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امین | 1 year ago
About Seventeen Days Ago,our Cat Was Bitten By Another Cat,she Wasn’t Treating As …

About seventeen days ago,our cat was bitten by another cat,she wasn’t treating as the same so we brought her to visit doctor the next day,
She had fever and had stopped eating,
They started antibiotics,we had vaccinated her about two months ago,so they decided that vaccination is not necessary,
After seven days she started to get worse,
And now we found an abscess in her waist,so they drained it and start another antibiotics and started cleaning the abscess with iodide and h2o2 3 percent,
She seemed to be better after two days,but stopped and again started getting worse so she doesn’t eat and hides from us ,we saw that while cleaning and washing the abscess area under the skin, is getting bigger,an right now after 10 days she is getting worse and worse,can you please give us some directions,please help her,she is in a very dangerous situation and our vet don’t know what to do،

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like a more aggressive approach might be warranted. I would ask the vet to consider doing blood work, culture the wound to look for the best antibiotic and hospitalization with iv fluids.

    That would be my plan if this were my patient.

    Best of luck.

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Iwan | 2 years ago
Our 16mo Malteepoo Has Small Patch Of Dried Blood On Tip Of His Ear Ever Since …

Our 16mo Malteepoo has small patch of dried blood on tip of his ear ever since he was small!
I tried to get rid (peel) of it but Every time it returns bigger!

4 Responses


  1. Laura

    That sounds like something else, not just “dried blood” – what does your vet say?

    1. Iwan Post author

      Thanks for comment.
      Nevertheless i came here to ask for suggestions before i have to go out and spend money.
      Which I think I’ll have to now.

      1. Laura

        I assumed you’ve been taking him to the vet regularly, as puppies need vaccinations and the like.

        Sounds like you might need more than just this looked at.

        1. Iwan Post author

          Took him about three months ago, it was overgrown with fur and i forgot to mentioned it!

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Sharon Gainer | 2 years ago
Good Morning Dr Magnifico Marley’s (Gainer) Diarrhea Started Up Again Yesterday. Otherwise He Remains Himself …

Good morning Dr Magnifico
Marley’s (Gainer) diarrhea started up again yesterday. Otherwise he remains himself and is eating well. I have Metronidazole on hand from the rescue. Would it be OK to give him some? If so, how much? How often? Thank you!
Sharon Gainer

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I will have one of the clinic technicians call you to discuss. We do not post drug dosages online for concern other people will dose without a vets notification.

    I am off today. Back on Tuesday. Have a great holiday weekend


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Ted | 2 years ago
Hello Community. I Have A Wonderful 7-YO Spayed Female Snowshoe Named Poppy. Poppy Has Been The …

Hello Community. I have a wonderful 7-YO spayed female snowshoe named Poppy. Poppy has been the picture of perfect health since I first got her with her litter mates. at 7-8 weeks. She is an indoor/outdoor cat who leads an active social life, and has always had a healthy appetite powering her Alpha status in the household of 5 cats. She and her housemates only get the best food possible and carbs were cut out completely about 1.5 years ago. She currently eats Dr Elsey’s wet food (Turkey or Duck/Turkey), Stella & Chewy’s freeze dried raw morsels, along with some lightly roasted chicken meat with a multi-organ/glandular freeze dried blend for added nutrition.

Last week I noticed Poppy had a hard lump on her left hind leg on the outside of the upper thigh about 1 inches below the hip joint and just outside the leg’s leading edge. It is a hard mass about a dime in size, raised and moves with your finger just a little bit. It is under the hide and above the muscle and feels attached to the muscle or sinew tissues. I took her to her vet last week and they attempted to aspirate but got no fluids, and so have recommended surgery to remove the cyst and biopsy the tissue. While I await their cost estimate I got a second quote from a local board-certified surgeon and that came back at $2500-3000 not including any imaging, biopsies or panels.

I am asking if anyone knows what a likely market price is for such a surgery or has recommendations on alternative treatments? Poppy is behaving normally and has had no change in diet or activity, and does not react at all to touching the cyst. The cyst was first noticed about 10 days ago, and I am constantly handling this cat so it has developed very rapidly. I had first thought it must be from a playful bite from one of her wrestling matches with my 2-YO male, but there are not external signs of any such play. Any insight is appreciated. Especially a means to get this cyst removed and biopsied at a price much more reasonable than that already quoted.

1 Response


  1. Autumn

    Unfortunately lumps and bumps are a case by case scenario… some may not be worrisome while others seem to change drastically.
    Cost all depends on everything being done and the severity of the case.
    I am glad your kitty is doing everything normal and overall a healthy fur baby.
    Removing lumps can give us answers and hopefully lead us to ways that can help treat.
    Hope this helps some,
    let us know.

