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Pawbly | 9 years ago

I Need Your Advise Regarding My 11 Months Old Persian Male Cat. The Problem Is…

I need your advise regarding my 11 months old Persian male cat. the problem is that my cat wants to go out for mating and if we do not let him go out he sprays and pees in the house which causes a very bad odor in the house. Now that we have let him out on his own he has started to spray around outside and you can smell the odor as soon as you enter through gate.
Secondly we have tried to set up play dates for him and lock both the cats in bathroom but uptill now he hasn’t mated.
Thirdly, there is a stray cat outside which is on heat all he does is that he sits beside her all day long and if we bring him inside the female cat starts to cry which make him go crazy to go outside.
Finally, I want to ask you about getting my cat neutered. The pros and cons of getting the cat neutered. I have heard from someone that the cat’s personality changes and we have to take care of him more because there will be a wound after his operation and all the people in our house go to work. Hence, there can be a problem in taking care of him 24/7.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    absolutely neuter him, and keep him inside.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Have Played With Her Before Bed To Tire Her Out. She Has A Treat…

We have played with her before bed to tire her out. She has a treat toy to occupy her and even her stuffed bear but she still cries all night

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    retraining!  by letting her out of the crate when she cries, you’re reinforcing the idea that crying = freedom from the crate.  just gotta let her cry it out until she gets used to the old routine.

  2. PK Dennis

    She is going to cry to be let out, and you just have to be strong and resist her.  Habits such as this will escalate before they are extinguished.  Which means she will try harder and harder to get what she wants before she gives up and does what you want (a calm dog in her crate!).  Good luck, be strong.  It will take less than a week to get her over this if you stand your ground. 

  3. Connie Cockshutt

    Unfortunately,I agree that you now have to retrain. 

    A few suggestions…place the crate in your busiest room during the day and put her in it for short 3 minute periods and work your way up to longer times ie. 15 min to half hour. Praise her and give treats for quiet but no eye contact or “you’re okay” for whining. 

    Next step would be doing this without her being able to see you. 

    I would suggest putting the crate in your bedroom at night and praising her when she is quiet but making no sound when she is whining. I do this but sleep in a different room from my husband so that one of us gets a good sleep. And whatever you do, do not put her in the bed with you or you will end up going through all this again, I agree  with the other person who answered, that you are then training your smart puppy that if she persists with her crying then you get to sleep in the bed. She enjoys being around you so much and wants to be as close to you as possible. 

    Eventually we move the crate further and further from the bed and then outside the door and to the designated crate place. We also continue to leave the door open to the crate during the day and our dog often is found sleeping inside. 

    It may also help to put your tshirt that you wore that day in her crate with her. 

    Good luck. 

  4. Charmyne Swan

    She never had a problem with sleeping in the crate from the first day we rescued her, she never cried. She was the easiest to train of our dogs until now

  5. Charmyne Swan

    She goes in fine during the day, actually when I put my shoes on she goes in and sits and waits for me to close the door. It’s only at night that there is the problem

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Used Happy Jack Kennel Stuff On My Cats. I Have Washed It Out A…

I used happy jack kennel stuff on my cats. I have washed it out a day later and one is having trimmer and the other is crying like she is in pat what can I do

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i’m not sure what those symptoms are, but i would be calling a vet about this as soon as they open, if not sooner.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Shitsu Mix Names Ace. He’s So Adorable And It Breaks My Heart…

I have a Shitsu mix names Ace. He’s so adorable and it breaks my heart when he doesn’t let me keep him that way. He doesn’t let me brush him AT ALL. He runs away as soon as he sees a brush and when I try to brush him he bites me and starts crying. Now, mostly around the neckline, he’s a tangled mess and when I try to cut it off with scissors he reacts the same way. I can’t afford to take him to the groomers so I don’t know what to do now…

1 Response


  1. Jana

    It sounds like you waited too long to resolve this problem. I would recommend seeing a vet, for two reasons

    – they might be able to sedate her so she can be cleaned up and groomed properly
    – they might help you determine whether her distaste for grooming stems from pain which can often be the case

    If pain is at the root of the problem, it needs to be addressed. If there is nothing medically wrong with her, you need to start training her to accept care right away. Check out Donna Hill’s youtube channel, she’s got some great videos showing how a dog can be condition to accept all sorts of care including teeth brushing, nail clipping … the principle is the same for all such things.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
So I Thought He Was Making Himself Throw Up To Eat Again. Because He…

So I thought he was making himself throw up to eat again. Because he doesn’t really cry or seem in pain. But I switched his food to see if that would help. But lately he’s been throwing up way more, and it’s mostly just clear and a small amount of white foam, and sometimes some food mixed in. He still doesn’t seem in pain and doesn’t cry. Sometimes he gags to get it out, other times he will literally just be walking and a small amount will come out. He’s also been drinking quite a bit of water lately. And urinating quite a bit when he goes outside. But other than these symptoms, he seems completely fine.

