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Desiree | 4 months ago
By Dog Has Bloody Diarrhea. He Was Bit By A Tick A Little Over A Week …

By dog has bloody diarrhea. He was bit by a tick a little over a week ago and I’m concerned. He also will not eat or drink anything.

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    Hi Desiree – this is now emergent. Not eating or drinking means something is very wrong. Please get him to the vet TODAY.

  2. Krista Magnifico


    I think that you should seek help from a veterinarian to help understand what’s going on with your pup.

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Gwen | 4 months ago
Got This 3-4 Week Kitten Who Needed A Home And Appears To Have A Twisted/angular …

Got this 3-4 week kitten who needed a home and appears to have a twisted/angular wrist. He was most likely born with this deformity since I don’t believe his legs cause him any pain. He is starting to walk and it is becoming a bit of a struggle.
Can someone recommend me any options? I don’t want to go to the Vet just now because i know it will end being costly with X-rays and such. Right now i’m considering splinting, but I also want to know other options like maybe messages, etc. He is doing pretty well, but since he does sometimes walk, supporting his leg on the leg twisted (the bone, rather than his paw), i’m afraid it’ll become a future problem when he’s older.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    If you follow my blog at I have a few articles on this. I would use a soft splint and rest. These kittens grow and the legs strengthen and they can have normal lives. If you are anywhere near me in northern Maryland I will help.

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Jan | 4 months ago
Should I Be Concerned About The Heart Disease DCM Caused By Or Related To Grain Free …

Should I be concerned about the heart disease DCM caused by or related to grain free dog diets?

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    I would read the studies, honestly. I prefer NOT to feed commercial grain free dog food, as I have found no benefit. My previous dog always had runny stool on grain free, but when I switched her to a grain inclusive food it firmed right up and her coat improved. My current dog is the same way. I prefer not to supplement with pumpkin, and it appears dogs do benefit from the fiber in grain inclusive foods.

    If you DO choose to feed grain free, make sure the ingredients don’t have legumes high on the ingredient list. There seems to be a correlation.

  2. Laura

    I sat on this a little more, and wanted to add: DCM is absolutely deadly as a disease. My Doberman had it (the breed is prone to it, so we expected it would happen) and it’s not something for which I’d ever want to increase risk. It presents as two forms – congestive and arrhythmic. Congestive is congestive heart failure, which is the animal literally drowning on their own fluids. Arrhythmic is sudden death. Neither are good, both are fatal.

    Ripley’s form was arrhythmic. She was fine until her first collapse, when she went on medication to treat. In normal situations that would have earned us a few months. We got a miracle of an entire year with her post diagnosis…and she left us in the same way, with a heart attack that killed her instantly. Diagnosis is expensive, as is medication. I can absolutely say I would do whatever I can to avoid it from both an emotional and fiscally responsible standpoint.

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Ed | 4 months ago
This Is A Lot To Digest. We Have A 15-year-old Dog That Has Been On Meds …

This is a lot to digest. We have a 15-year-old dog that has been on meds for congestive heart failure. He was doing fine until…the other day he apparently got into the trash and ingested a paper towel with meat gravy. For the past 24 hours he has been vomiting up food he ate after the ingestion so we obviously have not fed him further. He has been drinking water regularly throughout the day and night but vomiting it up at times as well. I have discontinued giving him water so the vomiting doesn’t dehydrate him. He did vomit up part of the paper towel but now we believe there may be a piece in his digestive tract too. He is resting now but has been very lethargic as one might expect. Not interested in eating, vomit is a combination of yellow and clear. One earlier vomit was very brown and “pudding” consistency. Since then mostly watery. Our vet is in surgery and is unavailable for the entire day, The main question is how dangerous is the paper towel if in fact it is lodged in the digestive tract? Will it degrade fast enough to allow water first and then food to pass. Our vet said the dog’s age and heart condition preclude any surgery. We are at a loss as to what, if any steps are available to us. He is not in immediate distress but is clearly in need of something.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that you need to get in contact with your vet asap. Otherwise the ER is your next best option.

