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Karin | 5 years ago
Our Houston Vet Confirmed This Dog As Already Neutered. He As A Slight Greenish Discharge Coming …

Our Houston vet confirmed this dog as already neutered. He as a slight greenish discharge coming from his penis. He was seen by his adopted family’s vet who said he has most likely Cryptorchid, that his testicles have failed to descend into his scrotum. This vet recommended a special procedure for neuter.
How could that be missed by the first vet? What do you think is going on with this little fella who only weighs 11 pounds and is 3 years old?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    As with all things it is hard to diagnose via a photo. But. Here are my thoughts.
    1. In almost all cases of preputial discharge it is normal. I don’t go too crazy about it. It is usually a small amount, thick green-yellow and the patient is acting normally.
    2. Although rare, bilateral crytochordism can happen. But typically we have a good history to go by. I start palpating for testes at the first visit and check every subsequent one. I know if they haven’t descended and we go looking for them at age 9-11 months. I will add a blog I have written on it.
    3. I would be very careful based on that photo that these are the bulbourethral glands.

    Please ask for a second opinion before going under anesthesia to remove these.

    Let us know what happens.

    Thank you for rescuing

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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Cryptorchid Canine Neuter. This Is Cochise. He Only Had One Testicle In The Scrotum. The Other Was Found In The Abdomen. Why You Never Leave A Nut Behind (;-))!
Treatment Cost (USD): $945.00
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Canine Neuter And Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery, Meet Beau And Baxter. Brothers With The Same Surgery, Same Day!
Treatment Cost (USD): $357.00
Beau (black) and Baxter (brown) are brothers. They are 8 months old and their parents wanted to neuter them to try to help the urine marking, aggression which can sometimes occur with brothers, and surgically correct their umbilical hernias. The hernias were found on physical exam with the veterinarian who gave them all of their puppy vaccines. hernias can be small and benign to large, severe and in need of immediate (or as soon as possible) surgical intervention. The severe hernias allow abdominal contents (usually intestines) to "slip" out of the abdomen. If this happens, and, if the intestines stop working, strangulate, dilate, or twist (torse) it can be life-threatening. For Baxter and Beau the hernia was small, (about 1/2 inch) but a pinkie finger could go into it, and the fat coming out of it could be pushed back into the abdomen. It is best to fix these and always spay/neuter as this is a congenital issue that can be passed on to the offspring.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Oliver’s Story – Canine Cryptorchid Neuter In A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Treatment Cost (USD): $683.00
Oliver is a one year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who had two abnormalities: a small umbilical hernia, and an undescended right testicle. This is known as cryptorchidism, which is a medical term that refers to the failure of one or both testicles (testes) to descend into the scrotal sac. In most cases of cryptorchidism, the undescended testicle is retained in the inguinal canal or in the abdomen. In Oliver's case, it was located in his inguinal canal. Neutering a cryptorchid dog is a bit more complicated than neutering a dog whose testicles have descended normally, so the cost is often a bit higher in these cases.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Cash Was Purchased At 8 Weeks Old From A Private Breeder. He Was Seen Every…
Treatment Cost (USD): $930.00
Cash was purchased from a private breeder at 8 weeks old. At his first examination I, his veterinarian, found that only one of his testicles was in the scrotal sac where it belonged. He also has a small umbilical hernia.
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Cash Was Purchased At 8 Weeks Old From A Private Breeder. He Was Seen Every…
Treatment Cost (USD): $930.00
Cash was purchased from a private breeder at 8 weeks old. At his first examination I, his veterinarian, found that only one of his testicles was in the scrotal sac where it belonged. He also has a small umbilical hernia.
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