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Andrea | 2 years ago
My Cat Was Constipated This Morning (he Has Other Issues, But This Was The Key Problem …

My cat was constipated this morning (he has other issues, but this was the key problem this morning). The vet said I could give him Miralax, which I did. I knew it was kicking in because my cat started yowling a bit, most likely because he was feeling cramps. It’s a struggle because I don’t want him to feel bad but I know this is part of the problem with giving a laxative. Does anyone have a suggestion about what I can do “in the mean time” to make him feel better while we wait for him to defecate? Heating pad? Warm rice pad? Cold pad? Just rubbing his belly softly? Thanks!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For cats with constipation issues I recommend a high quality canned food only diet and lots of exercise. If you are worried about pain please talk to your vet about safe options for cats. There are not a lot of them.

  2. Andrea Post author

    Thank you. Since we’re dealing with several other health issues my cat has been less mobile, which I know was part of the problem.

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Woody | 2 years ago
5 Yr Old Rescue Cat Named Maew. She’s The Little Black Heart Of Our Family. Indoor/outdoor. Severe Mega Colon With Constipation/ostibation Related To …

5 Yr old rescue cat named Maew. Indoor/outdoor. Severe mega colon with constipation/ostibation related to nerve damage from having her tail removed by a dog when she was a kitten.

We have had her in and out of the vet many times for enemas and have done everything we can to keep her going. Laxatives, lots of exercise, diet changes We are out of options and considering colon surgery.

I need a magical diet/food remedy to help her mega colon issues. She actually did well for a few years on high fiber dry food. But that time is over and we are trying every food option to keep her hydrated and avoid colon issues.

We do regular manual palpitation also.

Help help help!

She’s always been there for us with an encouraging head boop and now we have to be there for her. We will never give up! She’s a survivor and deserves much more time with our family

2 Responses


  1. Woody Post author

    We have been very diligent with miralax, lactalose, and such. We need some hippy-voodoo magic!

  2. Laura

    In all honesty, I’d keep her indoors due to the injury and the likelihood she’ll end up injured further, especially if she ends up separated from you by a well-meaning human thinking she’s a stray. I would also talk with your vet further about that surgery.

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Sierra | 3 years ago
My 4 Yr Old Cat Seems Constipated. I Just Lost My Job A Couple Of Weeks Ago …

My 4 yr old cat seems constipated. I just lost my job a couple of weeks ago and cannot afford to take him to the vet. I noticed on Wednesday he only pooped once and it was kind of hard. He didn’t poop Thursday. Friday I bought mineral oil, glycerin enema, and mixed with warm water…administered about 4ml and he had a bowel movement. Continued with wet food mixed with pumpkin purée, water, Miralax, and catlax. Also manually gave him water with a little bit of pedialyte orally. Saturday he had no bowel movement. Sunday I gave him another enema same as above and he had a bowel movement. Continued with all mentioned above. It’s now Monday and he still hasn’t had another bowel movement. Just gave him another enema (same as above) and he hasn’t made a bowel movement in about an hour…the other two enemas he produced a bowel movement within just a few minutes. I’ve order the official Feline Enemas, but they won’t arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday this week. I honestly don’t know what else to do and I’m desperate! I cannot afford a vet visit right now, but my kids and I love this guy so much and feel terrible for him. He was really not seeming well Thursday thru Sunday morning, but then Sunday night thru Monday morning he was doing so much better. Now here we are same Monday afternoon and he’s not good again. Please help!

UPDATE: he had another bowel movement after the last enema, it was much softer than the others and seemed like it had mucus around it (sorry so graphic). However, he’s still not wanting to move around and his belly still feels firm.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Constipation in cats is usually secondary to another issue. That’s the hard part: trying to figure out the underlying issue(a). I usually advocate for a change in diet, adding fiber or a laxative and getting these cats up and moving. But these do not usually cure the underlying condition alone. Often a full bloodwork, X-ray and ultra sound are needed to help uncover the cause.
    It is also helpful to learn how to palpate your cat so you can tell if the feces is gettin backed up. In some cases I teach people how to give sq fluids at home to help add water and soften the feces to make it easier to pass.

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. We Took Boogie To VRA In Gaithersburg, MD, A Couple Weeks Ago, Hoping …

Hi Dr. Magnifico. We took Boogie to VRA in Gaithersburg, MD, a couple weeks ago, hoping to have the Radioactive Iodine Therapy done for his hyperthyroidism, but Dr. Conway said she did not think he was a good candidate for it and was very concerned with his constipation.

She did bloodwork, an ultrasound, chest x-rays and more. We took him there on 4/16 and again on 4/27. I asked her to send all results to you and I hope you have received them by now.
Dr. Conway said he has a tumor or mass on his kidney but no abnormalities found from the chest x-ray.
She quoted me $5,000-$6,000 (gulp) to do the surgery, but I can not remember if she said that was to remove the tumor from the kidney, or remove the entire kidney.
She also mentioned something about his blood being thicker? I really can not remember exactly what she said about that, but it didn’t sound good. It may have something to do with his red blood cell level being high due to the tumor on his kidney.

