Also, the owner is out of the country until June! I am the long-term caretaker.
so they held him there for 3 days they had him on iv fluids vomiting meds and anti flammatory meds they did 7 x-rays . Well they said he was eating real good and holding everything down with no vomiting and was passing his vowel movements but never seen anything in his vowl moments that shouldn’t of been there. Well 1400 dollars later they send him home and not even 24 hours
I am looking after a cat who is not eating after being treated for a bladder infection on 10/31. He returned home on 11/3 after being under vet supervision, and although he was somewhat active, he was still being lethargic and then slowly started to decline again (not eating, although drinking and using the litterbox). He was taken back to the vet on 11/7 I was told that he is depressed and misses his owner. I returned to the vet today and was told again that he is “starving himself from depression”. He has since stopped drinking and using the litter box. Any advice on what to do?
Carolyn Hedlund -
Kate McKelvie Hi Carolyn,
There are steps your vet can take if he has stopped drinking as well as eating- give fluids subcutaneously, prescribe an appetite stimulant, etc. Did they run bloodwork? You can tempt his appetite, possibly, by offering Fancy Feast, or Gerber’s turkey or chicken baby food. Sometimes they’ll try tuna, or rabbit (vet sells.) You can syringe feed him with Hill’s AD(add water.) Worst case scenario- they can hospitalize him and/or place a feeding tube. They need to do something to turn him around.
If you can post a head shot here, I could send him Reiki long-distance. -
Carolyn Hedlund Thank you, Krista. I appreciate your advice. The vet only suggested taking him to an emergency vet and said that they would run tests that would cost 3-5K, with no mention of a feeding tube or any other suggestions for sparking his appetite. Although he did give us nutritional gel, he was not interested in that and we have had to force feed it to him to at least get him some nourishment. It seems as though he should be taken to another vet! Thanks again. Best,
Update: My Cat Was Drooling Clear Liquid Then It Turned To Brown And Then Bleeding…
Update: My cat was drooling clear liquid then it turned to brown and then bleeding in approximately a week. Then she was rescued and taken to the Vet. She got treatment and was better with no vomiting, bleeding etc. but she was not eating. For day she passed loose stools. She was cured but then she ran away for a day. She was again rescued and fed milk and glucose water. her ears were warm at this time. She had three seizures followed by this.
She was taken tothe hospital and given an injection (Lori umm am not sure) after which she slept for like a day and then she was a little relaxed…she again had a seizure which was less severe after 27 hours…then treated… no injection for seizure this time no fever……… she became restless and wanted to be out of the basket…we released her…she started biting…had more seizures in the next 12 hours…at this point she wanted to eat and ate a little bit idk because of anger or hunger
we calmed her down and sent her to the hospital. all this happened over a period of 13 14 days…please tell me what this was…doctor tried to draw blood but it would not come out…no test could be done…is it RABIES?
My 8 week old chocolate lab twitches her eye and bring up her left side of her mouth. Was just wondering if that a weak muscle because that what a vet said or what?
i have a chocolate lab that is 15 years old she sometimes has a hard time getting up with her age,i have just started a new product called ANTINOL by vetz petz,which is an all natural question is: prior to giving her ANTINOL,for years i have been giving her 650mg(4 pills a day)of glucosamine,a daily vitamin(consists of multi-vitamin a,b,e two pills aday) and 4 pills a day of brewers yeast for skin and coat,with her now taking ANTINOL,Can she still take the other pills safely with ANTINOL,OR SHOULD I DISCONTINUE the other pills.i would appreciate a veterinarian answering my question!!!! thank you very much!
Kelly Furgason Hi Dale,
I’m not a vet, just lifelong experience with a variety of animals, but until a vet see’s your post I’ll chime in. . Prior to giving your dog any supplements or other pills you should consult your vet to determine if the supplement is needed or not. Sometimes an underlying condition could be the cause of your pets problem. At 15yrs old, that’s pretty senior for a lab and I’d be thinking at this point your pet may need a heavier type of medication to help with the stiffness and pain involved with getting up.
Looking forward to what vet’s reply.
Good luck!
First I Would Like To Mention That We Took Our Dog To See The Vet…
First I would like to mention that we took our dog to see the vet here but he didn’t know what to do to help.
We have have a Daschund. She is quite old – 11 years. And recently was diagnosed with diabetis. She has been shivering and weak since yesterday. What could be the problem?
Matthew Kelcourse Hello Annija.
Shivering and weakness can be common symptoms of unregulated diabetes and so many other conditions. Because unregulated diabetes can become life-threatening if left unmanaged, you need to seek proper medical care for her; either at your regular veterinarian or request a referral to a specialist.
With the proper care, 11 year olds can lead many more years of a good life.
Dr K
My cat has a wound on his tail. We don’t know where the wound came from, but it looks like a scratch, it’s not very big, and we suspect it came from a mean neighborhood cat.
However, it has a weird strand of something coming out of it that has me worried. It’s thin, about 2.5 inches / 6 cm long, roughly tan colored except in a few places where it’s dark and more red, and about halfway down its length it becomes very thin, kind of like a hair. It does seem to be affixed to his tail, though I’m not sure if it’s actually coming out of the wound.
