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Joel | 3 months ago
Hi Krista, I Discovered Your YouTube Videos Yesterday And Found Your Advice On Cat Care Incredibly …

Hi Krista,

I discovered your YouTube videos yesterday and found your advice on cat care incredibly helpful. My wife and I are caring for our 18-year-old Birman cat, who is in stage 4 kidney disease with significant muscle loss. She’s also struggling with constipation and has other health issues, including high blood pressure and a heart murmur.

Currently, we’re feeding her a mix of wet food (chicken broth, chicken, pumpkin, and egg yolk), and providing SubCut fluids (50ml/day), along with the following supplements:

– Epakitin (0.5g/day)
– Pet-Tinic (2ml/day)
– Lactulose (3ml/day)
– Phos-Bind (0.2g/day)
– Potassium chloride (0.19g/day mixed in the broth – though we’re concerned she’s not getting the full amount since she’s unable to finish the broth).
– In addition, she’s on Amlodipine (0.25ml/day) to manage her high blood pressure.

Despite this, her weight has decreased significantly over the past year. She was once 3.3kg, but a year ago dropped to 2.5kg, and three weeks ago, it dropped again to 1.8kg, despite our best efforts to feed her.

A week ago, we had an enema done at the vet, which relieved some diarrhea, but there was still hardened stool near her anus. We’ve been massaging her abdomen and anus daily to stimulate defecation, and were able to help her pass a large, hard stool last Wednesday. Since then, she’s only passed small amounts of stool – mostly liquid or dark – and has had a lot of difficulty.

Today, we used a Pedia-Lax suppository (1ml), and after about 30 minutes, she passed a larger stool with dark liquid diarrhea. The stool was slightly hard, dark, and very smelly. She’s now very exhausted and resting, but did purr a bit before falling asleep.

For hydration, I gave her 10ml of SubCut fluids before the suppository to prevent dehydration. We’ve seen three different vets, but none have been able to provide lasting relief.

We’re reaching out for advice on whether we’re on the right track and if there’s anything else we can do to help her feel better and poop more easily. Any suggestions, given the circumstances, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for your time and any guidance you can offer.

Warm regards,

Joel and Sonia

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat.

    I think that the question is how to help manage the constipation? I think that the weight loss and progression of the kidney disease is Kelly part of the problem. Have you checked her thyroid function? I typically see these older cats having this disease develop with the others your cat has. This disease also causes muscle loss. But this one has an available treatment option.
    I think that you should recheck your blood work and see if’s his might be part of the reason for the constipation.
    Also try to encourage play and exercise. It will help her fell better and eat better and also help the internal muscles that assist the colon and avoid constipation.

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Clarice Ann | 4 years ago
Is My 4 Month-old Puppy Suffering From Depression Or Something Else?

This is the third day without Atlas — Apollo’s littermate, alpha and captain. We lost him due to hemorrhage and dehydration. He just recently turned 4 months. Apollo hasn’t been eating and drinking water today. Was asleep all the time, too. Previously, he wakes up at night and cries so he comes to me in bed to wake me up. Last night he started vomiting and having loose stools. I can also here rumbling in his stomach, and i think is passing gas. Earlier that day we went on a walk and had munched a few plants/weeds on the way. He has also accidentally taken in expired milk he left the other day. Today the stool had a few blood patches in it. I’m worried he might end up his brother. Is he only suffering from dog depression, or is there other medial conditions?

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    This sounds very serious… the lethargy, the blood in the stool and loose stool. Not how a four month old puppy should be acting. I would make an appointment with the vet right away. The first fear that comes to mind is possibility of parvo… which can be deadly. I hope your puppy is ok.

