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Pawbly | 10 years ago
She Is A 10yr Old Bichon Frise Female And Does Have Some Arthritis. To The…

She is a 10yr old Bichon Frise female and does have some arthritis. To the best of our knowledge there was no significant moment that this all started happening, she just started showing signs of pain Wednesday morning. She has passed normal bowel movements, urinated, ate at least once, and is still drinking water but has not slept since Wednesday. She can go down stairs but not up them and is extremely sensitive to touch at all.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
His Coughing Decreases/stops When He Lies Down, Or Is Still…and Becomes More Agitated When Hes…

His coughing decreases/stops when he lies down, or is still…and becomes more agitated when hes moving around. He ate a lil food 12 hrs ago. Ive been feeding him water with a plunger because i havent seen him drink anything. But now he just drank a good amount of water on his own. But coughing is still the same. Also, when he coughs, he sometimes spits up VERY FROATHY type little puddles. Is there anything I can do?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
What Is The Side Effect Of A Distemper Shot In A Kitten?

What is the side effect of a distemper shot in a kitten?

2 Responses


  1. Ashley Smith

    She hid after we got home then about thirty minutes later she came out when I put food out and ate. She played with our older cat for a little bit and then a couple of her cat toys. I recently lost three of my dogs that I’ve had for years and I am paranoid, It sounds like she’s having a side effect.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
2 Periods – No Mating, 3rd Period Natural Mating, After 48 Days – Dark Green…

2 periods – no mating, 3rd period natural mating, after 48 days – dark green discharge – probably abortion. About 10 days before lot water drinking – beside that the bitch felt ok – eating normal, behaving and acting -ok.Brucelosa test -negative.E.coli found in vaginal secret test. – she received some antibiotics.We missed 1 period than naturaly mated. I think it was too early and for sure there was no pregnancy, but again – around 35th day after mating – lot of water drinking, discharge from vulva – dark bloody secret, no smell, after that turns in clear blood and gone. The dog was ok – no sign of illness. Now she is mated on 9.07., 11.07. and 13.07. – natural mating. Vaginal test – E.coli. Treatment 10 days with Nuroclav 250 mg once a day. Vaginal test positive for e.coli. Starting Amoxiclav – 500 mg on 12h dosage – 10 days treatment, testing and again is positive for e.coli .If she is pregnant now should be the implantation and body development – what is better to do – to stop the antibiotic, to continue or to change is with something else and what else – Zinnat for examle?This time she had a Herpes virus vaccine just in case that she have virus which is the reason for aborion, but i think the problem is in e.coli. I am testing the progesterone levels. Today was 68 ng/ml – normal levels for 3 weeks after mating

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Today As Every Day Our Beloved Golden Made A Poop. 3/4 Of Which Was Perfectly…

Today as every day our beloved Golden made a poop. 3/4 of which was perfectly normal.1/4 was yellow and well, watery. He eats normally, drinks, plays, digs, wags his tail. Yesterday he stole a chicken in worcastershire sauce. And on Wednesday we changed their puppy food (we mixed taste of wild with holistic ) – He’s up to date with his vaccines ( (DHPPi2 + lepto – most recent).

We have also a lab, but she is on metronidazole right now. She has ameba – which is very common in Indonesia. He was clean, so he got his second shot on Monday.

Sorry for panicking, but we had a dozens of health issues with our dogs and I’m superscared about dealing with distemper or parvo (again).*

*Our lab had parvo 2 months ago, test – positive. Our golden was parvo negative, but he started to have the same symptoms as our lab 4 days before she did. 3 of 4 vets we encountered said that his test results must have been false negative. Now I’m panicking its parvo again. Should I?

For breakfast they had: puppy food (+ peanut butter + apple on the side) (as always)

for lunch I’m serving rice with chicken and carrot.

Can I do something more??

1 Response


  1. Anna K

    Second poop today was just as it should be. Brown and solid. No lethargy or vomiting. He’s crazy happy, thorn his new bed apart, ate the whole lunch and snack. I am so happy that he’s alright!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Could He Have Worms? Should I Deworm Him Even Though I Haven’t Seen Signs Of…

Could he have worms? Should I deworm him even though I haven’t seen signs of them?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Just Started Randomly Flinching About 2 Hours Ago He Is Fine When He…

my dog just started randomly flinching about 2 hours ago he is fine when he i relaxed but as soon as he gets exited it starts again he is normally very hyper but seems very depressed now he is not eating all of his treats so is dropping them. he is a 2 and a half year old rottie and he has never behaved in this way before he is like a whole different dog also he has begun to dribble a lot more than normal .

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Pawbly | 10 years ago

Hi, I Need Some Tips On My Situation With My Bunny So It Would Be…

Hi, I need some tips on my situation with my bunny so it would be great if you wouldn’t mind helping me out. My bunny is an adult medium male Brown HollandLop, I had had him since he was very little. I decided to have him free ranged around my garden both day and night because he would be very aggressive and stressed out if I caged him even though his cage is very big ( 3 meters long, 2 meters tall and 2 meters wide). I have never seen any other predators except stray cats, I wouldn’t worry about the cats that much because my rabbits are great friends with my dog and he would scare away the cats and at night my bunny would choose to go sleep in my garage which is right next to one of my families room so if anything bad happens we would hear it. I don’t know if this is safe but he seems very happy to be free ranged and have this cage open so he can go in for pellets and veggies. Please give me your opinion on what I should do with my situation.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    your area is completely without birds of prey?  that’s surprising.  and you can’t count on predators behaving around prey.  your dog is also a predator.  he may be trained to leave the rabbit alone, but that doesn’t mean you should leave them together unsupervised.

    is your rabbit not used to being handled?  are you rough when putting him in the cage?

  2. Chawfaar Bowornwattanangkoon

    My rabbit is totally used to being handled but after I have him run around during the day he would have a really hard time going back in. And I live in Thailand so there are no foxes etc. My dog isn’t really a concern to me because he have been with my rabbit since they are very little but I do supervise my dog while he is outside with the bunny. I rabbit is very bonded to me so if I go outside to would come to me.

  3. B. Lakonpa

    I let my rabbits run around the yard but only when I can supervise them. Your rabbit might end up wandering too far or a predator could find him, even though he doesn’t want to go in the cage, it’s whats best for his safety. How big is your cage?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Took Him To Vets They Couldn’t Tell Me What’s Wrong. I Have 3 Other…

I took him to vets they couldn’t tell me what’s wrong. I have 3 other dogs in my home that had similar problems just no swelling at all. Please help me.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Dog Vomiting. They Did Blood Work, Abdominal X Rays And Radiographs But Found Nothing Abnormal…

dog vomiting. they did blood work, abdominal x rays and radiographs but found nothing abnormal. His stomach became bloated and he wouldn’t eat much. We have him on a bland diet but it’s a struggle. He is still drinking water, hasn’t vomited and has only pooped once per day since. He’s very lathargic, doesn’t want to go on walks and acts very tired. His breathing also became heavier and the vet said they weren’t sure what it could be but they could do another x Ray to see. Should I bother? Is a chest X-ray or a sonogram worth doing? I’ve been feeding him pumpkin, chicken and rice and the vet prescribed I/d digestive care dog food but he won’t touch that.

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Your dog is in distress and does need help by getting figured out what’s going on and getting it addressed. Since your vet seems to be at a loss, I’d likely seek a second opinion from another vet.