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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Our Outdoor Cat (1yr) Wasn’t Around During The Day, Like She Usually Is, For Lots…

Our outdoor cat (1yr) wasn’t around during the day, like she usually is, for lots of love. When she finally came around that night, we noticed the top of her tail seemed skinned on the bottom part (just meaty flesh), about 2.5inches. We went to our local farm store and bought a spray to keep infection out and help heal. She seemed to feel better a couple days later, eating and coming around more. Then we noticed the whole tail was looking abnormal, like skinned, with fur hanging. She became more herself, following us around property, wanting alot of love, moving easily, jumping up on things, eating well. 2.5 weeks since this first began, and today, the whole outer part came off! It was almost like a cacoon type looking, hollow inside! All the hair and everything is now gone, just about 4-5″ of completely bare flesh.
I have documented with video/pictures the whole time. We weren’t sure if an animal tried to bite her, or she had gotten it caught in a trap? We love her so much, my 5yr old has raised her after her mommy died 6wks after birth. We are a one income family, and my husband is about to have surgery that we have to pay for upfront, as well as coming up with the money the short term disability won’t pay for 6wks…we are at a loss?
First pic is how it has looked for about 2 weeks, then the other 3 pics are from today ?)

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    My guess is that the tail should be amputated to the point where there is viable skin to close the incision. I am worried that the hair will not grow back and she will be in constant discomfort to the point of self traumatizing. I don’t have any cheaper options for you. I’m sorry. I suppose there is a chance the tail might heal but any and all open wounds should be carefully monitored for infection and maggots. Please see a vet. At least for an exam and ask for guidance.

  2. Sarah

    I am soo sorry this happened. I know you’re on a tight budget, but I would definitely get her to a vet to examine it and get her some antibiotics at the very least. Explain to the. You’re financial situation up front and that you of course love this cat but have to take the most cost effective option at this point in time. As she is an outdoor cat, it is going to probably be a bit difficult to monitor her closely… having said that, I agree with Dr. Magnifico and really recommend getting to a vet to assess the situation and get advice. Best of luck!!??

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Marshmallow The Rabbit | 6 years ago
How Do You Tell If You’re Bunny Is An American White, A New Zealand Or…

How do you tell if you’re bunny is an American White, a New Zealand or a Florida White rabbit?
My bunny is a white bunny with red eyes and they all seem to look exactly like her.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    You may have to find a local rabbit enthusiast or expert to help identify the breed. In the dog world we can use dna testing. Most bigger cities have rabbit interest groups. You could try asking them.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My Bengal Cat Was Diagnosed With Pyrometra And I Was Unable To Afford The Surgery…

My Bengal cat was diagnosed with pyrometra and I was unable to afford the surgery 1000-1400 I took her home and treated her with antibiotics and now she is no longer sick. Is the infection just cleared up and she still has the desease or will it come back when she goes into heat? Will she be able to have kittens again?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Now that the infection has cleared up, I would plan to spay. Directly from a publicly available vet hospital website: “The rate of recurrence of the disease in a treated cat is generally thought to be as high as 50-75%.”

    I honestly wouldn’t risk the queen.

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Sandy | 8 years ago
I Just Figured Out Which Of My Cats Was Having Soft Extremely Fowl Smelling Poop…

I just figured out which of my cats was having soft extremely fowl smelling poop. I put some of it into a collecting container
and plan to drop it off tomorrow before noon. If he goes again,
I will get the fresher sample but will the other one work? If so,
should I keep it in the refrigerator. In a bottle and a bag of course.

Sandy Brown

Cat is Dexter who goes to Jarrettsville Veterinary Hospital

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The freshest sample you can get is always the best. Please keep it refrigerated until you can get it to the vet

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Ed Burman | 8 years ago
Can I Give My 100 Pound American Bulldog Off The Shelf Glucosamine Chondroitin From Rite…

Can I give my 100 pound American Bulldog off the shelf glucosamine chondroitin from Rite Aid to help her hips and joints?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Ed,
    I am sorry but the site was down for upgrades. It was down much longer than expected.
    I would always recommend that you stick with a reputable manufacturer like Nutramaxx. Unfortunately these are nutriceuticals, which are not overseen or mandated by the FDA so you are never really sure what you are getting unless you buy a respected brand. Nutramaxx products (most of them) are available OTC. Sorry for the delay

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hi I Have A Pitt Bull Female That Had Been In A Fight With Our…

Hi I have a pitt bull female that had been in a fight with our other pitt bull female had to take her to the vet she gave us antibiotics gave her a ivy and a shot to bring her fever down that was about three weeks ago then she was better she yesterday has been in another fight left leg just bitten up but elbow wide open in places we did everything the vet told us to and gave her antibiotics again yesterday so she doesn’t get a infection but her leg is swollen today is that okay I took her temp she doesn’t have one and she is eating and drinking

8 Responses


  1. Brittany sullivan

    I just need some advice help n e thing..