She said to cut back his methimazole to 1/2 pill every 12 hours. *Dr. Conway told me that his hyperthyroidism is very mild.
She also said raise his dose of cisapride 5 mg/ml from 1 ml every 12 hours to 1 ml every 8 hours (three times a day), and she said to raise his dose of lactulose to 3 ml every 8 hours.
I started all of the above on 4/17.

He has since sprained his leg and is limping. He’s been hiding under the bed more, but not completely. He will still come up on the bed to visit me once or twice a day, but just not as often as he used to, and is still coming up on the bed to sleep with me. I’m not sure if he’s not feeling well because of Dr. Conways findings, because of his sprained leg, or both, the reason he is under the bed more.

Here is the last email I received from Dr. Conways office on 4/29, after his ultrasound on 4/27:

1) His calcium results was fine and within normal limits. Dr. Conway suspects the prior calcium elevated was due to lab error.
2) His thyroid level is good on the lower dose of Methimazole – please continue as directed with this medication.
3) His blood cell count shows his red blood cell level is HIGHER – this is due to the tumor of his kidney. If you are not interested in pursuing surgery for Boogie, Dr. Conway’s recommendation would be an oncology consult to discuss any palliative care options.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Julia Conny, RVT
Internal Medicine Lead Technician
Veterinary Referral Associates

Dr. Mag, We have been clients of yours for several years, as four of our cats are all seen by you and your wonderful staff. We are begging you on hands and knees to please help our Boogie boy. He is only 12 years old and we are not ready for him to go. Can you please do the removal of the tumor or kidney? We realize it is a very risky surgery, but we would feel better knowing we did something, than not. We know you are a big advocate of doing everything you can to help bring pets back to health, instead of just giving up.
I’m in tears as I write this. Can you please look at all his records you have at your office asap, and also what Dr. Conways office sent you. Please, can you help our baby?

Terri and Steve

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I know how much you want to help your kitty. I will do my best to call you tomorrow to go over some options. Please understand that this is not a routine surgery and it comes with a significant amount of risk and many adverse possible side effects. It is something to discuss further. I am also on personal leave as my mom is very ill and in hospice so it is very hard for me to schedule surgeries at this time. I will do my best to call as soon as I am able. Hoping you are all safe and well.

    1. Terri S Post author

      Hi Dr. Magnifico,

      I am so sorry to hear about your mom ????
      I’ve not been on facebook much the past few weeks, so did not know.
      Your mom should be your only thought at this time, so I will call Dr. Ahrens tomorrow to speak to her about options, since she has also seen Boogie.
      Please know I will say a prayer for your mom, and you.
      Thinking of you both!
      Terri Xo

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. Our Cat Boogie Was Recently Seen By Dr. Ahrens For His Constipation Issues, …

Hi Dr. Magnifico. Our cat Boogie was recently seen by Dr. Ahrens for his constipation issues, and also to have blood drawn to check his hyperthyroidism. I have a couple questions for Dr Ahrens.
I prefer not calling the office, as I do not want to pull her away from whatever she is doing at that time, and it is really hard to reach me by phone.
Can you please ask her to email me at ——— or if you could give me her JVC email address so I can email her, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    i notified Dr Ahrens. please reach out to me anytime if you need anything,, be well,, stay safe and hugs to Boogie!

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michelle | 5 years ago
Hi, I’m Taking Care Of A Sweet Kitty BW, Whom Just Had A Blocked Urethra. …

Hi, I’m taking care of a sweet kitty BW, whom just had a blocked urethra. He’s able to pee on his own yet I still need to syringe feed him & I have not seen him poop in a few days. In case he is constipated I need to know if slippery elm works for constipation also. I buy it from only natural pet so its alcohol free & in syrup form. I also give him proviable, D-mannose, fluids, & pinch of nutritional yeast. If anyone knows i would really appreciate your help. Thankyou.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pet. I don’t think we can help here on the advise of slippery elm but I will say very very strongly that the worst thing you can do is assume constipation in this case. If your cat isn’t eating, or hasn’t been eating on their own I will almost guarantee that the problem is lack of fever and not backed up feces. please see your vet for a confirmation if consruoation before assuming and treating. I will testify that in almost all cases people guess wrong and make their sick pets, or recovering and delicate pets much much worse.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Guinea Pig Hasn’t Eaten Or Drinked Water In A Few Days. She Also Hasn’t…

My guinea pig hasn’t eaten or drinked water in a few days. She also hasn’t pooped. Are these signs of constipation ?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It can be signs of many things but it is usually a sign of something serious and you should see your vet as quickly as possible.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 13-year-old Beagle Has, Over The Course Of The Past Five Days, Been In Very…