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Diana | 5 years ago
My Vet Strongly Suspects My Cat Has A Nasal Polyp. She Has Be Snoring/snarling Consistently …

My vet strongly suspects my cat has a nasal polyp. She has be snoring/snarling consistently for 2.5 years, but is otherwise fine. When it began, I first had a potential infection treated with two antibiotics, followed by a teeth cleaning, that yielded no issues with the teeth, and ended with a nasal flush. My vet was hoping to be able to see and grab the polyp during the flush, but couldn’t. Because she was otherwise healthy, eating, and playing, I went without treating it. Recently, she was treated for a G.I. flair up that had her not eating. She had begun not eating or moving get bowels for days. Once vomiting was added in, I took her to Metropolitan Emergency Vet. They gave her an ultrasound, saw the inflammation and gas in her abdomen, took a CBC, gave her fluids and nausea medication and sent her home a couple hours later for $800. Her bloodwork was was fine, aside from dehydration. She continued not to eat, so I brought her to my vet a day and a half later. They did an x-ray and saw the lower intestine looked aggravated. They kept her for the weekend and gave her fluids and more nausea medication. She returned to me after two days and began eating again at home. I’m awaiting the additional $600 bill for that. While being discharged, one of the docs urged me to address what she felt strongly was likely a polyp in her nasal cavity, as she believed it may now be large enough that it’s limiting her ability to smell, which may have contributed to the refusal to eat with the G.I. issue coexisting for a few days. She referred me to the specialty docs locally to have the nasal polyp removed. They are quoting me $3,195 plus. They said it would be $195 for a internal med consult, $1,500 for a “necessary” CT, and $1,500 or more for the Rhinoscopy. My vet said Lilah is otherwise a healthy 12 year old cat. I am sick with the cost, as I will need to put it all on a credit card. I have called around to multiple other specialty vets and I’m getting comparable quotes. I have had family members suggest I euthanize my cat over a nasal polyp, which I absolutely will not do. I stumbled across a Utube video of you removing a nasal polyp, so I tracked you down by name, wondering if you could help Lilah? I’m two hours from your practice, which is close enough. I’d really appreciate you getting back to me. As of now, we have a consult scheduled for 3/4, and I’m sick over the cost.

Thank you,
Diana Maginn

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Well! That’s quite a huge long laundry list of issues. Has anyone done a FeLV/ FIV test? What does the blood work look like?
    While no one can rule out a polyp without a scope or ct scan this does sound like a long list of issues and I worry there is an underlying issue causing many of them. I would ask your vet to sedate her and look behind the soft palate to see if there is a visible polyp that might be able to be removed with traction avulsion. Otherwise I think the retro flex endoscopy and ct are the only way to diagnose. Although I would ask some very hard and direct questions about what can actually be done if they’d one it buried dee within the nasal cavity? I hope this helps.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My Cat Ran Away For 7 Weeks We Found Her Extremely Malnourished And Dehydrated Displaying…

My cat ran away for 7 weeks we found her extremely malnourished and dehydrated displaying neurological issues. We rushed her to the vet but we couldn’t afford the hospitalisation so we took jer home with prescriptions and subcutaneous fluid replacement therapy. Jer liver enzymes were elevated they said it should get better as she eat very slowly in small quantities. Its been 5 days since we found her. The neuro issues have disappeared. She has been peeing regularly in increasing quantities and though week she can walk around. She is alerte. But she refuses any food in any form. I have tried wet dry kitten formula replacement. She eat a bite or two the first days and nothing since. What should i do?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would call the vet back, to be quite honest. 5 days with almost no food is a critical issue.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with Laura- she needs some nourishment. Ask your vet- perhaps syringe feeding us an option? I would also ask my vet about hospitalization costs, and discuss different affordable options as well as payment options. See if there is a way you can put s lump sum down up front and then pay the rest off monthly? Best of luck.