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Vanessa | 2 years ago
I Have A 12 Month Old Male Rescue Kitten That In The Past Three Weeks Has Blocked …

I have a 12 month old male rescue kitten that in the past three weeks has blocked twice. We’ve spent thousands to unblock him. The emergency vet hospitals in my area have all quoted me a price of over 8,000 dollars for PU surgery. He is currently not blocked but is having trouble and discomfort while urinating and his volume isn’t great. He’s on a prescription diet and we’ve done everything we can to keep him healthy. But we feel that PU surgery is inevitable and is our only option to save his life. The emergency vet told us that if we couldn’t afford surgery they would euthanize him for us. He’s the sweetest boy and deserves a chance at a long life. We are desperate for help. We would be willing to travel in order to get him what he needs if that’s what it would take. Please help us! We love our little Loki

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Im sorry to hear about your kitty, I get this question/request A LOT!

    It sounds like he is doing well now.

    There are a lot of things you can do to prevent and prepare for any future episodes. You could find an online group to help educate and support you. Or ask to volunteer or work at a cat clinic to help understand how to monitor and care for your cat. Also reach out to your vet for advice.
    Call and ask everyone you know about finding local affordable resources.. If you do please let me know.

    Things to ask about now, to try to prevent future issues are;
    learn how to palpate the bladder at home.
    learn how to giv sq fluids at home
    ask about starting prednisilone
    ask about adding cosequin
    ask about a prescription urinary diet
    have an emergency plan ready
    ask about adding gabapentin (for stress and pain)

    if you need a pu surgery call the clinic and i will do all i can to help

    here are some of my blogs that might help;

    I hope this helps

    keep me posted

    i am trying very hard to help these cases but it will only happen if the public helps me too!


  2. Vanessa Post author

    Dear Dr. Magnifico,

    First, please let me say a big thank you for getting back to me. We are so grateful for your time and knowledge.

    Yes at this moment Loki is doing ok. Friday evening we became very concerned. He was spending a considerable amount of time in the litterbox and making an awful face as he was trying to urinate. I found a considerable amount of urine mixed with light pink blood Saturday morning on my kitchen floor. So we know at the moment he isn’t blocked.

    I have exhausted a lot of the suggestions you made without much progress or success. None of my local vets will entertain PU surgery as they feel it is too complicated and dangerous.

    Some things we have done at home:
    Feliway diffusers all through my house
    added extra litterboxes
    We started him on prescription science diet food but it has come to our attention that every time he needs more food the emergency vet will need to see him to do a “re-check”. So we put him on non prescription Royal Canin urinary food and have gotten him off almost all dry food and on mostly all wet.
    We got a supplement called Tinkle Tonic.
    We have gabapentin from his hospital stay but they will not give me more.
    I also have a cosequin supplement but want to supplement slowly.

    I’m just bringing you up to speed on the measures we have taken so far.

    I would love to be able to volunteer it would fulfill my heart. But right now I’m a stay at home mom raising daughters! It’s not my season just yet.

    Thanks again for responding!


  3. Vanessa Post author

    I just read your blog from April 2023 and I’m devastated because this was my exact experience with Loki except I’m nearly 4,000 in the hole. I’m doing everything I can at home and I’m absolutely terrified that he is going to re block and then we will be out of options all because of how much we’ve already spent. I’m crying even as I type this. Because it is absolutely unethical. He’s just a baby…

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Apurv | 2 years ago
Hey, My 11 Month, 5 Week Pregnant Cat, Suffered A Very High Fall Yesterday, After She Managed To …

Hey, my 11 month, 5 week pregnant cat, suffered a very high fall yesterday, after she managed to escape from the house, and she returned with inability to walk properly on both her back legs, and i suspect it is a pelvic fracture, I’m a broke college student and Cannot afford a surgery, what limited research i did online made to think that euthanasia is the only solution, but I’ve been constantly monitoring her, she is comfortable, resting in her favourite place, she is purring, i fed her with a syringe and gave water to her the same way, i kept her litter box near here, and she did get up and pooped in it, what can I do, please help me save my baby????

4 Responses


  1. Laura

    If you cannot afford proper care, please consider surrendering her for adequate care. She needs to be seen by a vet immediately…ESPECIALLY if she’s pregnant!

    1. Apurv Post author

      I saw a video on YouTube saying that if they are able to poop and pee, given enough rest, they are able to recover, is it true? I’ve also booked a vets appointment for tomorrow to get their openion. I just wanted to know if this strict resting method works or not, I also arrenged enough to get a surgery

  2. Shiria

    Depending on how the pelvis is broken, it can recover without surgery. You’d need an x-ray to see how it’s broken and if it can recover without surgery. She will need pain medication and her movement needs to be restricted.
    The problem is: she is pregnant. Giving birth with a broken pelvis is not only extremely painful, it can kill her and/or the kittens. She may not be able to push them out herself, or they may get stuck.

