As with all things it is hard to diagnose via a photo. But. Here are my thoughts.
1. In almost all cases of preputial discharge it is normal. I don’t go too crazy about it. It is usually a small amount, thick green-yellow and the patient is acting normally.
2. Although rare, bilateral crytochordism can happen. But typically we have a good history to go by. I start palpating for testes at the first visit and check every subsequent one. I know if they haven’t descended and we go looking for them at age 9-11 months. I will add a blog I have written on it.
3. I would be very careful based on that photo that these are the bulbourethral glands.
Please ask for a second opinion before going under anesthesia to remove these.
Let us know what happens.
Thank you for rescuing
i’m just wondering if a vet would have to extract or if these usually fall out on their own?
Hi there ???? Seeing as she is almost a year old kitten, I am assuming that you have a vet visit lined up for her in the near future for vaccinations/booster shots. I would make a note of it and mention it to the vet. If it doesn’t seem to be bothering her or effecting her appetite, it is probably ok to wait until your appointment. If there is a change in eating habits or behavior- you may want to call your vet sooner.
I know vets will extract retained baby teeth in dogs. I would imagine they do the same for cats.
Is she spayed? We would remove any extra baby teeth while doing th at under general anesthesia. Although I cannot get a really great look at the mouth I don’t see an obvious extra tooth on the photo. But please have your vet look. Leaving extra teeth behind predisposes them to accelerated dental disease. So go when you can. It’s not an emergency. Even if your cat is spayed we recheck them at about 18 months old for their next vaccines and rabies booster. Hope this helps. Be safe.
hi guys!
it was a baby tooth, the vet was able to pull it out without sedation because our good girl just laid down for a belly rub,
he isnt sure if this will stop her from chewing everything in sight, he thinks that must just be how she is.
but i am thankful there was no infection or anything!
thank you all for the advice!!!