My 13-year-old Beagle has, over the course of the past five days, been in very poor health. It started on his birthday when he had an edible rawhide birthday card. He chewed on it all day and I don’t believe he ate dinner that night or if he did it, was a small amount. He did go to the bathroom normally, but the next morning, he wouldn’t eat again and from there the symptoms progressively worsened. He threw up some 24 hours after first eating the rawhide and it was mainly unchewed bits of his regular Science Diet dry food (about a handful). He did not go #2 at all that day and though I initially thought he might be constipated, I realized that’s not really a common thing with dogs so it must mean there’s something more going on. The third day, he refused food again and was still having trouble using the bathroom. Peeing fine, but not drinking enough water (maybe going to his bowl 2x that day). He was reluctant to move and didn’t want to climb the stairs. He normally likes to walk forever and ever as he is a Beagle, but he went to pee, slightly sniffed, and returned home. The fourth day, his breathing appeared quite short and in rapid bursts. He wasn’t wheezing or coughing or anything. It just seemed like he was constantly out of breath. Same symptoms as before. The fifth day, we took him to the vet as he was really beginning to worry us. Symptoms maintained and he was unwilling to walk down the stairs to go outside. The vet said it looked as if there was food or possibly a small bit of rawhide in his stomach. Considering his lack of eating, I assumed it was the latter. She ran a general blood test and said that his blood was thick coming out, but the results were perfectly normal and all of his organs seem to be in good standing. There were no specific tests, only the X-Ray of the abdomen as she was aware of his consuming the rawhide. The fourth and fifth days, his hind legs would cross over as he walked and his hind feet would drag almost like he’s dizzy and was trying to catch his balance, but only in his hind legs. Te vet said she didn’t feel anything obvious in his tummy and whilst performing an overview of his teeth, she found he had pus coming from his upper canine teeth and the gums were pale and swollen. She followed up with anti-diarrhoea meds and recommended anti-nausea meds, but didn’t say they were necessary. Nothing was given for his teeth or any possible stomach pain. He was then given 300mL of fluids before giving the go ahead to take home.
The vet visit was two full days ago, nearly three, and we’ve seen little improvement aside from him eating the wet Science Diet food the vet recommended we put his anti-diarrhoea meds in so he would take them. He is still having trouble getting food down and around 6 hours ago, we began force feeding Pedialyte as he threw up once tonight and we thought the electrolytes might help. I’m concerned he may have Renal Failure or IVDD. These seem to be the two which match up the most with his symptoms and breed type, but I wasn’t aware he may have one of them when I took him to the vet and therefore didn’t mention it. I’m concerned the vet may have also missed something considering she seemed to overlook his hind leg situation and his teeth situation. Please give me advice on what I should do and he obviously needs to go to the vet again, but I think I’ll take him to a different one with records from his visit a few days ago. I dropped all of the money I had on his visit then and can’t afford anything more than the exam fee, so any recommendations on what to tell the vet that way we can bypass anything that isn’t absolutely necessary would be amazing and if he does need surgery (I hope with everything in me he doesn’t as I don’t know if he would make it out of being sedated given his short breathing which is still going on), are there any pet surgery fund donation sites anyone could possibly recommend?? Please, I beg of you, any help at all would be great!!!

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    In your shoes, I would definitely get a second opinion.  Has he passed any stool since this started?

  2. Bria Rachele

    I’ve called about fifteen different vets in and around my city, some of which said it could possibly be IVDD and two said maybe TCC. He has passed stool, yes. He hasn’t within the past 36 hours I would say, but he has done it 2-3 times since it all started. He hasn’t had food within the past 18 hours though and because he was refusing most everything we gave him before, he really can’t afford to involuntarily fast right now. He’s lost quite a bit of nutrients and we’re still doing Pedialyte hoping that will help to at least replace some of them. His hind legs seem to have worsened a bit as well. I saw it could also be a disc within his spine, but it seems none of the symptoms for any of these completely match his, so I feel there a million and one things it could be. I just realized I inadvertently failed to include in the post above that the vet said he seems to have a swollen colitis as well, but she attributed that to his lack of adequate food, dehydration, and vomiting. I’m not sure if that would tie in with everything else to point to a diagnosis, but any symptom shouldn’t be overlooked. Please do ask any more questions you may have if you feel you might have an idea as to what it could be and I’ll answer the second I can! Thank you!

  3. Anonymous

    You’ve done quite a bit. I’m tapped for ideas…hopefully Dr. Magnifico or Ferara will pop in with suggestions for you.