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Susan | 5 months ago
Good Morning, I’m Looking To Get A 2nd Opinion As To Which Flea And Tick …

Good morning, I’m looking to get a 2nd opinion as to which flea and tick preventative is safest for a dog with history of seizures (5 year old golden doodle with 3 random seizures in the past year and a half.) My current Vet said NexGard is safe although, the online information states it is an “isoxazoline class drug “and caution should be used in dogs with a history of seizures or neurological disorders Anv guidance would be greatly appreciated.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I do not use, or advise the use of these products if the patient has a history of seizures. Try something else. There are lots of good products on the market.

    Ask your vet for another option if you are also worried about the black box warning.

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Elaine | 5 months ago
Good Morning, I Have An 8wk Old Presumed Female Kitten With A Rare Congenital Defect Causing …

Good morning, I have an 8wk old presumed female kitten with a rare congenital defect causing a cloaca instead of normal anus and vagina. She went to another vet for what was thought to be constipation and a partial vaginal prolapse and we were given the diagnosis and told of an expensive surgery that could correct the issue but were advised that euthanasia might be the best course as we’re a rescue and the surgery is not only expensive but has a high complication rate. I’m trying to find anyone with experience with this or surgeons that have done this surgery. We’re trying to decide if the surgery will prolong a happy, comfortable life or only cause issues down the road. She is currently being maintained with laxatives, abdominal massages, antibiotics both oral and topical, prednisone, and bathing. She is a normal, happy kitten except for her bathroom needs and being very undersized(1.4lbs and half the size of her littermates).
Her diagnosis:
Type II Atresia Ani
Rectourethral Fistula

0 Responses
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Parham | 5 months ago
Hello All, I Wanted To Follow Up On My Question About Mercury From Two Months Ago. …

Hello all,

I wanted to follow up on my question about Mercury from two months ago. He had been suffering from recurring urinary blockages, and after several ER visits, I scheduled him for a PU surgery at The Bridge Clinic, a non-profit vet hospital in Bensalem and Philadelphia. The surgery was done on Aug 14th, and the surgeon recommended doing the PU first to see if the stones would pass naturally, which they did. The surgery cost me $1,181.

Unfortunately, the issues didn’t end there. Mercury seemed to recover for about three weeks, but then he started frequenting the litter box and peeing only small amounts, sometimes not at all. He also began peeing outside the litter box and seemed very uncomfortable, especially at night, so I took him for a follow-up on Sep 12th. An X-ray and urinalysis were negative for stones or infections, but crystals were found, leading to a diagnosis of FIC/FLUTD. They suggested Gabapentin for pain and more water fountains and litter boxes (this visit cost $191).

Despite following their advice, Mercury’s issues persisted, so I scheduled another appointment on Sep 19th. The vet confirmed FLUTD and suspected a possible infection at the surgical site, so he received a Convenia and Buprenorphine injection (visit cost: $134). Still, no improvement.

I then took him to his primary vet at Telford on Oct 3rd, where they suspected a different bacterial infection and prescribed Clavamoxin, though I declined a urine culture due to cost (this vist was $170). I also put him on a strict urinary diet (he was on dryMetabolic Urinary food and regular wet food which I diluted with water). He showed some improvement, but then, last Monday, he seemed blocked again. After giving him Amitriptyline, he was able to urinate, and Telford said their only recomendation is a urine culture, and they don’t have any time to see him that week, so I reluctantly agreed to. (Urine culture + 7 Amitriptyline + 14 Clavamoxine was $323), today the results from the culture came back clean, meaning I spent $273 for nothing.

What’s frustrating is that I haven’t spoken to the vet directly since the first visit, only through techs and nurses, and I’m running out of time and money. Mercury is still in pain and struggling to urinate, and I don’t know what else to do.

So if you have any insight or recommendations to what I should do next please let me know because I am at my wits end and have no idea what to do. (I’ve attached the visit’s summaries and the receipt from my last time at Telford to this post)

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I applaud your dedication and devotion and on your cat. I’m sorry it has been such a long and arduous road.

