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brian | 1 year ago
Dental With Tooth Extractions
Treatment Cost (USD): $629.18
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Lilith Broquard | 1 year ago
Hello! I Have A 2.5 Year Old Indoor Cat. At His Last Check-up The Vet Showed Me …

Hello! I have a 2.5 year old indoor cat. At his last check-up the vet showed me that he has red gums and suggested a mouthwash-type liquid (DentiCan) that I apply every day with my fingers (it’s really a spray but I’ve found that dipping my fingers in the liquid and running them over his gums is the only way to apply the product.) I haven’t really noticed any improvement. Is there anything else I can do prevention wise? What might be causing this issue in the first place? None of our other cats have gum issues and they all eat a high quality Hills diet. Thanks for your input!

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Blakely | 2 years ago
Canine Dental
Treatment Cost (USD): $423.83
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Kayla Jo | 2 years ago
Hey Everyone. My Sweet Baby Girl Ellie May Is 11 Going On 12 And Has IVDD With Back …

Hey everyone. My sweet baby girl Ellie May is 11 going on 12 and has IVDD with back leg paralysis. The funny thing is that overtime she has been able to sometimes memory walk which resembles a raccoon on our carpet and can even kick her back feet when you carry her. She’s unable to urinate on her own so I do that for her and have for years. She has a wheelchair, her own playpen and even her own stroller because she is my diva child.

Last weekend little miss decided to jump from her stroller because she was too impatient to see what I was cooking in the kitchen. She didn’t help or anything and has even done this before and it doesn’t phase her but about gives me a stroke. Last Sunday morning I was getting her out of bed and she yelped and when I gently sat her on the floor to get her morning drink before tinkle time she flopped out on her left side. Since then she has weakness In the front and she knuckles the foot but can still put pressure but is hard to get around and will cry in pain and breathes heavier. She’s a dachshund so we all know their attitude and behaviors.

I called my veterinarian and it has been a back and forth battle the ENTIRE week and I haven’t actually spoken to the vet just desk people who apparently don’t like to pass messages or do anything really. I totally understand how busy a farm vet practice is but some communication would be nice. Thankfully I had some gabapentin left from her sister Miley’s dental and have been doing that twice a day but the dose is in half as she weighs less than Miley. When they did call me back they said yes what I was doing was fine as I’m also doing crate rest. I’ve done this dance before with my girl so we know what to do. From the start she wasn’t a candidate for surgery they said since she had already lost function In her legs. But with my love and care she bounced back within 2 weeks and then slipped again a few weeks later and has been without full use since.

I expressed my concern she could have slipped a front, they don’t seem all too worried,really????? Now my hubby and I have a game plan that as long as Ellie has the will to fight and live then so do we but the second she is truly suffering we will not allow her to deal with that. I’ve had so many folks wonder why we have a special girl and didn’t just put her down, I respond with would you shoot your own child if he broke his leg and couldn’t play sports again? You don’t give up on your dogs. If anything she has more attitude being my handy girl. We call her the sheriff of tiny town. I called my vet yet again yesterday to try and get in for a steroid injection and some nsaids and they just don’t seem to pass the message. So tomorrow I’m calling as their hours are 8a-12pm and if they can’t get me in then praying that at least doc can call the meds in for her. As a mama of an IVDD baby I’m familiar with the drill. Thank you for letting me vent.

We are ordering a secondary pop up playpen for her for when we are upstairs and when we are downstairs . Also ordering a raised bowl set so she isn’t angling her head down, I’ve rolled up blankets into the open areas in her playhouse so she is more secure and comfortable. Are there any other IVDD parents out there? Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Congratulations on doing so well with managing your pups disease. It really is a total investment in love.
    I know a lot of people like Dodgers list Facebook page. If you aren’t a part of that community go there.
    If you have specific questions I will do my best to help. I have a really exhaustive library of information on my YouTube channel and blog. Maybe they can help? Search Ivdd on the YouTube channel or blog at kmdvm.blogspot.Com.

    Good luck.

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Alexis | 2 years ago
My DSH Cat Ollie, 6 Years Old Started Vomiting And Having Trouble Eating On Wed 3/1/23, Same Thing …

My DSH cat Ollie, 6 years old started vomiting and having trouble eating on Wed 3/1/23, same thing Thurs. threw up everything he ate. I gave him watered down fancy feast broth via syringe that evening. I took him to the ER vet Thurs night. The ER vet did body XRays and found nothing abnormal. Gave him fluids. She thought it might be related to his teeth removal in Aug 2022. She gave him pain meds and nausea medicine. There’s been no more vomiting.

Followed up with his veterinarian practice Friday morning 3/3/2023. She did a very thorough mouth exam. Did not believe related to dental work. His blood work came back normal. Was not reactive to firm pressure anywhere near mouth. She agreed to continue pain and nausea meds but no other info. Given antibiotic shot. He was fed watered down meat baby food on Friday and more water via syringe.