  3. Joe Johnson

    I suggest you check into how easy assisted feeding with oral syringes is once you and your cat get the hang of it. You’d have to go real slow at first – maybe 1ml per quirt and only 5ml every 1/2 hour or so, but it’s pretty darn simple once you get the hang of it. Almost any canned pet food can be turned into a slurry/shake with water and a blender or even with just a spoon and a lot of patience, if it’s pate style. I’d suggest going with food you know your cat loves, so that it’s easier for them to get comfortable with the concept. You must go VERY slow to begin with or you run the very serious risk of getting liquid into their lungs, which can be deadly. There are decent videos on You tube going over all of this in detail and I assume your vet would be more than happy to show you first hand how it’s done.
    First and foremost though, please go see the vet.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Hello! I Have A Puppy Named Chico, He’s A Japanese Spitz. He’s Only 4 Months…

Hello! I have a puppy named Chico, he’s a Japanese Spitz. He’s only 4 months old and he’s a really healthy dog. He eats a lot, he drinks a lot. However since 2 days ago, he hasn’t eaten anything. He doesn’t want to eat anything, he drinks water though. But he really doesn’t want to eat. Whenever we gave him food, after a few hours, he’ll vomit that food that he ate. We think it’s dehydration, but just like what, I’ve said awhile ago, he likes to drink a lot of water so I don’t think that he’s dehydrated. Since 2 days ago, he has lost around 4 pounds I think. We’ve tried giving him electrolyte like Gatorade, we’ve also given him metoclopramide, and dextrose also. But he always vomits his medicine after a few hours also. What should I do? Please help me, he’s really gloomy.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Based on your puppies age I have to urge you to go to the vet immediately. Any illness or disease in a puppy this young can be and should be regarded as an emergency. I worry about parvo, parasites and a slew of other things that can be dangerous and even deadly if not addressed quickly. Dehydration kills puppies. Quick. Please see a vet immediately.

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Shiria | 7 years ago
How Much Medication At The Same Time Without Damaging The Bodytoo Much? So, We Have A…

How much medication at the same time without damaging the bodytoo much?
So, we have a group of 22 kittens (6 months) and 2 mothers. All are treatet for ringworm (Microsporum Canis) and in 3 days are finished (only 8 showed symptoms, but since they all had contact, all had to be treated).
They were treated with Itraconazole (1 week treatment, 1 week break, 1 week treatment, another 1 week break and a last week treatment). Additionally they were bathed 1 once a week in Enilconazole.

Some of them are treated with marbocyl for cat flu right now (most likely Calici).

Additional they were tested positive for giardia and worms (Toxocaridae?) last friday after most of them developed bad diarrhea that smelled incredibly bad.
For the Giardia they get treated with Metronidazole (twice a day).
Fenbendazole is not an option, as it doesn’t help anymore most of the time.

So now I still need deworm them and make a flea treatment (as they have also fleas). I don’t want to do worm and flea medication at the same day – as that would mean that at least the ones with cat flu would get 5 medications at the same time.

Only two more days till the ring worm treatment is finished, so I thought of doing flea treatment the following day and deworming the day after that to spread the treatment a little.

Some of them are clearly not well right now, so while I would normally deflea/deworm at the same time, I’m a bit hesitant here.

What do you think?

What I have to add – one of the kittens died this morning without known reason. It was not extremly thin or dehydrated and acted normal when I saw it the first time this morning. When a collegue wanted to clean their room she called me because it would lie on the floor and couldn’t move. (I was like 20 meters away in another room) She said it made strange noises and lost poo (diarrhea). When I arrived it was already gone. The hair on his tail was poofed up, eyes/pupils wide, but no heart beat and breathing. I tried to bring it back, but without success.
It had no signs of being extremly sick. It was not affected by ringworm itself and hat no catflu. It had diarrhea, but ate well. It played, was active and so on. It showed no signs of liver problems (as Itraconazole could cause that) like yellow skin.

No one has seen what happened. I was thinking that it may has fallen off a wooden layer that are left and right to the door, right beneath the windows. The cats like to sit in it and look out the windows or wait for someone to come inside. But those are only like 1,20m in height.

So I’m even more worried that all those medicaton already was too much for that one :(.

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    I am assuming all medications were prescribed by a veterinarian and an exam done on all kittens? If so I would check with the prescribing Dr. I have had foster puppies who have been incredibly sick and on many medications at once at the advice of our vet. In the case of my foster pups they were very sick, the risk of not treating outweighed the risk of treating. That is a conversation though that you should have with the vet who examined and prescribed the meds. Best of luck with the kittens and so very sorry for your loss.