    I’m sorry but I also think these cases need lots of time to resolve. They are usually complicated and multifactorial. So expecting or hoping for a quick resolution is often not feasible.

    I do think that it is hard to manage a budget and a complicated case. I don’t know if anyone has done xrays or an ultrasound but these are also still on the list of possible places to look for your answer. If you are running right on funds than lean harder on pain medication and anxiety medication.

    I like long term gabapentin and fluoxetine. I also offer lots of options in the litter and litter box department. I like a big, shallow uncovered box with potting soil, or play sand. Don’t remove what you have just add something like this and see which box they choose to use. Also add anything that you can to help keep him relaxed and calm.

    I also like feliway and lots and lots of toys.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know how things are going.

    Good luck

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Maryam | 5 months ago
Hello All, I Posted On Here Earlier This Year Asking For Some Advice About My Cat …

Hello all,

I posted on here earlier this year asking for some advice about my cat who had a very advanced cryptococcosis infection.
Her right lymph node (submandibular) was swollen the entire time, and the left one but to a lesser degree.

She developed anisocoria and horners syndrome, droopy right eye, and she had a mass that felt like bone on top of her eye.
The anisocoria disappeared after 3 days and her pupils were entirely normal again.

Things escalated last week. Her nose has always been blocked, to various degrees, since she developed the symptoms, 1.5 years ago, but it seemed like she was able to get enough air in with some gasping and mouth breathing. I didn’t know how comfortable she was, but I had to try the last recommendation the vet suggested: 150mg of fluconazole a day. She was on this massive dose for 3 months. (4 kg cat)
Previously, she was on 37.5mg for 6 months, her nose and lesions cleared up and she was able to breathe again (most importantly!)
But, in March, a big lump (cryptococcosis mass) exploded into an abscess. It wouldn’t heal. The vet performed surgery to remove it and other lesions nearby. It was an eyesore, I felt so bad for her. She had a cone on for nearly 3 weeks because the suture area got a bit infected. Raised her fluconazole dose to 75mg a day.

Last week, her nose got much more inflamed and distorted very rapidly. It began bleeding and ulcerating, drying up and then bleeding repeatedly.
She looked so uncomfortable and basically slept all day in various positions to keep her head elevated. When near me or when sleeping with me at night, she’d clamp onto my arm or neck with her teeth to keep her mouth open so she could breathe and fall asleep. I can’t fathom how difficult it was to sleep having to make a conscious effort to get air in through her mouth. I understand cats are not “mouth breathers” and can’t fully relax that way.

I took her in to see her vet, 11 days ago, after noticing blood on her paw, and no wound. The vet looked inside her mouth and looked said the fungus was pushing through her soft palate (roof of mouth) into her front teeth. She recommended euthanasia and said she was not going to “get better” in her professional opinion. And that my cat was suffering and it wasn’t ok, I asked outright if her quality of life was ok. She said no. My cat had lost 1 kg since her last visit. This also factored into the vet’s recommendation.

The vet was ready to put my cat to sleep at the time of our consult, but I requested some time to digest and take her home to say goodbye.
Then, 4 days later, I took her in for euthanasia. I wish I had canceled. Am I wrong to feel that she should have died on her own terms?
What she had was like a breathing disability, in other ways she was a strong and vital cat. She was still eating, though appetite decrease by 30 or 40%.
Why did her nose not clear up (while the cutaneous lesions cleared) and in fact get worse after 3 months on a higher dose?
I’m so devastated and confused and wish I could have done more to save her life.
I felt selfish for letting her live this way, knowing there was no hope and I’d just be prolonging the inevitable (probably suffocation).
I am in so much pain recollecting what’s happened.

