra seems to have sprained her left front paw tonight and is acting strange. Her leg/paw isn’t swollen, but she can’t put any weight on it without falling down. She’s meowing a lot and walking in circles. At one point, she was hiding by my daughter’s desk which is unusual, she seems to be confused, and has no appetite. We’ve read how cats don’t metabolize aspirin or nsaids very well, so we don’t want to give her any. What can we give her and what can we do to comfort her? Is there anything we should look for? Is her behavior typical of a feline in pain? Thank you for your help!
Edit: Now she’s pressing her head up against things.
Teddy sprained something in his left hind leg about 3 weeks ago. He is a standard golden doodle, weighing 72 lbs, and before this injury, was having a hard time getting up at the end of the day, from lying on the floor. The vet said, without x rays, that Teddy has arthritis in his back legs, even though he is young for this, at 5. I’ve been giving him Dasequin, 2x a day for this. I thought he was starting to improve, when he took a bad step, running up some stairs into the house from outside. He let out a yelp, then cried for less than half a minute, and would not put his left rear foot on the floor. Eventually, he did try putting the foot down, and walking on it, but immediately picked his foot up again, and would not use that leg. I took him to the vet, who x rayed Teddy’s back legs and hips. Everything, bones and joints, looked normal and healthy. The diagnosis was a sprain, and I was given a bottle of carprofen to give Teddy, 2x a day. Teddy now is using his leg, but with a slight limp. I have taken him out of doggy day care, where he was going twice a week, to play with other dogs. I didn’t want to risk the sprain getting worse. I’ve also been taking him out on a leash, to potty, and for short walks for exercise. At the end of the day, however, he is obviously sore, and has a harder time getting up from lying on the floor. He is back to getting onto the couch, but can’t climb on the bed yet.
He’s also very bored, as I won’t play fetch with him (I don’t want him running on that leg yet), and is probably depressed at not seeing his doggy daycare friends. Poor guy won’t play with his toys, and now is turning up his nose at everything but treats. He will eat breakfast-at about 5 pm, then wants more kibble at bedtime. I’ve been reducing the amount of kibble late at night, and giving him apple slices and carrot sticks for treats.
So….how long will this sprain take to heal? How long until I can let Teddy go outside, and let him run around as he usually does? And, how long before I can let him go back to doggy daycare?
My parents’ cat, Oso, is not doing so well. He’s been needing subcutaneous fluids administered via IV and he had not been eating every meal for a little over a week until we started giving him an appetite stimulant.
He also is having labored breathing, mouth closed 36 – 42 inhales/ minute. Here’s a link to a video so you can see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/elf32wwm5z06ygn/OsoBreathe.mov?dl=0
An image of an X-Ray is attached – The comments below and the color arrows were provided by a mobile radiologist that came over to see him – I didn’t understand the notes, but basically she was pointing out tumor(s), cancer and fluids building up inside his body there.
We are continuing with the fluids and with the appetite stimulant he is eating. Steroid once month shots have been suggested and were just started 2 days ago.
Any advice here is very much appreciated and welcomed.
Hello! Welcome! I am so happy for you to hear that your pup is doing so well. Parvo is my most dreaded diagnosis as it always hits the very young and often it is either too expensive for people to treat it too severe for dogs to survive.
I would place the ecollar and make sure he can’t lick the area. And I would also keep it cleans and dry. I usually don’t wrap it because it can be too tight and cause really bad problems for rhe leg and cover up a wound I would rather have people observing daily. Covered up leans you can’t see it and I want to to be monitoring it.
If it worsens call your vet and have it looked at asap.
Good luck