These cases do happen. They usually resolve on their own in about a week. If you cannot treat him at home see if you can drop him off at your vets to stay for the day while you are at work. Good luck. It will go down. It will just be an awful 5 days of waiting. And ps I have seen them cantaloupe size. Ouchie!!
My puppy was spayed 6 days ago and 2 days post-spay, we noticed a red bump the side of my thumb just above the incision. It grew throughout the day and then the next day, it seemed to have leaked through an unhealed part of the incision. Not knowing what it was, we brought her to the vet and were told that it seemed that she had an infection…her incision was quite enflamed. We were given an antibiotic that we are currently still giving twice a day. After that, the bump shrank…and after then, if we’d push on it, it would leak through…very pink and watery fluid. Now at nearly a week after surgery, the bump is back(same size…like a thumb print), but now that the incision has healed, it no longer is drainable… What could this be? I was thinking an abcess(which is what I assumed the vet thought), but it was never filled with pus, just very watery.
Should I take her back to the vet to get it checked out or is this something that may resolve on its own and I’m just overreacting…?
I included the image from day 3 when it burst and then today, day 6.
My six month old pitbull has a large hematoma after a routine neuter. He was fine with no swelling for two days after the surgery, but day three his scrotum started swelling. We took him into the vet who explained it was normal for some dogs and sent us home with some sedatives to stop his moving around and told us to monitor. Later that day, the scrotum swelled to the size of a medium to large orange. We returned, and we’re given antibiotics just in case, as there was no evidence of fever to indicate infection. The next day, he the wound started draining, a pink substance likely blood mixed with some other bodily fluid. The suture area looks fairly normal, just a small amount of redness and swelling, and the fluid smells of iron, not infected. We were advised to place a warm compress on for a few minutes a couple of times a day, but our pup won’t let us near the area. He is a sweet dog, but the sedatives combined with the pain are causing him to snap at us when we go near the back legs. He refuses to even sit down for hours at a time. Do you have any advice for how to help him through this? My wife and I work 8-9 hours during the day, though we have family that stops by for a few hours at a time to watch him. I’m just worried that he is in so much pain he won’t let us help him heal.
My 7-year lab mix tore her chest apart on a hose bib earlier this year. She developed a large seroma on her chest after her vet closed up the massive gash. We drained it once after the port holes naturally closed. She does not want to reopen the holes because of infection risk. To help the seroma shrink, she suggested a compression vest which I immediately ordered since I couldn’t find one locally. It will get here tomorrow. I hadn’t seen any comments regarding compression vests for seroma. Thoughts? My girl is happy aside from being a little dopey from drugs – she had an allergic reaction to who-knows-what and is on Benadryl. She’s been through so much over the last couple of weeks and we just want our Casey back to normal.
My husband and I are planned to pick up our new pup from the breeder this weekend. The breeder just emailed us that our puppy was found to have juvenile cellulitis or “puppy strangles”. Researching online, it looks like most dogs have full recovery and no long-term effects with this diagnosis. The breeder said they caught it early and they went to the vet this morning and medications were initiated. Does anyone have any success stories of their pups having puppy strangles? Did it cause scarring or any long-term complications or side effects? Thanks so much for any feedback! (The pup is a goldendoodle and is 8 weeks old).
What’s your opinion on the “slow kill” method of heartworms? My friend is treating the dog she rescued from the pound for heartworms and opted for this method, as she said she felt it was a better choice than getting injections. She feels it is the safer method. Is it fool-proof? What are some signs that the slow kill method is NOT working? Are there any recent peer-reviewed content covering this topic?
I have bought a green-cheek conure(pineapple mutation) to handfeed it. I started to feed it Harrison’s formula with a specialized spoon from its 9 days old.
Around its 20 days old, it started to show regressed appetite for the formula. Even when its crop is completely empty, it only actively took in formula for the first 2-3ml. Every time I feed it with a spoon of formula, this little baby shows resistance to the next spoon of formula. After I fed it 4-5ml of formula, it becomes completely unwilling to take in any further formula regardless of the temperature or thickness of the formula.
Given its crop was far from full then, I had nothing to do but force it to take in another 3-4ml of formula in case it gets too hungry between two meals. This lasts for nearly ten days and I don’t want to force it to eat anymore because it may really hurts the baby conure or our relationship from the perspective of long-term.
Trust me, I have tried to feed it with a syringe and it didn’t work either. The baby conure still showed resistance to any further feeding after being fed with 4-5ml of formula. In addition, during the last week, I sparsely noticed any active eating behaviors from it after the first 2 spoons of formula.
If there is any similar problem you’ve ever experienced, please inform me with the solutions. Thank you so much!!!!
Roberta Kendall Hi, I’d recommend that you join an online hand-feeding forum for your problems with handfeeding. The baby could be rejecting the formula because the formula isn’t warm enough, or it could have an infection in its crop. It would also be a good idea to visit an avian vet if you have one in your area. Please do this soon, as these babies can go downhill very fast.
My younger dog is getting very aggressive towards my older dog, including real biting. They’ve always played in the past, with the younger being very submissive. What’s going on?
Anonymous Are they the same sex? That can contribute, as well as maturity.
Work on obedience and other training with the younger dog, separate from the older dog. Wear his fuzzy butt out so he pesters the older dog less. I would start crating them when you can’t supervise just to keep both dogs safe, too – this behavior, if left unchecked, can turn into fighting.
my 6 months old cane corso just got a cherry eye but he just had a surgery under general anesthesia a few days ago. are there any concerns if i did the cherry eye surgery these days meaning that he will take general anesthesia 2 times in just 10 days? and is there any possibility that the cherry eye might go on its own?
my 3 month old puppy is not eating . her poop is black and wet she wont stop crying she also has asome kind of allergy on her forhead
Sweet Dino is this normal to dogs? her skin has a redish color and a lil bit crackey AND SHE0 SMELLS VERY BAD LIKE THE SCENT OF HER DIRT EVEN THO SHE TOOK A BATH i noticed that her allergies became worst at first it was only at the forehead but now she has it in her tummy well she wont stop scratching herself and starts to cry the vet is an hour away from us the only good news is she starts to eat dogfood shes not really my puppy what i mean is shes already sold and im not her permanent owner anymore (her mother is my dog) idk what to do the buyer might refuse to get her
I had run out my house leaving butter on my counter to thaw. I arrived home to find 2 large piles of what I assumed was bile. While cleaning it up I realized it was in fact butter, to my horror my dog had consumed 3 sticks of butter. I have a call in to my vet but would love to know how bad this is to ease my mind. My boy is a Border Collie/GSD mix, 80lbs, 4 years and in good overall health, aside from vomiting he seems to be his normal self. (And yes, I know better than to leave anything on the counter.) Thank you!
I would phone the vet and explain that it is back and that you are concerned.