  2. Shiria Post author

    Thanks for your answer. Yes, all medication were prescribed by the vet of our shelter. I also planned to ask her this tomorrow when the next visit is scheduled. Just wanted to ask for other peoples experiences for similar situations.
    We also had very sick kittens, where the risk of not treating them was bigger than the risk of treating – but they had other problems.

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Shiria | 8 years ago
Fancy Mouse And Tetracycline Antibiotics? So I Had A Ca. 9 Month Old Fancy Mouse Who…

Fancy Mouse and Tetracycline Antibiotics?

So I had a ca. 9 month old fancy mouse who started with an irriteted eye around 2 weeks ago. She was otherwise fine and healthy and had a weight of 32gram. She got eye drops twice a day for 10 days, but that didn’t help much.
So last Thursday (two days ago) I visited the vet again and she got tetracycline s.c. and I got some of it home, to inject it to her every two days additional to her eye drops.
So when I wanted to give it to her today, I found her outside of her hiding places cold and apathic. She rarely made trembling, seemingly non controlled movements with her head and paws, but couldn’t walk or rob. She didn’t really react when I took her in my hands. I rushed to the vet where she got fluids and vitamins (B12). Her weight was still fine and she was only a little dehydrated. I kept her warm and should keep her hydrated and try to feed her. She still died around 2 hours later, but she was her hiding spot, together with the other mice she lived with.
Is it possible that it was an reaction to the Tetracycline, that she maybe couldn’t metabolize it or something? It just came so suddenly without warning. Thanks for reading.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mouse. I think that you tried very hard to help her and that very often it is very difficult and almost impossible to know what is going on and whether or not it will be responsive to treatment. I think that she was telling you for a few days and that it might have just been an untreatable condition. Sadly these pets don’t often live long. I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like you were an excellent parent to your mouse.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hello! My 4 Month Year Old Lab Had Diarrhea Last Night And Seems To…

Hello! My 4 month year old Lab had diarrhea last night and seems to go every 2 to 3 hours. I tried her on some rice and she vomited. She acts ok. She still will play then nap, which is kinda normal. After the rice her pooped looked green?I wonder if anyone has some advice to avoid dehydration? How soon should I take her in?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    If your puppy is 4 months old, this is an emergency. Get her to an emergency vet NOW.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I agree with Laura get your pup to a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Dachshund Frequent Urination, Lack Of Appetite, Tired And Weak. No Fever, He’s Dehydrated And…

dachshund frequent urination, lack of appetite, tired and weak. No fever, he’s dehydrated and currently getting fluid at the vet along with antibiotics. What could be making him sick? he started getting like this earlier this week

2 Responses


  1. David R Thompson DVM

    With out additional info the problem list is long even if you have ruled out infection. Let your vet perform some blood work and other test to reach a diagnosis

  2. Angie Shoop

    Hi David. Blood work has been done and they only said his while blood count was low. Also checked his urine and it came back ok. Haven’t really gave any information as to why he is sick

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Has Her Parvo Shots But Her Sister Passed Away From An Unknown Illness And…

She has her parvo shots but her sister passed away from an unknown illness and I’m just worried that she might have got It. she has been really stressed recently and she’s been staying at numerous peoples house until we get the area disinfected at her home and she has been eating a multitude of different dog food she is used to Alpo and blue diamond but at other peoples house she has been eating kibbles and bits could be what’s wrong with her and what do I need to do to help her get rid of the diarrhea is an online that before at night tell me that I needed to keep her away from food and water for 12 hours. This seems kind of confusing to me thing as whenever someone has diarrhea they need to keep fluids to stay from dehydrating I’m very confused as to what to do.

15 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi Angel, you need to take her to the Vet urgently! 

    Never mind starve her, keep her away from water….this is a 3 month old puppy who has just lost her sibling from an unknown illness. Plus shes been here there and everywhere, fed different foods (why didn’t you get her food to send with her?)  and could have picked up any infection going. …now shes got diahrrea and is vomiting?