  4. Bria Rachele

    Thank you for your input though and yes, any suggestions from any of the other two doctors would be helpful as well.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Please Help. Not Constipated And Does Not Have The Runs

Please help. Not constipated and does not have the runs

1 Response


  1. Brittany Siriano

    That’s what a lot if the people said. Little ginger is at the vet right now getting a check up. Thank you for your input

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Took In A Newborn Orphan Kitten Going On 6 Days Ago.. Assuming He’s Only…

I took in a newborn orphan kitten going on 6 days ago.. assuming he’s only about 6 days old, 7 tops. He has been doing amazing! His ears were fully opened yesterday, he lost his umbilical cord on day 3, and his colors started coming in today. (He was an off white.. but now his nose and ears have added black coloring to his mix) he has been gaining weight normally. He eats every two hours, three tops. Hes been finishing 5cc since day one.. now he’s finishinh anywhere between 5cc and 10. I burp him after every bottle as well as stimulate him to use the bathroom. (He pees every time and has been pooping between once and twice a day) I even keep him clean and dry in the event of an accident. He sleeps in a box with half heat pad on low and a blanket covering it, as well as a stuffed teddy for snuggling and comfort. Its my first time doing anything even close to this but his mom dropped him off on my porch only hours old and never returned, when it got dark cold and rainy I had to bring him in. Hes eating KRM I bought from the vet. I also bought a bottle and syringe. Not having much luck with the bottle but doing amazing with the syringe. Noticed his belly being kinda hard and that he hadn’t had his usual poop about 4 hours ago. His bottom is red and raw so im trying to be easy but still try and stimulate him every feeding. I know hand raising newborn kittens is a 50/50 shot especially his mom being a stray but he’s doing perfect other than that. Hes purring and eating and peeing and even wondering around a bit.. just a little fussy over the last two feedings. Im also burping him. Is there anything I can do to help his bottom or get him to poop to relieve the belly bulge? I will take him to the vet if needed. Im just seeing what I can do in the mean time. How long is too long for a kitten to be constipated or not poop if everything else seems normal? *I’ve also been adding a little extra water over his last two feedings hoping that may loosen him up. HELP 🙁

11 Responses


  1. Monica Santos

    try with a warm wet towel rub your kittens anal. softly. mothers lick their kittens to be able to go pee or poop. hope it helps(:

  2. Cherish Yuppa

    That’s been how I get him to pee after every feeding. But he usually has at least one poop by now.. his little bottom is so red and sore and his belly is so bloated. All I can think is he’s constipated bc its like he tries just can’t. :/

  3. Anonymous

    i’d call the vet first thing, to be honest.

  4. Cherish Yuppa

    I called and they said not to be worried that his belly is just adjusting and if he isn’t better in a day or so then to bring him in

  5. Anonymous

    i hope he starts doing alright tomorrow. you’ve certainly got your hands full with such a teeny baby! may he grow up healthy and strong. 🙂

  6. Cherish Yuppa

    Update: called several vets over the last 24 hours… so far I’ve got a lot of contradictions. To limit feedings to not limit feedings. To water down, to not. To use suppository and/or water enema, to not use. To soak bottom, to not soak bottom. To do an early dewormer, to not. To only stimulate bottom every third feeding, to do it every feeding. To use oil, to not. To use tube/Vaseline, to not. Never the less I’m doing what I can and trying a little off everything. Was able to get a poop today just not the consistency I would like or the amount but it’s something. He’s still eating, peeing, and sleeping normally. Just has a hard belly, hard poop, and a raw bottom. Guess I’ll just try and see if anything works or doesn’t and if he gets worse or doesn’t improve in a few days ill take him somewhere hopefully that specializes in this kinda thing or has personal experience bc this crap is confusing. “Do it… don’t… do it..” OMG!! *DAY SIX. -Signed one exhausted mommy!

  7. Anonymous

    sounds like the parent of a newborn anything. you’re doing well! you’re staying on top of things.

    you. can. do. it. 🙂

  8. Cherish Yuppa

    Thank you! He’s a handful for sure. I have no idea how mommy kitty’s do this with more than one lol. He is much more of a handful than my 3 & 1 year old human boys ever were.. even put together lol

  9. Anonymous

    well, it’s not like they have to worry about going to work or cleaning or anything like that. 😉

  10. Kelly Furgason

    Cherish–I have fostered hundreds of kittens. Usually thinnning out the KMR works well. DO not get the stage 2 KMR, stick with the stage one KMR for all feedings,even as the kitten gets older. Warm up a cotton ball and gently hold it to the anus, barely move the soaked cotton ball around . Try for several minutes. Sometimes it takes awhile to get a bowel movement. Usually thinning the food will get a BM…make sure that you are keeping the kitten warm also with a warm water bottle or heat pad (just don’t put the heat pad directly on the kitten) .GOOD LUCK!!!

  11. Cherish Yuppa

    UPDATE: we are on day 8.. problem seems to have resolved. Thank you so much for everyone’s help!