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Dogs don’t make themselves throw up in order to get it to eat it again. Throwing up for extended period of time, particularly after a meal is a concern.

    If stomach content comes out “on its own” without any heaving, it’s called regurgitation. That can have its own set of causes, such as megaesophagus, which is pretty serious stuff. Is he losing any weight? Reasons for vomiting can range from issues in the digestive system itself to systemic problems such as kidneys or liver.

    With your set of symptoms, please do take him to a vet and have this diagnosed so you can treat it accordingly.  

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Delivered Them In A Flower Pot In Our Garden, And I Have No Idea…

She delivered them in a flower pot in our garden, and I have no idea what to do! The kittens are lying there crying for milk, but the mother will not even look at them. It’s horrifying, and I am truly at a loss. We have a dog, Buddy, and he’s a bit too playful to be gentle enough around new-born kittens, so I’m trying my best to keep him away from them for now. If anyone has ANY suggestions at all, PLEASE let me know, I would truly appreciate it.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
When I Straighten My Dogs Front Paw She Cries Out In Pain And Tries To…

When I straighten my dogs front paw she cries out in pain and tries to keep me from touching her paw again. However when I was feeling her bones she had no reaction and I felt no difference when compared to the other paw. Sometimes she limps and other times she’s fine, even has the energy to chase after me and play. I’m really worried because she’s a small 2 year old 4 lb. Yorkshire Terrier and when she cries out in pain it sounds like she’s screaming.

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Yes take her to a Vet….there is obviously something going on with her foot that needs investigating.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It sounds to me that she needs to see a vet, if nothing else, a vet could prescribe pain medicine to make your dog more comfortable.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Yesterday He Kinda Cried Out When Someone Touched His One Side Of The Face…

Yesterday he kinda cried out when someone touched his one side of the face! But we checked no marks or cuts. Well he seemed ok after a few hours after then today he seemed really different a lot calmer didn’t wanna get out of bed his usual normal things he did during the morning wasn’t the same! He then starting to walk funny now he refuses to walk he won’t come upstairs unless he’s carried!He usually runs around when husband gets home but he stayed on the couch wouldn’t move I had to kinda help him off the couch to even go near my husband but he still didn’t act the same! Even when my son coming home from school he’s always waiting happily at the door but he just lays on the couch! Also he’s been shaking here and there! He’s eating now but wasn’t he’s drinking and peeing! He hasn’t went number two today except this morning a little! He was running around fine yesterday just minus the touching his face a few time! Other then that he was ok ! It’s scaring me. then today he seems not to be getting better, he starting crying he wont stand up. he does still use the bathroom and hes drinking!

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello Carrie, there is obviously something very wrong with your dog. We can’t tell you what but he needs to see a Vet urgently.

    It could possibly be a toxin or poison the way it started on his face and has spread….though it could be something else entirely. 

    You need to take him to a Vet urgently. Someone on here mentioned Care Credit perhaps you could try them…but this is an emergency it seems your dog is getting worse and needs urgent treatment. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Try To Feel Around Her Stomach And Paws But When I Do, She Doesn’t…

I try to feel around her stomach and paws but when I do, she doesn’t cry which makes me think she’s not in pain. But whenever she tries to stand, she’s clearly in pain.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    It’s hard to say what could be going on…Is your dog spayed? Has she eaten anything abnormal? Is she eating/ drinking/peeing/pooping….
    It sounds like a vet trip is in need, crying and acting painful is a cause for concern that you should get her seen by a vet.
    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Last Week He Cried And It Was Bleeding Underneath His Nail On His Back Paw…

Last week he cried and it was bleeding underneath his nail on his back paw. We stopped the bleeding and he seemed to be ok besides favoring it a little and licking. We eased up on his physical activity for a few days and he seemed to go back to normal. Yesterday morning he started bleeding a little and won’t let me get close look at the paw and licks it more. He still loves to play and eats normally. Is it something that will heal on its own or should I take him in to see our vet?

2 Responses


  1. Lisa Pfab

    that looks infected, he probably broke a nail under the skin and it has gotten infected. I would take him to the vet.  You could soak his paw in warm water and epsom salts and it may help the pain some

  2. Briana Benson

    Thanks so much! I’m waiting until my vet office opens to call.