If your puppy is 4 months old, this is an emergency. Get her to an emergency vet NOW.
I have a 16 month old Shih Tzu who will not stop eliminating in her crate. She is a house dog so she has a spot in the house that she goes. She knows where this spot is and she will use it with no problem but as soon as I put her in the crate and walks away she will pee and poop in there instead of waiting. She also lays in it and steps in it and its so frustrating…any advice?
Hello! My 4 month year old Lab had diarrhea last night and seems to go every 2 to 3 hours. I tried her on some rice and she vomited. She acts ok. She still will play then nap, which is kinda normal. After the rice her pooped looked green?I wonder if anyone has some advice to avoid dehydration? How soon should I take her in?
Recently (today) we had brought our 2 year old pit mix to the vet. He currently has ear infections in both ears. We were prescribed pills for the swelling, ear drops and ear wash. The pills are the easy part… the hard part is cleaning his ears. I know I am doing it right because of another animal we have that had ear infections. We have tried treats, sitting with him and going slow. But there is just no stopping the biting and the whining. I know it must suck for him and I’m going easy with him. Is there any more suggestions to help calm him down so I can wash his ears? Thanks..
Brittany Mullens Update: thank you for the advice. I asked the vet today and she gave us a topical. Also the swelling of his ears has gone down significantly. Which definitly helps with the process of cleaning… I have washed his ears before and I do with the other dogs because I knew if one had ear infections it’s possible for the others to be prone (they are siblings). I think it was just because of the pain factor. We still go super slow with him and try to keep him as calm as possible. But so far so good! Thank you again!
I have a 9-year-old 5 pound chihuahua with a collapsed trachea. He has been on hydrocodone on and off for a few months now, and it does not seem to help at all, even at the maximum dosage. He was put on steroids which worked well for the first 2-3 weeks, but they stopped working all together before he was even done taking them. Is there any other medication out there that could possibly help? He is still eating, drinking, going to the bathroom etc without any issues, just a horrible constant cough that keeps him up half the night and I’m certain must be painful for him.
Only aggressive with food, and only started to outwardly be aggressive with food this week. Other than that they get along fine.
My German Shepard is gentle with humans, this aggression is only towards my other dog. ( I can hand feed my german, she sits and only eats when I tell her to.) My peke is not showing aggression or challenging my german.
Anonymous I would immediately change your feeding schedule. Feed in separate rooms through whelping and until the litter has been sold. GSDs are known for moderate same sex aggression…throwing pregnancy into that mix increases that instinct.
Your breed mentor should have told you this.
Anna Soparno This was definitely an unplanned pregnancy, I had only had her for a week or two before she went into heat (She only just turned a year in July.) And we are new to the area so ironically there is a male Shepard down the road who did as he pleased while Danu (my Shepard,) was tied up. I did not know they are known for moderate same sex aggression so that is very helpful. I am having low confidence lately concerning whether or not Danu is a good fit for our home and if this can be broken even after the litter is gone.
Anonymous SSA is temperament, not training. It *cannot* be trained out. She may go back to “normal” once the puppies are gone…or she may not. Give her time, at least, to get the hormones out of her system before you decide to rehome her again.
If you do, please go through a German Shepherd rescue to get her placed. This will ensure she goes to an appropriate, experienced GSD home.
Anna Soparno There seems to only be aggression when food is involved, not toys or anything like that, but I can tell my first dog, Ladybird, the Peke mix, is not relaxed at all. So in theory, if Danu was male we would not be having this issue?
Anna Soparno also, danu is not fully German Shepard, she has rottie in her as well, don’t know if this makes any a difference, and her original house hold Danu had to fight with many other dogs in a small home, not have access to food and water for weeks, it was bad living conditions.
Anonymous Well, like I said, she *may* go back to normal afterward. Regardless, do NOT allow them to eat in the same room.
It sounds like Danu has a lot of issues. If I may ask, why didn’t you terminate the pregnancy early?
Anna Soparno Danu, despite her original environment has come a long way since when we first got her, and it has only been up to this week has she shown such aggression. So its really taken me aback, because this is not her, I would not allow a dog into my home that would cause hazard to my animals. I did not terminate the pregnancy early because quite frankly, we did not know FOR SURE she was pregnant. She was not showing normal symptoms or signs.
Anna Soparno and right now, they are both sleeping, no issues, previously Danu licked ladybird in good gesture, so I know the trigger is food.
Anonymous Noted.
Well, hormones make everyone do crazy things, including our dogs. I think, once the puppies have been rehomed (please use a rescue to help you with that, to ensure they end up in appropriate homes), get her in an obedience class. It’s impossible to say just how she’ll behave once she’s no longer nursing and is spayed, you know?
Anna Soparno Absolutely, I just want to make sure I am taking the necessary steps to create a harmonious environment. I have never dealt with pregnancy in dogs, it was certainly not something I was looking forward to, but I guess the perfect storm occurred. I do appreciate you talking with me for I was freaking out this morning, I just hope things go well, and I will make sure the pups are in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing and are qualified.
My cat, Mitsi, is 18 years old. She doesn’t have any signs if the urinary tract infections or lumps or bumps. She has no problem going in her litter box though occasionally she trips and pees when she is getting in the box (it’s only 4 or 5 inches high).
To be more specific with her scratching, she has done it for years but now she screams and pees when she does it.
She’s peeing on everything now and a couple times a day, I don’t know what to do anymore.
My family doesn’t have enough money to take her to the vet and due to her age they probably wouldn’t let me, but thank you for any help!
She has no problem eating or drinking and she pukes every once in a while as she’s always done. Besides the scratching and peeing , she’s just like she’s always been.
my dog has had a cough for a while and now he has very swollen eyes and his cheeks is beginning to swell. his eyes has been leaking for a few days too
Anonymous Sounds like your dog has needed a vet for a while. Please get him in today.
Charlotte Mansfield is there anything that i should do before that
Anonymous Without knowing the cause, I don’t know that anyone can really suggest anything. Call your vet…now, because this has gone on long enough that he sounds pretty miserable.
Charlotte Mansfield yer it has and my mum does not seem worried though
Hello, I have a newborn kitten. Its an orphan, and honestly seems to be about 5 days old. I have questions regarding its stool, yesterday the stool was more formed but today its diarrhea I am worried.. its like a yellowish brown diarrhea that seems to be a bit slimy if that makes sense. I have been feeding it KMR.
She has had 2 normal worming treatments and 1 stronger one which lasted 3 days and was taken with chicken and rice. We broke her in gently back to puppy biscuits but today has been really bad. She has had 4 runny poos in 1 hour. And 2 contained blood. She seems happy enough but has definitely been more naughty this evening. Biting and running around.
My 14 week old cat have red swollen puss filled eyes and idk what to do
She has been taught that inside the house = potty. That means *anywhere* inside the house. Eliminate the pee pads and start taking her outside every single time. Make the spot in the crate just large enough for her to lie down and turn around. Take her out every hour and praise her when she eliminates outside.
Also, thoroughly clean the crate with white vinegar and/or an enzyme cleaner.