  2. Andrea Cox

    Advice is to get this animal the hell away from any other animal for a very long time. You are the responsible party here and you managed to get your injured dog in another fight!  

  3. Brittany sullivan

    No it’s my brothers dog and my dog it’s mom and daughter

  4. Brittany sullivan

    I am asking for dog owners no I did not manage to let them get in a fight they got in a fight cause randomly they don’t get along

  5. Sarah

    My advice would be to get to the vet asap again. Then keep the dogs separated at all costs. If that means revoking one, the. So be it. I would also consider dog training and a behaviorist for both your sake and the sake of the dog. This is a very serious situation and you need to treat it as such. You need to be extremely responsible and diligent about this. If you can’t live this dog like a family member, the. Find her a home where they can. She looks to you as her pack leader- safety is included in that description. Pleas see the vet and find a trainer and a behaviorist. Please.

  6. PK Dennis

    Take her back to the vet to make sure she is getting enough meds, etc.

    Females will fight to the death. It is your responsibility to make sure these dogs NEVER have an opportunity to fight again.

  7. Anonymous

    And why are you allowing them to coexist? You should be crating and rotating which dog is out at any given time. It is YOURS and your brother’s job to prevent this from happening.

  8. PK Dennis

    I have to point out that there is NOTHING RANDOM about why and when dogs fight. You are just not experienced enough to spot what is setting these 2 off. Are they both spayed? Do it if the answer is no. Until you can get a behaviorist in to spot the problem, and train YOU and your family in how to fix it you have to keep these girls apart. If you can’t afford a behaviorist that will come to your home to work with you then you have to find a new home for one of these dogs. Seriously.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have An American Bulldog Who Is Almost 2 Years Old. Despite Training, He Is…

I have an American Bulldog who is almost 2 years old. Despite training, he is very aggressive towards other dogs. He was attacked by a pit bull, on our property, before he was a year old and every since will not tolerate any other dogs or any kind of animals for that matter. We have paid quite a bit for training to try and help him socialize but after a while he is back to his old self. No one will board him and we can’t take him anywhere that has a lot of people or other animals. He’s great at home and wonderful with our children, so I am at a loss s to what to do. He also has pretty bad hip problems and is in pain a lot if he gets a lot of exercise. I love him so much, as does my family, but I want to do the right, humane thing. Help.

3 Responses


  1. Madelyn Fischer

    Hello, as an extreme animal lover, I say no, try to train and comfort as much as you can, but I don’t know you and I can’t tell you what to do. That’s the last case scenario. Good luck!

  2. Madelyn Fischer

    Hi Krista, I totally agree.

  3. Crystal Williams

    We have done two extensive training courses for his aggression . One two week program and one five week, away from home program.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
She’s An American Bull Dog And She’s About 7 Years Old. She’s Never Done This…

She’s an American bull dog and she’s about 7 years old. She’s never done this before. I also have 2 other dogs and they aren’t acting like this.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 8 years ago
She Is A Bengal, Approx 1 Year Old, De Sexed And Lives With A Male…

She is a Bengal, approx 1 year old, de sexed and lives with a male tabby 5 years old also desexed. They are both healthy indoor cats. There have been no other behavioural changes, she’s very affectionate, eating and drinking well. No more or less than usual. The urine stains don’t show any signs of discolouration and don’t smell unusual or different from the other cat’s.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 8 years ago
How Urgent Is A Hematoma? My Dog Developed One Last Night. I Know He Needs…

How urgent is a hematoma? My dog developed one last night. I know he needs to see a vet, but we’re Americans so tomorrow is a holiday. Can it wait until Tuesday, or do I need to get him to an emergency vet tonight?

2 Responses


  1. Elizabeth Fulda

    Thank you so much for your response! But I am aware of that – my question is how quickly this happens. So, wiill 24-48 hours make a considerable impact? His ears have been gently cleaned, and he’s been given his allergy meds.

  2. Elizabeth Fulda

    I took him to the emergency vet tonight, they confirmed it was a hematoma, but told me it wasn’t worth worrying about and could just take him to my regular vet in a few days.