Here’s an album with a few pictures of it:
Touching it is obviously uncomfortable for my cat. Occasionally he’ll lick it, and I’ve seen him chewing at it a few times as though he’s trying to get rid of it. Other than that, I see no change in his behavior. His tail still has its full range of movement.
What is this thing? Is it serious enough that we should take him to a vet?
It is perfectly round and symmetrical, appears to be under the skin (hair is intact), fairly firm, 2 inches in diameter and doesn’t seem to be bothering my dog when touched. He was also licking his nose very frequently when it showed up along with increased sneezing. I’m wondering, What this is caused by? Should he see a vet? Could this be caused by an allergy?
She took 3 days to pass the first stool. We aren’t over feeding but not under feeding. About once every 5-6 hours. She’s gaining weight very slowly. No worms in stool from what I can see. Anything other suggestions are helpful because we can’t afford a vet but don’t want to give her up because we intend to keep her and nurture her back to health.
julie brader Hello Brandon…well done for giving this dog a home.
Firstly you really do need to take her to a Vet. Not only to see if she’s microchipped (she may actually belong to a worried owner) but she is obviously not in good health and needs checking over. All new pets should be checked by a Vet within the first 3 days of getting them.
That said she needs worming and a flea treatment, also heart worm meds if they are prevalent in your area. She needs a top quality food, small meals and often. Split her daily allowance between 4 or 5 meals to start with, as she gains fitness and body weight you can gradually knock them down to a meal morning and evening.
Glucosamine is a good bone/joint supplement as is Wild Salmon Oil which will also improve her skin and coat.
I do hope you and take her to the Vet as that is honestly what she needs. If she hasn’t been spayed it would be a good idea to have her done
julie brader Sorry wrong button!! Oh dear its nearly bed time I think….
Spaying when she is fit and well will protect her from Pyometra, mammary tumours and also stop unplanned puppies of course.
I wish you the very best of luck!
I have a 17- month old male GSD. We’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old. He is attached to me but is OK when I go out. He watches me from a window and then lays down and waits or goes to my father and sits by him. He goes into his crate with no problem when we go out and he may bark for a few seconds but that is it. I work from home and felt daycare would be good for him to combat boredom, socialize him and allow me to work with focus. My vet recommended the daycare. My dog freaked out when I left him and just paced and panted. He then boarded at the daycare for 14 days to overcome the anxiety. He came home happy and calm and obedient. I took him back to daycare after one day at home, he ran right to his favourite staff person for a greeting and then he freaked when I left. I called to check on him and the owner said he is anxious again and that we need to address this now and we have scheduled a home visit. Before the boarding, my father had a habit of yelling and didn’t see anything wrong with a snout slap and I was overly affectionate and babying. The daycare owner feels this is the problem and that my dad abuses and I coddle. However, we were models of calm and patience and positive reinforcement when our boy came home. We really want to create and enjoy a fabulous dog so we agreed to police each other and give our dog what he needs and deserves. After the drop off this morning and the call with the daycare owner I am feeling dejected and I really don’t know what to think. Is my dog too attached to me? Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?
Kasia R Sounds like separation anxiety, which a trainer could give you advice on. Also, a “snout slap”..that is a form of abuse, please, don’t let anyone hit your beloved puppy!!
Kasia R Not saying that you abuse your dog at all, but hitting is hitting, and some might think nothing of it but my dogs are “family”, and I’d never raise a hand to them.
Anne Wright Just as a follow up, I do not agree with any form of hitting, or threatening with anyone’s pets. The reason he was boarded was to combat the separation anxiety. And as I said, even though my dad is 89 and “old school” he has agreed to never raise a hand or yell and we are now watching out for each other to curb any bad behaviour on our part. My worry is that after two weeks of boarding/training to curb the separation anxiety my boy was anxious again and not happy about me leaving him.
PK Dennis I say skip the daycare. Your dog is happier being at home waiting for you and spending time with your dad. I really don’t trust vets to give advice on behavior – most of them have not been trained in this! I would spend the time, energy, effort and money on training your dog to entertain himself at home so you can focus.
I worked out of my home for years with 2 to 7 dogs in my house. I fenced in 4 acres of land (I know most people can’t provide that much land for their dogs) and my terriers & shelties would go in and out the dog door – hunting for chipmunks, sunning, and occasionally checking on me while I worked. They were never disruptive to my job and if I was on the phone with a client a snap of my fingers told them to be silent.
For what you pay in daycare you could afford to have a trainer come to your house and work with you, your dad, and the dog! Or, you could take the dog to training classes to expose him to more dogs and people (this will be even less expensive than daycare!). Letting your dog be with his pack, and giving him a strong leader (a well trained YOU!) is going to make for a happier dog in the long run. Believe me!
What do dogs really want? They want their pack, their familiar space, a strong leader, and routine.
Not even 24 hours later and he is worse then before I took him. He won’t get up and he won’t even eat.
Thank you. He’s going back tomorrow.