I wish I had kept her at home and only taken for euthanasia if she had collapsed and refused to eat. Taking her in to have her put down when she still asked to be fed, showed playfulness in some moments, trotting around when it was food time, it felt hasty but also inevitable. I felt I was saving her from experiencing more suffering as the fungus grew.
But, I will never know how it would have gone if I left her. Maybe nature would have performed a miracle, and she would heal, or she would die without my intervention and without pain (like a quick heart attack). I feel so terrible for having made the choice to snuff out her little life when she was still very strong.
She fought the sedative the vet gave, they took her back to insert a catheter and didn’t bring her to me until 40 mins later, saying she was fighting the sedative.
It pains my heart thinking she was in terror during her last hour on earth. When they carried her in, sedated, she looked absolutely petrified and braced. I could see her spirit fighting with all its might.

The vet told me that she had a more thorough examination of her nose and that the masses had hardened/were like concrete all through her nasal airway and that she was breathing through a “pin prick” hole. She said she was never more certain that euthanasia was the right choice.

I am so heartbroken. I still feel like I took her life away too early. Why should it be up to me? I can barely trust myself now.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Based on your description and the photos I feel about as confident as I could that this was a cancer in the nose/face/brain and that you did the right thing.

    No matter how much money you would have had, or how many specialists you could have brought her to she was not able to survive or get better with this.

    I am so sorry. I do believe you did everything you could have and that your cat was so lucky to have had someone who loved her as much as you did.

    Sending love and condolences.

    1. Maryam Post author

      Thank you for your input, Dr Krista!

      It never occurred to me that it might be cancer. She had a biopsy done last year (for the cutaneous lesions) and it came back positive for cryptococcosis. They didn’t want to touch her nose or interfere with it, since it was so sensitive. Once she was on fluconazole, her nose response (clearing up) was so rapid, within 3 weeks all the crust, nasal bridge disfigurement and inflammation had virtually disappeared. She was breathing well. That was on 37.5 mg a day.
      When she developed a big ulcer on her side, and then later her nose starting to inflame and ulcerate again, I felt so solemn about it all. Previously she was in what appeared to be a “stall” state with her nose. Upping the dose did not do a thing, imo. It continued to worsen.

      Could it have been fungal AND cancerous? My theory was the fungus developed resistance to the meds, and also was far too embedded to loosen its grip. In months past, I looked up nasal cancer to get an idea what that looks like but it didn’t seem to fit her. Also looking it up because I was so worried about her not being able to get air in, and whether this was humane, while we searched for a cure. Cryptococcosis cases in cats are not well documented online. I have not yet found one where the cat’s nose was so blocked up, from nostrils all the way up, like hers was.

      She was very loved, I am amazed at her resilience and that is what also hurts. She was so intense and sensitive, with immense all-round hardiness. It really felt that whatever was afflicting her was not going away.

      Thank you for your reassurance. I felt I took her life too soon, and also concerned she was not comfortable. It’s challenging to separate what I want and see her /the situation objectively and compassionately.

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Josh | 6 months ago
Hello, Firstly Thank You For Making This Site And Sharing Your Message And Trying To Help …

Hello, firstly thank you for making this site and sharing your message and trying to help both Vets and pet owners do better by and for their sake.
The cold weather in Oregon is setting in, I attached some photos I hope help. I’m trying to figure out the best way to identify and treat this issue.
The following are my observations of the marks located at the base of the tail areas side and underside only, surface level circular with some being slightly more crater like. Hair loss and area effects remain the same after what feels like over a month already. Plasma is typical puss in 2 or so spots, no swelling since first observed till present day, skin near effected area looks okay, over grooming of the area likely but not believing this is a source of pain. We live in a farm setting he is a stray I will watch over like my own and treat as such, I’m not against funding anything from big or small for his care but he’s strictly outdoor hunter and sometimes I wont see him for days. Would be most appreciative to any insight in what this might be or how I can help, likewise if there is a wound spray or dewormer I could purchase he is 100% outdoors and I see no signs of worms but he drinks from bird bath dishes. He will allow me to handle him but only so much I’d be much more worried when his patience runs out. I’d say he weighs about 15 pounds and overall health and appearance / dental is amazing. I always offer him a safe clean area and access to the property I will be buying a breakaway collar with a GPS tracker for him, he’s a farm cat my neighbor and me watch after. Would this be something to just give more time to mend? or should I step in and apply or seek help. Thank you! I will 100% be doing a donation, really wish more Vets were like you or highlighted in the community.