    So even if she does not need surgery right now, she may need a c-section. She needs to be monitored closely if she starts to give birth you need to have a vet where you can go immediatly if she needs help – or depending on how exactlky you know er day of pregnancy plan the c section beforehand.

    I wish you the best of luck with her. It’s great that you try to help her and managed to get some money together. It really means a lot that you are going to help her.

  3. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sure this isn’t what you are hoping for.. but my advice is:
    I strongly recommend that you have your cat spayed now. If she suffered a pelvic fracture she may not be able to deliver the kittens and they will die inside her which will kill her.
    She also needs to be in a cage 24/7 no exception. If she is rested in a cage for 8 weeks the bones should heal. (I have never had a young cat heal), but I am serious about the cage rest and the spay. I know you are worried about finances but your cat needs to be spayed anyway so let’s try to avoid a bigger problem and more devastating sequela.

    Dr Magnifico

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Sheena | 2 years ago
Hi, Where Are You Located? My Cat Has Something Wrong With Her Esophagus, I Was Told …

Hi, where are you located? My cat has something wrong with her esophagus, I was told by the vet after I did (X-rays, blood work, urine exam and it was like $1000.00) that I have to go to a specialist and they said they need to put a camera to see what it is and that alone cost $2200.(they said that would be just to look at what is going on and does not include treatment.) I cannot afford it because I live alone. I have two cats and I’m just doing my best, (I just moved as a single young woman by myself with my 2 cats to a new state and just trying my best) if I had the money I would’ve definitely done it right now.

The vet gave me some thing to coat her esophagus(SUCRALFATE) to try to help but I don’t see a difference(she licks her food and coughs & it discourages her from eating but I know she wants to eat) and I don’t know what else to do. I feel so very helpless, I was wondering where you are located, maybe I can get her help,she really needs help right now. Her name is Penelope and I love her.

My email is

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I do not have an endoscope. These are typically only found at a specialty office.
    Has your vet taken an X-ray? At my clinic we sue them and forward them to a radiologist. They are often able to give a diagnosis.

    We are in northern Maryland. Jarrettsville Veterinary Center

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Lilith Broquard | 2 years ago
Hello, Two Weeks Ago My 2.5 Year Old Cat Was Given An Antibiotic Injection In His Back …

Hello, two weeks ago my 2.5 year old cat was given an antibiotic injection in his back for a small cut on his foot. A few days ago we noticed a lump at the injection site that seems to be about 2cm in diameter. It doesn’t seem to hurt him, and his is acting 100% normal. Could this just be a normal vaccine reaction? Should we be worried about a possible sarcoma at this point? Thanks for your input!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Yes it might be related to the vaccine.. is there anyway to contact the veterinarian who gave it to ask them?

  2. Lilith Broquard Post author

    They are closed tomorrow for a local holiday but I will give them a call on Wednesday. Just getting a little nervous with what I’m reading online. Thank you!

  3. Lilith Broquard Post author

    Hello, I just wanted to mention (in case this is helpful for anyone else) that the lump ended up going away on its own after about 2.5 or 3 weeks.

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Jessee | 2 years ago
I Found This In My Cat’s Water Bowl.

I have no idea what it is nor have I ever seen anything like it. It’s definitely a live worm because it’s moving. Can somebody please explain to me what the heck this is?!?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It looks like it might be a tapeworm? You can bring it to your vets office and they can help identify it. Also.
    There is a lot of information about them online. I tell my clients to treat for fleas.

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Lisa | 2 years ago
Babybear Is Now Back At The Animal Rescue Where I Adopted Him He Will Be Able …

Babybear is now back at the animal rescue where I adopted him he will be able to get the care he needs. I’m very Heartbroken but I know he will get the care he needs. 3 months ago I adopted him and one month before that I had to put baby Pia to sleep. She was with me for 14 years She got cancer of the throat and it just took her whole thoracic . I probably should have never adopted another pet right away. But I did and I loved him but he got sick and had the urinary blockage twice. Which not only cost me a lot of money? But just broke my heart and made me really scared that this was gonna happen again. Knowing that the vets in my area are just money hungry. They didn’t care about him They had me sign a promisay note to pay before they would unblock him NO Compassion for the animals And as I looked for a vet. I was having more of a hard time and I was having to go back to work and I work. Overnighthis became a problem because baby bear did not get the right care form me. So this is why I decided to give him up. As I say, my heart is f****** broken. And I just I miss him already, I dont know.
What to say I just feel like s***, but hes in the right place. Hes gonna get care, and even though we’re not together anymore. I’m hoping he’ll get the right place. He’ll get a loving home like he had with me. Thank you, Krista. Thank you, Krista. I really appreciate you telling me to maybe get involved with a shelter or clinic to get more experience. I because this really broke my heart and I was beside myself letting him go . And Trying to find vets to help me with babybear Oh .it sucks, take care, thank you.

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