This actually kind of looks like ringworm to me, yes. Not seeing the red but seeing the patch. When JD had ringworm it looked like this (not red; normal skin color). Flat, not raised. Have it checked and conclusively identified.
One of my guinea pigs have an abcess that popped. I cleaned it out and it doesnt have an infection but it isn’t healing at all. What should I do.
My chihuahua mix ate one chocolate no bake cookie she’s 4 years old about 10-15 pounds and has shown no signs of illness so far it’s been about 3-4 hours since she ate it will she be fine.
my dog limps and does not want to walk.her diagnosis is gastroenteritis she is eating and has normal bowl movements any suggestions on what could be wrong? blood work has been done everything is normal the vet said
my dog does not want to move at all we have to carry her outside her diagnosis is gastroenteritis she is eating and has normal bowl movements any suggestions on what could be wrong?
“I have a 12 older shred/lab mix I just noticed she has worms in her poop, I also have 4 other dogs I’m not sure about them. Goldie the 12 year poops on the cement that’s how I know it was her. Do I need to de-worm all my dogs or just her?”
My rescue cat- who we’ve had for about 6 months- just had some white discharge come from her ear. Otherwise, she seems relatively fine. She’s eating/drinking normally. She had a sinus infection when we first got her and then again about a month later. Since then she’s been okay. Any thoughts? This has never been a problem for my other cat, nor any other cat I’ve had.
my 4 week old pup was diagnosed with puppy strangles, she drained the large lump below his ear, and gave us penicillian, but now the lump is TWICE the size, he keeps sneezing/coughing, having trouble breathing, weak. im scared he gonna die
She has now been vomiting for 2 wks and vet doesnt know what it is. 2 days ago she begun to lose mobility in her hind legs again and now can hardly walk, she is still vomiting and today poo just seems to be falling out of her butt and the outside of her bum looks quite red and swollen. She continues to have an appetite but is understably down in the dumps, as are we!
My dog (8,teckel) was stung near mouth2 days ago by a big bug at my mom’s.
The area where the bug stung was develop into “quail egg” size of swelling (elastic) & she has a some minor breathing problem (ronchi) since then. What should i do?
take your guinea pig to a vet.
I am getting her an appointment but is there anything else I should do until then.
Keep her clean and dry, perhaps cut the fur away from the wound so the area can stay clean. If there is drainage you might want to soak the area with a wash cloth dipped in hot, salted water two times per day (morning & night). Use Epsom salts if you have them, kosher or sea salt works too. Salt the water until it tastes like the ocean. Dip a clean cloth in the water and wring out to it isn’t too drippy (and the water should be hot, but not burn you or the GP), then place it over the wound and hold it there until the cloth cools. Do this a few times per treatment, cleaning the area with the cloth at the end. Use fresh salted water and a new cloth each morning and night.
Good luck.
Thank you both so much. I really appreciate the help.