EDIT, the donation link via paypal says this is indelible, you can click 1-2 photos below that say Ads to be redirected to those to donate, if you have a place in mind please add it to the response I’d be happy to donate to your place of choice.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Thank you for taking care of this kitty. It sounds like he really needs to have a friend in his corner.

    I think that a few things are really important to discuss. One, although the skin wounds are concerning I think that too often pet parents are focused on an exterior (often transient and benign things), and forget about all of the immensely important things going on in the inside. Like, is this cat spayed, neutered or vaccinated? These are the absolute foundations for a healthy pet.

    I also think that your vet can help you understand if this is a parasite issue like fleas?
    I wish I could tell you that this is and give you the answer to help it get better, but, medicine isn’t just looking at a picture. It is about helping the pet from the inside and out.
    I think that you need help from a vet. I think this cat needs to be spayed/neutered and vaccinated. I also think they need an antibiotic and a product to help with fleas.

    Good luck.

    1. Josh Post author

      I will search for a Vet office and bring him in for some treatment or an ER clinic for results. Glad I’m he does not have flees presently, as I comb him and check with flea combs. Those things are terrible as for infestations go and I love Food Grade DiatomaceousEarth for getting rid of that mess. My neighbor is a farmer who lives offsite and does not visit, more or less he picked up this cat some years ago and it only gets put in doors when they spray chemicals on the crops. I was worried with cold weather approaching and any injuries present much less bald spots like this. They either seen this on his tail by now or would have got him help. In his words he is just a friendly stray, pretty sure he is fixed but I will bring him in and get everything covered. He will be okay though I will make sure of it just wanted to get some insight on this. Could be days or sometimes a week or two before I see him day or night, but I will always watch for him and over him. Thanks again for your time and care you give in this field. The donation links did not work for me paypal related / sign up email Have a great day, take care.

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Pam | 7 months ago
Hi Krista My Almost 11 Year Old MC Potcake (who Has Too Many Beings Lipomas To Count) …

Hi Krista
My almost 11 year old MC Potcake (who has too many beings lipomas to count) recently had his senior blood work and urinalysis – everything was normal except an elevated ALP.

The urine was a free catch sample at 4 pm and it was very dilute. This prompted me to remember that he has been drinking a little more (summer) as well as eating a lot of watermelon – and to remind me that he has also had an increased appetite over the last year. I did a specific gravity on a morning urine sample after he had no access to water overnight and he was able to concentrate his urine at 1.025

He has chronic seasonal allergies so his inner thighs have a dark pigment change – this has been present for years – there are no other derm changes and I don’t see a pot bellied appearance but the vet is considering Cushing’s. They suggested an abdominal ultrasound first followed by a low dose suppression test. I would rather do the dex test first before an ultrasound. I’m not sure that I’m convinced that Cushing’s is likely but something may be going on.

Of more concern is that this previously healthy dog coincidentally, a few days after the blood work, had an episode of vertical nystagmus and ataxia – very brief – less than 30 seconds. He’s been fine ever since but its only been a few days – I have been told that vertical nystagmus is less common with Senior Vestibular disease and possibly more likely a central lesion.

any thoughts that you have would be appreciated !

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For cases like this I usually recommend the following.
    Ask about diet. See if anything could be influencing water intake. I do a very thorough exam. This includes anal glands. Then I repeat the blood work a few months later (if not drinking or peeing excessively). If the pet is believed to be drinking and urinating more then I think that X-rays, abdominal ultrasound (by a proficient vet) and LDDT are warranted. I don’t have too much preference on order because they usually all need to be done. The biggest thing to talk about before starting all of these diagnostics is that the client must be willing and able to treat for cushings before we start the expensive procedure of diagnostics.

    Good luck