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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is A Chocolate Labrador, He Hasn’t Been Able To Walk On His Back…

My dog is a chocolate Labrador, he hasn’t been able to walk on his back right leg & now all his genatals and inside thigh is seriously bruised coming up in a black and dark red bruises,we have taken him to the vets twice what could this be?

2 Responses


  1. Emma Wootton

    Yeah I think we need too, the bruising has only just come up recently, he’s panting really heavily, not being able to go to the toilet not wanting to eat or drink, we have to though.. We give him tablets from the vets but their not helping him. He hasn’t had sleep for ages, us thinking it’s his hips, but not this bruising has come up

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Yellow Lab Keeps Coughing And Ultimately Retching. Foam And Spit Come Up. …

My yellow lab keeps coughing and ultimately retching. Foam and spit come up.

1 Response


  1. Cybil Preston

    added note he went swimming in the creek yesterday and now his foam looks like algae from the creek in it…..could he have creek water in his lungs? When he lays still no coughing…..when he is active….coughing and retching.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has Sudden Diarrhea? Is There Any Remedy? Im Thinking The Cause Us The…

My dog has sudden diarrhea? Is there any remedy? Im thinking the cause us the rapid change in food

1 Response


  1. PK Dennis

    Diarrhea is the body’s way of removing toxins.  One or two bouts of diarrhea is not anything to worry about or to try to remedy – I think recovery.  Fasting is always my first reaction to diarrhea – you want the gut to clear and rest (12 hours per Dr. Krista’s recommendation).  I encourage fluid intake (offer lots of fresh water, give ice cubes if he/she likes to lick them, I will even add a little broth to the water if I don’t think they are drinking enough).

    Probiotics are always good to aid recovery.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Rotwiler Is Vomiting Yellow Stuff, And Is Not Eating Or Drinking..

my rotwiler is vomiting yellow stuff, and is not eating or drinking..

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    To the vet.  The yellow stuff is bile.

  2. Annamaree Randall

    we did phone but they could only see him on Friday….is there anything I could maybe give him now..

  3. Annamaree Randall

    the vet can only see him on Friday….is there anything else I could do or give him…

  4. Anonymous

    No – he needs to be seen before Friday.

  5. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Call your vet back and tell them he seems very sick and needs to be seen immediately.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 5/6 Week Old Kitten Who, In The Last Few Hours, Has Had…

I have a 5/6 week old kitten who, in the last few hours, has had 4 episodes of diarrhea and 1 episode of vomiting. Other than those things, she is behaving as normal. Should I be concerned?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I’d get her to the vet first thing this morning.  I would not call that normal.

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Shiria | 9 years ago
The Kitten Was Born Ca. 4 Weeks Ago. It Had Two Litter Mates, One Was…

The kitten was born ca. 4 weeks ago. it had two litter mates, one was born dead: The second one was totally normal, but found dead 3 days later in the morning. It had a wet/sticky mouth, but otherwise everything seemed normal.
The last one had also a wet/sticky mouth a few days later (ca. 1 week age) with little blisters on its tongue. Otherwise it was normal, it still got enough milk from its mother.
With ca. 2 weeks the kitten and its mother showed symptoms of cat flu, and it was also seen that the kitten was staying rather small, but otherwise normally developed.

The vet prescribed amoxcillin for both mother and baby. And an ointment for the eyes, as they were also affected. After 2 days the kitten had to be force-fed because it couldn’t suckle anymore. But it could be fed with the syringe without problem and ate with huge appetite. This was going for one week, with it’s general state of health being okay despite the cat flu. It had some discharge on eyes and nose, but it was otherwise still active and aware. He really is a little fighter, despite staying rather small.

During last week it finally seemed to get better, until friday morning we found it with heavier breathing. One eye was fine, the other closed with discharge. It still had appetite though. On Sunday the breathing was bad, but it could still swallow.

