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Joseph | 7 months ago
My Dachshund Is Having Back Issues And I Heard About A Procedure Call PLDA That Might …

My dachshund is having back issues and I heard about a procedure call PLDA that might help my dog’s condition. Is this procedure safe for my dog ? I’ve seen write-ups on the internet about it, but no new reports on it since the early 2010’s. Is this still a viable answer to my dog’s condition? Ay help would be greatly appreciated . Thank you.

Joseph Kuzma

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. I don’t know any patients or veterinarians who have had this procedure. This would have to be answered by a neurologist or surgeon

  2. Joseph Post author

    Thank you for replying. I was just wondering why nothing has been written about it for 10 to 15 years. I live in Connecticut . I found a vet in Pennsylvania who performs the procedure, but I have to wait for my dog’s pain to be relieved before the procedure can be performed. I will call my vet on Monday and ask their opinion. Thank you, again for your reply.

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Rance | 1 year ago
My Rescue Dog Copper He Is Amazing, Protective And Overall A Huge Part Of My Familys …

My rescue dog Copper he is amazing, protective and overall a huge part of my familys life. He looks like he has dachshund in hin the length reminds me. Recently we started seeing a limp in his back left leg. He has not been hurt at all. I thought maybe a sprain from playing he does get wild with the neighbors bigger pup. So we gradually notice it getting worse over the week hes limping and the muscle has all gone. I have been walking him maybe gain some back he wont even put pressure on his back leg. Its been a couple weeks and we come home and there is blood comong from his genital when the part comes out. It seems as if he has no control o er it anymore. My heart is hurting and i dont want to put him down he is only 2 years old but he seems missreable. He does not speak it (cry) but the look in his eyes tells me everything i need to know. I do not have the money now to go to vet and pay 1,000 tell i get a new job. Please anyone if you have been through anything similar or any home remedies to ease him.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup. It really sounds like he needs to be seen by a veterinarian. For cases like these I tell clients to please pay the cost of rhe exam and then we can at least get some idea of what’s going on. In some cases I try an antibiotic and pain medication and then have people save up for an X-ray.
    But a limp is not a reason to put a dog to sleep. The only time I might discuss lameness and euthanasia is if I am worried about cancer. But your dog is very young for this.

    Start with a phone call to a vet for an appointment and go from there.

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Kayla Jo | 2 years ago
Hey Everyone. My Sweet Baby Girl Ellie May Is 11 Going On 12 And Has IVDD With Back …

Hey everyone. My sweet baby girl Ellie May is 11 going on 12 and has IVDD with back leg paralysis. The funny thing is that overtime she has been able to sometimes memory walk which resembles a raccoon on our carpet and can even kick her back feet when you carry her. She’s unable to urinate on her own so I do that for her and have for years. She has a wheelchair, her own playpen and even her own stroller because she is my diva child.

Last weekend little miss decided to jump from her stroller because she was too impatient to see what I was cooking in the kitchen. She didn’t help or anything and has even done this before and it doesn’t phase her but about gives me a stroke. Last Sunday morning I was getting her out of bed and she yelped and when I gently sat her on the floor to get her morning drink before tinkle time she flopped out on her left side. Since then she has weakness In the front and she knuckles the foot but can still put pressure but is hard to get around and will cry in pain and breathes heavier. She’s a dachshund so we all know their attitude and behaviors.

I called my veterinarian and it has been a back and forth battle the ENTIRE week and I haven’t actually spoken to the vet just desk people who apparently don’t like to pass messages or do anything really. I totally understand how busy a farm vet practice is but some communication would be nice. Thankfully I had some gabapentin left from her sister Miley’s dental and have been doing that twice a day but the dose is in half as she weighs less than Miley. When they did call me back they said yes what I was doing was fine as I’m also doing crate rest. I’ve done this dance before with my girl so we know what to do. From the start she wasn’t a candidate for surgery they said since she had already lost function In her legs. But with my love and care she bounced back within 2 weeks and then slipped again a few weeks later and has been without full use since.

I expressed my concern she could have slipped a front, they don’t seem all too worried,really????? Now my hubby and I have a game plan that as long as Ellie has the will to fight and live then so do we but the second she is truly suffering we will not allow her to deal with that. I’ve had so many folks wonder why we have a special girl and didn’t just put her down, I respond with would you shoot your own child if he broke his leg and couldn’t play sports again? You don’t give up on your dogs. If anything she has more attitude being my handy girl. We call her the sheriff of tiny town. I called my vet yet again yesterday to try and get in for a steroid injection and some nsaids and they just don’t seem to pass the message. So tomorrow I’m calling as their hours are 8a-12pm and if they can’t get me in then praying that at least doc can call the meds in for her. As a mama of an IVDD baby I’m familiar with the drill. Thank you for letting me vent.

We are ordering a secondary pop up playpen for her for when we are upstairs and when we are downstairs . Also ordering a raised bowl set so she isn’t angling her head down, I’ve rolled up blankets into the open areas in her playhouse so she is more secure and comfortable. Are there any other IVDD parents out there? Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Congratulations on doing so well with managing your pups disease. It really is a total investment in love.
    I know a lot of people like Dodgers list Facebook page. If you aren’t a part of that community go there.
    If you have specific questions I will do my best to help. I have a really exhaustive library of information on my YouTube channel and blog. Maybe they can help? Search Ivdd on the YouTube channel or blog at kmdvm.blogspot.Com.

    Good luck.