    Why aren’t you at the Vet already?! 

  2. Angel Medlock

    The puppy that my friend was talking about on this post is not mine she doesn’t think that there’s anything stomach t
    messed up I was just trying to let if she kept her away from water with her being as little as she is that she could get dehydrated really fast as much as she’s been passing diarrhea

  3. julie brader

    Oh I see…..apologies to you Angel, you should have made it clear this wasn’t your puppy. Well I hope your friend takes her to the Vet urgently or she could easily lose her like her sibling.

  4. Angel Medlock

    I’m sorry my keyboard is messed up what I meant to say I was just trying to let my friend know that keeping her away from water wasn’t going to do anything but dehydrate hurt and hurt her even more she asked 2 online vets and I told her to keep her away from food and water for 12 hours I did not believe that she should do this I was just trying to get confirmation from people that I know would give us the right information.

  5. Angel Medlock

    The vet told them not to feed her anything or to give her any water what you

  6. julie brader

    As our Vet Krista said…keeping water away from a puppy this young is dangerous! Shes just 3 months old…..dehydration can set in very easily at thaf age and she could die from it….shes already vomiting and has diarrhea..and already losing fluid. There is no messing about with puppies….this one needs a Vet now. I hope your friend realises that.

  7. julie brader

    I don’t want to speak out of turn here Angel…but doesn’t your friend realise how serious this is? This pup could still have Parvo even though shes had her shots. Her sibling died…..this puppy is very ill and needs to see a Vet urgently. I don’t understand why people get dogs and then risk their lives…it astounds me

  8. Molly Bitch

    Hey it’s my fucking dog and if you don’t like the way I’m doing shit the GET THE FUCK OFF THE POST THIS IS FOR SERIOUS HEARTFELT ANSWERS ONLY. If you have the money to send me to take my dog to the vet then by all means send it to me and I will take her because I had 4 dogs, my MEDICAL dog my husbands hunting dog, a dog that has been with me for 3-4 years, and this new puppy that was a rescue now then you don’t know the WHOLE STORY SO BACK THE FUCK OFF BECAUSE MY MEDICAL DOG WAS POISONED AND MY DOG THAT I HAVE HAD FOR 3-4 YEARS HAD TORN OFF HIS TOE NAIL AND SO I TOOK THE HUNTING DOG AND HIM TO THE FUCKING VET TO GET THEM TREATED AND SAFE THEN I GOT MY PUPPY AND NOW SHE IS DOING THIS SO BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DON’T JUDGE BECAUSE YOU CAN’T SAY SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING!!!

  9. julie brader

    No need for the abuse. You asked for advice on here. You got it.

  10. Angel Medlock

    Very rudely I might add. Also you were the one who called her out on what you seemed to believe was wrong. We asked for sincere heartfelt advice and your first comment was very sarcastic and rude.

  11. Molly Bitch

    EXACTLY I don’t see how people like you are allowed around animals at all. My dogs would all bite you if they met someone so rude and judgemental

  12. Angel Medlock

    What you have to understand is there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye. People are trying to poison our dogs my beagle lab mix as well. You made it sound as if we aren’t doing anything at all Molly has taken her dogs to the vet several times her vet I’ll as of this moment is incredibly steep. She loves her fur babies and treats them like her children. I can attest to this because her puppies visit me everyday. You almost make it sound like she doesn’t take care of them, but you’re seriously mistaken.

  13. Angel Medlock

    And Cleopatra has been to the vet test came back negative for canine distemper, adenovovirus type two, parainfluenza, and the parvovirus that is why we tried searching online to see what could be wrong. Before you assume we don’t take care of our animals.

  14. Angel Medlock

    That and we wouldn’t be searching online for help if we didn’t care.

  15. Molly Bitch

    Hmm i’m blocked really this lady shouldn’t have stuck her nose into my business nice try though you wanna block somebody then block the one that wants to start the attitudes and sarcasm crap BY THE WAY MY DOG IS FINE SO DON’T RUN YOUR MOUTH WHERE IT AIN’T WANTED PEACE OUT