Saturday 3/4/2023 went back to his vet practice to see another vet. She did additional bloodwork and ruled out pancreatic issues. She did same exam and noted his was not reactive to pressure/touch anywhere except back of mouth/throat area. Told to stop pain meds. Given steroid shot to see if his throat/back of mouth is inflamed. Said should notice a difference Monday if this is effective. Has follow up with this vet on Tuesday morning. He started hills science prescription a/d food today via syringe and continuing water mixed with a little baby food for extra hydration/nourishment. She said if this doesn’t help he will need to seek an internal specialist.
Please help. Thoughts ?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a tough one because we don’t have a direction to go in

    Here’s my advice. First weigh him everyday. We need to be sure he is not losing weight. Next try a canned only food. I like science diet I/d. (As in intestinal diet). Available at your vets office. Ideally feed small meals every 3-4 hours as long as he is not vomiting. Next make sure a full cbc chemistry fecal (very important to do a fecal) and urine is done. Then full X-rays. If I am still worried I send the X-rays to a radiologist for review and then do an ultrasound. If possible find a feline only veterinarian to get a second opinion. Then I call for an internal medicine consult via my lab services company. All of these are things you should (hopefully) have access to before you go to an internal medicine specialist.

    The issue with your cat seems to be the hat you do not have a diagnosis for the cause of the vomiting. All of the above should help you get to one.
    I hope this helps. Please keep me posted.


  2. Alexis Post author

    Thank you Krista! The vomiting has stopped but he won’t eat on his own. I truly appreciate your help. I’m really trying while we work toward answers.

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Tammi | 2 years ago
I Have Two Dogs Who Made “friends” With A Skunk About A Week Ago. I Have …

I have two dogs who made “friends” with a skunk about a week ago. I have bathed them in hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, dawn dish soap. Also had the bathed at the groomer and then bathed them again at home with Skunk Out shampoo. The still smell but not too badly. What seems to really stink is when they open their mouths. I use Fresh Dental in their water with limited success. Any other suggestions?

1 Response


  1. Josaph

    You can use traditional methods like putting cardamom or fennel seeds in his mouth. This is a temporary solution. I hope this will be helpful. Lemon or vinegar can also be helpful.

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Jeri | 4 years ago
Hi, My Cat Daisy Recently Had Major Dental Surgery To Remove 12 Of Her Teeth. She Did …

Hi, my cat Daisy recently had major dental surgery to remove 12 of her teeth. She did well through it but shortly after started to pull her hair out as she grooms. Wherever she has rested there are clumps of hair and it’s primarily on her thighs. She’s eating well, acting normal and using the litter box normally. Can you help?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would contact your vet and make them aware of this new behavior right away.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would worry this is pain. Or stress. There are lots of medications available for these. Please call your vet.

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Melody | 4 years ago
What Can I Do For My Cat’s Teeth? My Cat Has Yellowed Teeth And Bad …

What can I do for my cat’s teeth? My cat has yellowed teeth and bad breath. His gumline is also red around some teeth. He’s eating and acting normally, but I’m very concerned about his teeth. It’s difficult to get a veterinary appointment where I live due to the pandemic so I’m only able to take him to the vet a month from now. Until I can take him to the vet, what can I do for a month to help his teeth?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I’m glad you have an appointment scheduled. It does sound like he needs to be seen by a vet and have his teeth looked at and cleaned. Perhaps your vet can push up your appointment?

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Micki | 4 years ago
My Cat Was Diagnosed On Monday With An Abscess Most Likely From Dental Problems. My Cat …

My cat was diagnosed on Monday with an abscess most likely from dental problems. My cat was given an antibiotic shot at the appointment. The abscess has not gone down. How long does it typically take to go away?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Some abscesses can be really difficult to resolve. Especially if in bone or deep in tissue. If I don’t see improvement on an antibiotic within a few days I change the antibiotic. If it still not responding it might be time for a culture or advanced diagnostics. Like X-ray or biopsy. Please keep in touch with your vet especially if you feel like things are not progressing as expected.

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MISTY | 4 years ago
My Eight Year Old Rat Terrier Went In For A Dental Cleaning And A Single Tooth …

My eight year old rat terrier went in for a dental cleaning and a single tooth removal, but ended up having to have fourteen teeth pulled. My vet said they were baby teeth that never fell out and had died. She did comment that he had a very unusual mouth. I was wondering why no other vet had ever noticed he still had baby teeth for all these years. Is this common?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I will say that every pre op dental exam I do I notify the pet parents of any residual baby teeth before undergoing anesthesia. I also check at every exam I do. I think it might be helpful to ask your vet to clarify and explain why you weren’t notified of this in advance.
    Good luck.