Today the breathing is really bad, it has to use its stomach to breath and also opens its mouth to help breathing (but no real gasping). It has difficulty swallowing and seems to have mucus in its throat. The nose is mostly dry, only few discharge. The infected eye has now a cloudy cornea, despite the eye antibitoics. It is also very restless, walks a few steps, then lays flat down. It’s easily seen that it doesn’t get enougn oxygen.
The vet said it most likely has developed pneumonia. It got something that should help its lung with breathing, and I should continue to give fluids and feeding as long as it will/could swallow. Of course it still gets antibiotics.

What can I do to help the little one with breathing? Should I let it inhale?

Depending on how it looks tomorrow I may have to euthanize it, as I don’t want it to suffocate :(.

1 Response


  1. Shiria Post author

    Hello, Thanks for your answer. The kitten was of course sent to the vet. That is were the antibiotics and everything else come from. She also gave something for its lungs and the kitten also got fluids. The vet seid that the cat flu most likely went down to its lungs, so that they now are infected, too.
    Everything I stated above from what we do to help with this kitten is supervised through a vet of course.
    Of course I also don’t euthanize myself as I’m not a vet, but the vet said it doesn’t look good, as it got worse despite being supervised and treated.

    Maybe I don’t use the right words, as english is not my first language, sorry for that.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Can 1 Dog Get An Ear Infection From Another Dog? She Didn’t Have An Ear…

Can 1 dog get an ear infection from another dog? She didn’t have an ear infection 3 days ago when I took her to the vet. That day I let her mother come over & spend the night for a play date & she has ear infections in both ears & 1 is really bad. The owner doesn’t take care of the mother like I do my dogs. BJ’s has a tendency to get ear infections so I have medicated wash & a RX on hand for her. I wash her ears out once a week, but this morning her ear is red and she’s scratching it. I started her redgiment again & put her cone collar on so she doesn’t scratch.

I wouldn’t be thinking this if she hadn’t just seen her vet for her 6 months check up and nothing was wrong with her ears.

My dog had an ear infection that lasted for 3 months about 9 months ago. She went back 6 months ago for some more meds & got rid of it then. She’s 14 months old and a Corkie

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Normally, I would say no that ear infections are not commonly passed from 1 dog to another, however, it is possible to spread ear mites from 1 dog to another and the other dog could have been licking your dogs ear which could have lead to an ear infection.  Ear mites are not common in dogs.  So it’s possible that the visiting dog could have been licking you dogs ears resulting in an ear infection.

    Also, it is possible your dog could have just gotten an ear infection that just happened to coincide with the other dogs visit.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Towards The End Of My Dogs Phantom Pregnancy I Noticed She Was Itching Her Top…

Towards the end of my dogs phantom pregnancy I noticed she was itching her top left nipple quite a bit. I automatically checked for fleas as you do when you see a dog itching and no sign of any. Knowing I had recently given her flea treatment it was probably unlikely to be fleas so I’ve just kept an eye on it checking her everyday.
It does’t seem to be bothering her too much but she had caught her nipple from itching and caused it to look a bit sore.
I am unsure if it is related to the phantom pregnancy as I haven’t noticed her to itch anywhere else on her body other than that particular nipple and her phantom pregnancy symptoms seemed to be worse this time round, she did produce quite a bit of milk. I want to know if i can do anything to help?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Elderly And Has Seasonal Allergies
(Unrelated, But He Also Has Chronic Dry Skin…

My dog is elderly and has seasonal allergies
(Unrelated, but he also has chronic dry skin and hip dysplasia)
I came home after a few hours gone and found that both of the whites of his eyes were swollen and pink, with in the past 2 hours they have gotten worse, I have given him his usual meds plus benadryl for his eyes, what should I do? Is this an emergency? All vets offices are closed.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Will Not Eat Solud Food But Drinks Water ,lathargy , Vomiting, What Doi…

My dog will not eat solud food but drinks water ,lathargy , vomiting, what doi do

0 Responses