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Joseph | 2 years ago
I Gave My 15 Lb Dachshund A Whole Tablet Of 250mg Of Metronidazole By Accident Instead Of …

I gave my 15 lb dachshund a whole tablet of 250mg of metronidazole by accident instead of a half tablet. Can this be harmful to him?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    For all accidental ingestions I recommend calling pet poison. But this is a dose I would suspect is not too far out of the dosage range to cause much worry. Call the vet who prescribed it or the pet poison company

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Dewald | 4 years ago
Good Day Everyone, My Question Is About My 6 Week Old Dachshund Pup Hazel She Is Healthy …

Good Day Everyone,

My question is about my 6 week old dachshund pup Hazel

She is healthy and super active but I have noticed that she will cry all the time until I pick her up ( I work from home too so I have plenty of time for her but meetings are hard lol )

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    This is just one of many problems with bringing an underage puppy home – that pup needs to be with her littermates for AT LEAST 2 more weeks for proper mental development. I strongly suggest getting a Snuggle Puppy to help her adjust. It’ll help you crate train, as well.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I think it might be time to seek some help from a puppy class or trainer, or even see if you can find someone local to help with doggie daycare. Or even find another friend who has a puppy so they can play together. It’s time for healthy boundaries and lots of socializing with other people and pets. It might even be time for a little tough love so you don’t end up with separation anxiety issues.
    Your puppy is insecure and needs to feel that it is ok to have alone and down time. Essentially a quiet nap time out.

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Lisa | 4 years ago
My Dachshund Lucy Is Now Starting Her 3rd Week Of Conservative Home Care For IVDD From …

My dachshund Lucy is now starting her 3rd week of conservative home care for IVDD from C1-2 with paralysis of front and rear legs with deep pain present in all extremities. She is currently on gabapentin, prednisone, pepcid, and methocarbamol. I’m trying my best to stay hopeful however she still has pain with any movement. The only time I move her is for repositioning, cleaning, and feeding. I can’t afford surgery due to spending several thousand at the ER vets where she was misdiagnosed numerous times. I will however do anything in my power to keep her happy, functional, and pain free. I’m fine with her ending up in a quad chair if that’s the best we can do. Am I doing my best?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing the doses that you are using I would say it might be helpful to see if you can get into a neurologist ASAP. I would also ask about increasing the doses of the meds with your current vet. Also acupuncture might help. Lastly I think that at this point you may have to consider rechecking xrays to make sure this isn’t a fracture or neoplasia. I guess I would suggest to regroup and reassess. I hope this helps. Good luck

    1. Lisa Post author

      It does help. We do have an appointment to see a vet acupuncturist but with the holiday they are booked until Jan. 13. We have consulted on Zoom with a neuro who read her CT. Thank you!

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Jennifer Farrell | 4 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Dachshund Mix Who I’ve Had On Grain Free Food For …

I have a 12 year old dachshund mix who I’ve had on grain free food for about 5 years. He has had ear issues over the years but it’s been manageable and infrequent. I have been transitioning him to Purina Pro Plan for bright minds and all the sudden his ears are bright pink and he’s shaking his head constantly. I have read so many terrible things about the grain free diets but now I wonder if I made a mistake and he might actually have sensitivity to grains bc I had him on grain free food for so long. Is that possible? Should I just go back to the grain free food given his old age?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    As I understand it (and I’m NOT a vet, but I’ve had conversations with a few veterinary nutrition experts about this since my dog has a food sensitivity), dogs are more likely to be allergic to the protein source than the grains. Chicken, beef, and lamb seem to be the most common protein allergens.

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Nina | 4 years ago
Hi. I Am The Proud Momma Of An Amazing Dachshund Named Gia. Gia Is A Nine …

Hi. I am the proud momma of an amazing dachshund named Gia. Gia is a nine year old beautiful girl who hurt her back on the 18th of September. So far we have gone to the vet twice and one ER visit. Gia is currently taking pain medication and a muscle relaxer all of which are helping with the crate rest. My question is, how long before she starts to feel a little better? I heard that 6-8 weeks of crate rest at minimum, and I am worrying because this is the first time that I have seen Gia be so lethargic. The YouTube videos that I saw were extremely encouraging to a person who is going through an IVDD suspect injury.

0 Responses
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James | 5 years ago
My Four Year Old Dachshund Was Just Diagnosed With IVDD, And Is Presenting With Full Paralysis …

My four year old dachshund was just diagnosed with IVDD, and is presenting with full paralysis of his hind legs. He seems to be in a lot of pain despite being put on Robaxin by our vet. I am feeling very overwhelmed because it happened so suddenly, and am really looking for ways to help him as much as I can. I work full time as well, but live with my parents who will be home with him everyday so I would like to be able to coach them in what I learn. Is there a go to resource for helping your dog to heal from IVDD?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- so sorry!! Dr. Magnifico has videos that may be able to help you on her YouTube channel. I would take a look there… very best of luck to you and your pup????????

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Ana Garcia | 5 years ago
Hello! I Have Been A Follower For A Couple Of Years And You Helped Me To …

Hello! I have been a follower for a couple of years and you helped me to not give up hope when my 15 year old dachshund suffered from cervical IVDD in October….he was completely paralyzed for 1 month and is mostly back to his rambunctious self. Thank you!!
I do have a question. I am currently fostering an old lady chihuahua who has red eyes. I was wondering if you had come across it or have any resources I could use? She does not have conjunctivitis. She sees well, but does appear to startle if we move too quickly. It appears that the cornea and iris are red…like that of a hamster or rat. There is not really any pupil distinction, however, it does not seem as though she suffers from light sensitivity. Thank you for any information that you can provide.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If she wasnt born like this ( a condition where there arent any of the normal pigments present in the eyes, as in forms of albinism) then I would see a vet asap. I would be afraid of neoplasia (can happen in the iris), high blood pressure, and even bleeding disorders. Your vet can do a cursory ophthalmic exam to help identify a problem versus a congenital, or acquired condition. In many cases your vet might want to refer you to a boarded ophthalmologist for confirmation and treatment assistance.