Have you tried low fat prescription food for this? I know Hill’s, RC, and Pro Plan all have a gastroenteric diet option.
16 month old female husky (40 pounds) had a double patellar luxation surgery on 6/30. Grade 4 in both knees, severe muscle wasting and arthritis. The surgery was more complex than anticipated and involved the addition of rod placement. First couple of days fairly uncomplicated except that she would urinate in her kennel while asleep despite attempts at potty breaks.
She has now developed two huge seromas, one on each knee. She’s walking well, eating and drinking well. If anything she’s so close to her normal self. She’s still on gabapentin, trazodone and rimadyl.
The seroma on the left “burst” between sutures on Sunday despite the meds and confinement. It has continued to “burst” and release a LOT of serous fluid EVERY day since (today is day 4 of this).
She’s been back to the vet twice for this.
They said to:
Keep the meds
Stop passive ROM
Confine and keep down as much as possible
Warm compresses 3 times a day
They want to push back suture removal and have assured me that this will eventually stop. And if it continues for the next few days then we may consider other options.
She is walking around, standing up and turning around in her kennel despite the meds and obviously needs short walks to go pee/poop. These things cause the ruptures.
I am beyond frustrated and worried.
Does this care plan seem reasonable?
Does heat actually help? She’s so squirmy when I come near her kennel that it hardly seems worth it.
Any advice? Thank you!
My 6 year old female pit was diagnosed with Chylothorax yesterday, 7/5. My vest was only able to pull a little of the gel type liquid from her lungs. She referred us to a specialist, but they cannot see her until Aug 4. Do you know if there is another specialist in the Baltimore, Maryland area that could see her? She is currently taking 50mg of Lasix. I don’t want to wait four weeks. She has barely eaten anything over the last two weeks as it is. She’s lost about 7-10 pounds.
Hiya, my dog has pancreatitis and I have tried different food, medications and probiotics. Nothing seems to work for long and hasn’t went for longer the 3 weeks without a bad spell. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to help him as he is only just 3 and I am fed up of him not being able to be a young dog.
Hello ma’am, my cat is injured – like, he can’t turn his head and seems to be like swelling on his neck. He can’t walk normally because his head is not straight????. I saw him today. He was missing for 4 days when he was attacked by another cat. Can u help me please? I can’t go to vetenary hospital. Can u help me please any solution that I can do in my home and help my cat to revive? I have paracetamol tablet given for human. Can u help me out please… ????????
my cat chunk has been recently having issues with his front paws for the past 2 months. It’s off and on and when I touch his paws he doesn’t wince or cry. He still uses the scratching pad with no issue, but he’s limping and he can no longer jump up on the bed as easily. I’m afraid he may have arthritis. What is a good supplement or something we can get to help him with his joints so he’s strong again! He’s not an elderly cat, I guess you could call him middle aged. Thank you! He’s about 15 lbs
Does my dog need a 4DX test before taking a heartworm preventive? My dog is 71/2 yrs old and has been taking Sentinel monthly since he was a pup, and his Lyme vaccination is up to date. I realize the 4DX test is worthwhile and will get it done at the next annual exam. But the vet is refusing to renew the sentinel prescription without a 4DX test, and that doesn’t make sense to me.
I just recently changed my 14 month old cat’s dry food but she hasn’t been eating as she used to. Then yesterday i saw there was smear in her bottom and it was brownish orangy i was not sure if there’s blood. Her poops are formed and brown though as usual. This morning poop is the same. But this afternoon she was on my lap and checked her bottom and a small dot of water came out. I wonder if she has diarrhea. She’s been having brownish discharge for about two weeks now too. Also, she’s been shedding since two months ago not sure if thats normal when cat age. What could be wrong? She doesn’t look sick.
Is it normal that the vets want me to amputate my kittens hind left leg due to a small fracture in the hip and a fracture above the knee. I had to take him late at night so it was to an emergency pet clinic and they were so very discouraging about me finding someone to repair his leg. I also never saw the X-ray of the one above the hip and when I asked for the X-rays they did not give them to me told me I had to wait for the vet to release them to me and they sent me the report without the X-rays in the report.
my cat coughs, gags, and has to walk away and take a second to relax and breathe after petting him and he starts purring. His meows are also weird and don’t sound normal and it’s more of just a quiet raspy “ah” sound. He coughs and gags after purring so i try not to pet him for too long but he loves attention and starts purring just by looking at you. He also starts breathing heavy and fast. He constantly has raspy breathing and snores when he sleeps. His vet thinks he may have a polyp does his symptoms sound like a polyp?
my dog had had red skin and was constantly biting and scratching himself and he would get sores where he would scratch so much. He also had some dandruff. I read about it on google and thought it could be a food allergy so i changed his food a while ago and it got better super fast, but he’s still constantly scratching and rolling around and i’m not sure why. His fur is a bit dry and rough so i’m thinking it could be his fur scratching him, i’m not sure. Is there any products or anything at all you would recommend?
Without knowing exactly where you are located I would go to UPenn through the ER service and that way you can be seen immediately. You should not wait until August. In fact I would be incredibly worried that you don’t have that much time to safely wait. My preference is UPenn above all other referral centers as I have found them to be the most efficient and affordable of all the specialty centers. There are other specialty centers like the PetER and Chesapeake Vet Referral in Towson but I have had many clients find them cost prohibitive for care. If you in the through ER at a specialty hospital you can be transferred to the internal medicine department from there same or next day at the latest. Good luck. Go very soon especially if your pet is acting unwell.
I ended up taking her to Pet ER in Towson and they said she has Pyothorax . The thick fluid includes bacteria and maybe cancerous cells.
They said the only thing they could do was all in or nothing. Is surgery the only option? I did ask them to send the liquid from her chest to the Pathologist. I want to know for a fact that there are cancerous cells. What if it’s only bacteria, would antibiotics resolve the infection? Do they have to do open chest surgery to remove the liquid?
I have decided to wait for the pathology report to be certain it is cancer. I’m also looking into autoimmune disease. I’ve been told by several people that their dogs were going through the same as my Ginger. They were told it was cancer, but they fought and advocated for their dogs. They were both found to have autoimmune disease and have been treated with steroids and have been alive and well for over four years.