How old is this baby rabbit? Does it have its eye opened? If possible make a picture. Cow milk is not a good food for baby rabbits, it can cause bloating and pain for them and can lead to death.
Try to find someone who has experience in wildlife rescue and let them show you how to care for it if you want to raise it yourself. This is really important. It’s always best to learn from someone experienced.
But to get started: get special milk that is used to raise kittens (no ordinary catmilk). It needs to be mixed 1:1 (with lukewarm chamomile or fennel tea). Also give a drop of sab simplex inside, to ease bloating and belly pain.
They need to be fed every 2-4 hours, depending on age (also at night!). With around two weeks they start nibbeling on solid food and with around 4 weeks they can eat the same as an adult rabbit can additionally to their milk. So depending on age you have to offer different herbs, grass, hay and everything that a rabbit would eat in the nature, so that it learns what it can eat. The more it gets to know the better.
Do you massage it’s belly after each feeding time? Does it pee/poop?
If it is older than 6 weeks it doesn’t need milk and more but special food (here it’s called herbi-care-plus). You start feeding this food mixed with milk at around the age of 4 weeks. You have to start very slowly, only a few drops, as they need to adapt to the new food.
If you can’t find womeone to show you, read as much as you can about raising rabbits. It’s not an easy task.
Thank you so much for your response! But I am aware of that – my question is how quickly this happens. So, wiill 24-48 hours make a considerable impact? His ears have been gently cleaned, and he’s been given his allergy meds.
I took him to the emergency vet tonight, they confirmed it was a hematoma, but told me it wasn’t worth worrying about and could just take him to my regular vet in a few days.